November 23, 2010

Employee fined for using employer’s equipment for personal business

Employee fined for using employer’s equipment for personal business
Conflicts of Interest Board v Raymond McNeil, OATH Index #09-307

OATH Administrative Law Judge Faye Lewis found that former New York City procurement analyst Raymond McNeil had used his City computer and his City e-mail account for a non-City purpose – engaging in his personal business -- during normal working hours.

Judge Lewis found that McNeil had violated the New York City Conflict of Interest Board’s Rules by using his City computer to send e-mails concerning his notary public services. Further, the decision notes that “[p]roviding one’s City government e-mail address and phone number as contact information for outside employment is in conflict with the proper discharge of [the employee’s] official duties.”

Although Judge Lewis recommended that a $600 fine be imposed on McNeil, the Conflicts of Interest Board decided to impose a $2,000 fine as the penalty for violated its Rules.

The decision is posted on the Internet at: