November 13, 2013

Audits issued by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli posted on the Internet

Audits issued by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli posted on the Internet
Source: Office of the State Comptroller

On November 13, 2013 the State Comptroller issued the following audit reports.
Click on text highlighted in color  to access the full report

Statewide Travel Audits:
As part of a statewide initiative to determine whether the use of travel money by selected government employees was appropriate, auditors looked at travel expenses for the highest-cost travelers in the state for the following state entities: 

State University of New York Farmingdale State College, Selected Employee Travel Expenses (2012-S-137)
Auditors selected one State University of New York Farmingdale State College employee with travel expenditures totaling $212,573 for audit. Most of the travel expenses were appropriate. However, college officials could not provide documentation to support 21 travel charges totaling $8,386.

State Education Department, Selected Employee Travel Expenses (2012-S-97)
Auditors examined the travel expenses of three State Education Department employees with outliers in the areas of train fare and fuel expense. They also reviewed and considered the possible tax implications of travel and work locations for one of the three employees. In total, auditors examined $100,908 in travel costs associated with these three individuals. Auditors found the travel expenses for two of the three SED employees selected for audit adhered to state travel rules and regulations. 

However, the travel expenses for one employee implicated the Internal Revenue Service "tax home" rules for 2009 and are taxable as income. As a result, the travel reimbursements made to the employee were reported to the taxing authorities and an amended W-2 was issued.

Tuition Assistance Program, Plaza College (2011-T-2)
Auditors determined that Plaza College was overpaid $549,316 because school officials incorrectly certified students as eligible for TAP awards. Incorrect certifications include 18 students who received awards but did not meet the requirements for full-time status, nine students who did not maintain good academic standing, and four students who did not meet the requirements for accelerated TAP. Many of these disallowances result from Plaza students enrolling in courses not required for their programs of study.

Tuition Assistance Program, Dowling College (2012-T-2)
Auditors determined that Dowling College was overpaid $191,020 because school officials incorrectly certified students as eligible for TAP awards. Incorrect certifications include five students who received awards but did not meet the requirements for full-time status, four students who did not maintain good academic standing, two students who were not credited with their awards, and one student who had not declared a major by the beginning of her junior year.

Tuition Assistance Program, Mercy College (2012-T-3)
Based on a preliminary sample of certification transactions, auditors determined that Mercy College’s certification procedures were appropriately designed and were substantially complied with during the audit period. Auditors therefore concluded that there is a low risk that a significant number of students certified by Mercy College for TAP were not eligible for awards. Nonetheless, tests did disclose 14 awards totaling $25,011 that school officials certified in error.

Department of Health, Unnecessary Managed Care Payments for Medicaid Recipients with Medicare (Follow-Up ) (2013-F-15)
An initial audit report, issued in April 2012, examined whether inappropriate Medicaid payments were made for selected providers who also received payments from Medicare. For the two year audit period ended Dec. 31, 2011, auditors determined that, although DOH implemented the new automated crossover system to reduce Medicaid overpayments, it was flawed. As a result, auditors identified potential and actual overpayments of $100,387 for 12,715 duplicate claims. In a follow-up, auditors found the DOH and Office of the Medicaid Inspector General officials have made progress in correcting the problems identified in the initial report. However, improvements are still needed.

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Compliance With Executive Order 111: Agency Energy Efficiency Goals and Practices (2012-S-159)
E.O. 111 required that, by 2010, all affected state agencies (ASEs) seek to achieve a reduction of their energy consumption by 35 percent as compared to 1990 levels. NYSERDA was designated the lead entity responsible for coordinating implementation and assisting other ASEs to fulfill their responsibilities under the order.

Auditors found NYSERDA made significant efforts to provide guidance, and to directly and indirectly assist ASEs in meeting their energy reduction goals, but was deficient in its oversight and monitoring of the statewide progress toward the goal, and these deficiencies likely hampered the effort's outcomes. As a result no one can be certain what was accomplished on a statewide basis and whether program goals were achieved by anyone except a few select agencies that chose to comply.
