December 01, 2012

NYPPL summaries most often read during the month of November 2012

NYPPL summaries most often read during the month of November 2012

The following were the five case summaries most often read by the 16,138 visitors to this LawBlog during the month of November 2012.

The legal distinction between domicile and residence at:

Essentials of the "Pickering Balancing Test” at:

A school board member seeking the removal of another member must demonstrate willful misconduct or neglect of duty of the part of the member at:

Ordering a correction officer to submit to a drug test, without more, does not violate the officer’s rights under the Constitution or §75 of the Civil Service Law at:


Court finds Pension Board's failure discontinue the payment of disability retirement benefits obviates the “suspension” of the retiree’s benefits at: