June 29, 2011

Removing a candidate's name from the eligible list

Removing a candidate's name from the eligible list
Ryff v Westchester Co. Personnel Office, 287 AD2d 723

The Westchester County Personnel Office removed Michael Ryff's name from the eligible list for police officer. Ryff demanded that the Office provide him with copies of reports concerning an investigation that resulted in his previous termination from his position as a probationary police officer with the Westchester County Department of Public Safety. The Appellate Division ruled that Ryff was not entitled to be given copies of such reports.

In addition, it declined to provide “judicial intervention,” ruling that the Personnel Office's determination to remove the Ryff's name from the eligible list after affording him an opportunity to submit written opposition to the disqualification pursuant to Civil Service Law Section 50(4)(e) was neither irrational nor arbitrary.

Civil Service Law Section 50(4)(e) permits the State or a municipal civil service commission to disqualification of an individual who was dismissed from his or her position upon stated charges alleging incompetence or misconduct. Section 50(4) also authorizes a commission to disqualify an individual following an investigation of his or her qualifications and an opportunity to object to such disqualification.