October 11, 2011

Changing vacation scheduling not a mandatory subject of collective bargaining

Changing vacation scheduling not a mandatory subject of collective bargaining
Mtr. of NYS Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Asso. and Elmira Correctional Facility, PERB Case U-23550

The Board reversed the Decision of the ALJ and dismissed NYSCOPBA's improper practice charge that alleged that the State had violated §209-a.1 (d) of the Act by unilaterally changing the manner in which unit employees working vacation relief are scheduled at the Elmira Correctional Facility.

The Board balanced the interests of unit employees in making plans and scheduling events against the State's need to provide corrections service by filling the vacant job openings through vacation leave and any other vacancies and found that the State's interests predominated.

Because the determination as to whether a particular work rule constitutes a mandatory or nonmandatory subject of bargaining involves identifying the subject matter and then balancing the competing interests of the employer and the employees, the Board concluded that the charge dealt with a nonmandatory subject of negotiations