August 01, 2012

New application filing period for all State promotion, transition, and open-competitive examinations

New application filing period for all State promotion, transition, and open-competitive examinations
New York State Department of Civil Service General Information Bulletin No. 12-03

New York Civil Service Department Director of Staffing Services Blaine Lynch has advised that the Department is implementing new filing periods for State civil service examinations commencing in Fall 2012.

The new application filing period will be 30 days for all promotion, transition, and open-competitive examinations.

This change is reported in General Information Bulletin No. 12-03 being distributed to State Department and Agency Directors of Human Resource, Personnel and Affirmative Action Officers.

The change is designed to allow the Department “to maintain a timely, high quality application review and to improve the efficiency of its test production schedule, while ensuring candidates have a sufficient and reasonable time in which to file an application for an examination.”

Bulletin No. 12-03 is posted on the Internet as a PDF file at: