June 08, 2013

Selected reports and information published by New York State's Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli

Selected reports and information published by New York State's Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli
Issued during the week ending June 8, 2013 [Click on text highlighted in bold to access the full report]

DiNapoli Issues Report On Public—Private Partnerships

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli called for strong oversight provisions if New York broadens the authority of the state to enter into public—private partnership (P3) projects or goes forward with private financing of public projects. DiNapoli’s recommendations follow the release of a reportWednesday examining the benefits and problems that have plagued P3 projects elsewhere in the country.

DiNapoli To Audit Superstorm Sandy Payments By State Agencies

State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli will examine payments made by the state in response to Superstorm Sandy to make sure state agencies received goods and services at the appropriate price.

DiNapoli: Elmira Showing Signs of Progress

The city of Elmira’s finances have improved in recent years due to higher rates of revenue growth and a concerted effort to control spending, according to a fiscal profile report issued last week by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The city, however, remains challenged by unemployment and poverty.

DiNapoli: Mayor’s FY 2014 City Budget is Balanced, but Substantial Risks Remain

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year is balanced, but challenges remain including the unknown cost of potential labor agreements and the likelihood of realizing anticipated revenue from the sale of new taxi medallions, according to an analysisof the city’s four—year financial plan released Wednesday by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

DiNapoli: Niagara Falls Hampered by Budget Deficits

The city of Niagara Falls has a growing disparity between its revenues and expenditures, forcing city officials to use nearly $22 million of its rainy day funds for operating costs from 2009 through 2013, according to an auditissued Tuesday by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced Thursday that his office completed audits of:

Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audits

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced Thursday that his office completed audits of: