May 03, 2013

Teacher terminated after rejection constructive criticism of her ineffective teaching methods

Teacher terminated after rejection constructive criticism of her ineffective teaching methods

A tenured New York City teacher challenged her termination following a disciplinary arbitration hearing. Supreme Court dismissed her Article 75 petition and confirmed the New York City’s cross motion to confirm the arbitration award.

The Appellate Division unanimously affirmed the Supreme Court’s ruling.

The decision notes that “Adequate evidence in the record supported the Hearing Officer's determination” that the teacher was guilty of multiple specifications charging her with failure to follow procedures and carry out normal duties, and incompetent and inefficient service during three school years.

Further, said the court, evidence in the record showed that the teacher was either unwilling or unable to implement suggestions and constructive criticism of her ineffective teaching methods.

Quoting the Pell Doctrine [Pell v Board of Education, 34 NY2d 222], the Appellate Division said that under the circumstances the penalty of termination “does not shock our sense of fairness.”

The decision is posted on the Internet at: