July 08, 2014

NYS State Department of Civil Service has established a resource center to assist in the recruitment persons with disabilities for appointment to State positions

NYS State Department of Civil Service has established a resource center to assist in the recruitment persons with disabilities for appointment to State positions
Source: NYS Department of Civil Service General Information Bulletin 14-01

Civil Service Law §55-b provides for the employment of persons with disabilities by the State. The Civil Service Commission may determine up to 1,200 that may be performed by persons with a physical or mental disability who are found otherwise qualified to perform satisfactorily the duties of any such position. Upon such determination the position is placed in the noncompetitive class and may be filled only by persons who have been certified by the Department’s Employee Health Service as being a person with either a physical or mental disability.

Civil Service Law §55-c provides for the employment of veterans with disabilities by the State. 500 such positions may be designated by the State Civil Service Commission as positions with duties that may be performed by disabled veterans and veterans with disabilities who are found otherwise qualified to perform satisfactorily. Such positions are also placed in the noncompetitive class and may be filled only by veterans of the armed forces of the United States who served during time of war as defined in Civil Service Law §85.1(c).*

Employees appointed to positions pursuant to §55-b or §55-c are eligible to compete promotional examinations.

The Department of Civil Service has established a “55-b/c Recruitment Resources Center.” The Center’s Internet site is www.cs.ny.gov/rp55 and will serve as the central online location through which individuals currently approved for the Governor’s Program to Hire Individuals and Veterans with Disabilities (55-b or 55-c Program) will submit up-to-date employment and contact information for consideration by State agencies filling entry-level positions. This site is designed to make it quicker and easier for State agencies to find qualified 55-b/c job seekers. The Department encourages State Departments and Agencies to begin using the 55-b/c Recruitment Resources Center when filling entry-level positions.

Questions regarding the 55-b/c program or use of the 55-b/c Recruitment Resources Center, may be emailed SSDRecruitServices@cs.ny.gov or call: (518) 473-8961 for questions regarding the Governor’s Program to Hire Persons with Disabilities (55-b Program); or(518) 473-9733 for the Governor’s Program to Hire Veterans with Disabilities (55-c Program).

The text of the Department’s General Information Bulletin 14-01 is posted on the Internet at:

*N.B. There are two “§55-c” set out in the Civil Service Law. The second “§55-c" provides for the acceptance of a high school individualized education plan diploma granted to a child with handicapping conditions whenever a high school diploma is required by the State Civil Service Department or a municipal civil service commission or personnel officer as a minimum qualification in any competitive examination. 