June 18, 2016

Daughter alleged to have stolen over $148,000 of New York State Public Employees’ Retirement System funds following her failure to report her father’s death to the System

Daughter alleged to have stolen over $148,000 of New York State Public Employees’ Retirement System funds following her failure to report her father’s death to the System

Source: Office of the State Comptroller

[N.B. The charges set out in an indictment are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.] 

New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli and Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman reported the unsealing of an indictment charging Renee Kanas, 63, a resident of Tamarac, Florida, with Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, a Class C felony.

Kanas is alleged to have stolen over $148,000 in pension payments from the New York State and Local Employees Retirement System paid to her father, Jacob Yudenfreund, a New York State pensioner who died in March 2010.

According to the indictment and statements made by the prosecutor at the arraignment, Kanas’ father was a New York State pensioner who elected to receive reduced monthly benefits so his wife, Doris Yudenfreund, would continue to receive benefits after his death.  Mrs. Yudenfreund, however, predeceased Mr. Yudenfreund.  As such, upon Mr. Yudenfreund’s passing in March 2010, eligibility for any of his retirement allowance terminated.  

According to the Comptroller and Attorney General, Kanas failed to notify the New York State and Local Employees Retirement System of her father’s death.  Instead, from March 2010 until January 2015, pension benefits totaling over $148,000 were deposited into a bank account jointly held by Mr. Yudenfreund and Kanas.  Kanas allegedly accessed these funds after her father’s death and liquidated all but $1,207.55 in pension benefits over that time period.

The allegations concerning Renee Kanas are posted on the Internet at::

Since taking office in 2007, DiNapoli has committed to fighting public corruption and encourages the public to help fight fraud and abuse.  Individuals can report allegations of fraud involving public funds by calling the toll-free Fraud Hotline at 1-888-672-4555, by transmitting an e-mail to investigations@osc.state.ny.us, by filing a complaint online at http://osc.state.ny.us/investigations/complaintform2.htm or by mailing a complaint to Office of the State Comptroller, Division of Investigations, 14th Floor, 110 State St., Albany, NY 12236.