January 06, 2011

Certain New York State Department of Civil Service Rules and President's Regulations scheduled to be reviewed

Certain New York State Department of Civil Service Rules and President's Regulations scheduled to be reviewed
Source: State Register, January 5, 2011

The NYS Register dated January 5, 2011 reports that “Pursuant to section 207 of the State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA), notice is hereby provided of rules adopted by the New York State Civil Service Commission and President of the Commission during calendar years 2001 and 2006.”

Below is a brief description of each rule to be reviewed, the statutory authority underlying its promulgation, and a statement setting forth the justification for the ongoing need for each rule and its proposed continuation without further modification.

Rules adopted by the New York State Civil Service Commission during the Calendar Year 2001

Amendment to Chapter I of Title 4 of NYCRR (Rules for the Classified Service) Statutory Authority: Civil Service Law section 64(4)

Description of the Rule: The rule repealed sections 4.11 and 4.12 of the Rules for the Classified Service and added a new section 4.11 to such Rules.

The rule describes the rights and limitations of ‘‘contingent permanent’’ appointments to positions in the competitive, non-competitive and labor classes, which are defined as permanent appointments to positions that have been temporarily left vacant due to a leave of absence of the permanent incumbent of the position.

Proposed Action: The rule has functioned consistent with the purposes underlying its adoption and shall be continued without modification.

Amendments to Chapter II of Title 4 of NYCRR (Attendance Rules for Employees in New York State Departments and Institutions) Statutory Authority: Civil Service Law section 6

Description of the Rules: The rules amended sections 28-1.3(b), 28-2.1(c) and 28-3.7(a) and (c) of the Attendance Rules for managerial/confidential employees in New York State Departments and Institutions.

Sections 28-1.3(b) and 28-2.1(c) were amended upon the request of the Governor's Office of Employee Relations (GOER) to provide that qualified managerial/confidential employees may utilize up to 200 days of accrued sick leave credits to pay for health insurance premiums during retirement.

The amendments to sections 28-3.7(a) and (c) provide that the rules governing donations of leave credits for managerial/confidential employees shall be consistent with such leave donation policies granted represented employees through collective bargaining agreements.

Proposed Action: The rule has functioned consistent with the purposes underlying its adoption and shall be continued without modification.

Rules adopted by the New York State Civil Service Commission or Regulations adopted by the President of the Civil Service Commission during the Calendar Year 2006

Amendment to Chapter I of Title 4 of NYCRR (Rules for the Classified
Service) Statutory Authority: Civil Service law section 63

Description of the Rule: The rule revised section 4.5 of the Rules for the Classified Service to provide for probationary terms for positions of University Police Officer 1 and University Police Officer 1 (Spanish Language) of not less than 52 nor more than 78 weeks.

Proposed Action: The rule has functioned consistent with the purposes underlying its adoption and shall be continued without modification.

Amendment to Chapter V of the Title 4 of NYCRR (Regulations of the Department of Civil Service [President's regulations]) Statutory Authority: Public Officers Law sections 87, 89

Description of the Rule: Public Officers Law Article 6 (Freedom of Information Law; ‘‘FOIL’’) requires subject agencies to adopt regulations regarding public access to records.

The regulation amended Part 80 of the President's Regulations, ‘‘Public Access to Records,’’ to conform the language of such Part with provisions of FOIL by replacing references to ‘‘applications’’ for records with ‘‘requests ‘‘for records.

In accordance with FOIL, the regulation specifies how requests shall be acknowledged and addresses when the Department is unable to grant or deny a request for records within the initial twenty day period from when the request is received.

Proposed Action: The rule is required by the Public Officers Law and shall be continued without modification.

Various amendments to the Appendices to the Rules for the Classified Service

Appendix 1 (Exempt Class)

Appendix 2 (Non-competitive Class)

Statutory Authority:

Appendix 1: Civil Service Law, sections 6 and 41; 4 NYCRR 2.1

Appendix 2: Civil Service Law, sections 6 and 42; 4 NYCRR 2.2

N.B. Civil Service Commission rules relating to the jurisdictional classification of positions were specifically exempted from compliance with Executive Order No. 20 review requirements by the Governor's Office of Regulatory Reform (GORR), upon a finding by GORR that such review lacked substantial benefit.

Based upon this determination by GORR, and pursuant to subdivision (5) of SAPA section 207, a full recitation of amendments to Appendices 1 and 2 to Title 4 of NYCRR adopted by the Civil Service Commission during calendar years and 2001 and 2006 is hereby omitted.

Public Comments:

There is a forty-five (45) day public comment period following publication of this notice in the State Register on January 5, 2011.

Requests for information and public comments should be addressed to Judith I. Ratner, Esq., Deputy Commissioner and Counsel, Department of Civil Service, Alfred E. Smith Bldg., Albany, NY, 12239, (518) 473-2624, or by e-mail to judith.ratner@cs.state.ny.us