October 21, 2013

Moreland Commission to hold third public hearing in New York City

Moreland Commission to hold third public hearing in New York City
Source: Moreland Commission Press Office

The Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption will hold its third public hearing on Monday, October 28, 2013 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center of New York. Hearings are scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. [Convention Center doors will open at 4:00.p.m]

Each hearing will cover specific subject areas. The October 28 hearing will focus on Campaign Finance Reform.

The Commission has invited the following individuals to testify:* 
New York State Board of Elections Co-Executive Directors, Robert Brehm & Todd Valentine and Deputy Enforcement Counsel, William McCann

New York City Campaign Finance Board Executive Director, Amy Loprest

New York Public Interest Research Group Research Coordinator, Bill Mahoney

Campaign Finance Institute Executive Director, Michael Malbin

Connecticut Deputy Secretary of State, James Spallone & Demos President, Miles Rapoport

NYC Council Members, Brad Lander and Carlos Menchaca

 New York State League of Women Voters President, Sally Robinson

Citizens Union Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, Alex Camarda

The Commission’s Internet site address is: http://publiccorruption.moreland.ny.gov/

* Members of the public are invited to attend only. Those invited to provide testimony to the Commission will be the only individuals to speak at the hearing.
