March 03, 2018

AELE case notes, publications, and seminars alert for March 2018

AELE case notes, publications, and seminars alert for March 2018
Posted March 1, 2018

1. Monthly Law Journal 
Article: U.S. Supreme Court Revisits the Basics of Probable Cause and Qualified Immunity.
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2. Seminars:  

AELE's next seminar is on Use of Force in Las Vegas on April 30-May 3, 2018. For more information and to register click here:

Next is AELE's seminar on Discipline and Internal Investigations. Join us in
Las Vegas on Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2018. For more information and to register click here:

 3. AELE periodicals 

Three  AELE periodical have been uploaded. The current issues, back issues since 2000, and case digests since 1975 are FREE. Everyone is welcome to read, print or download AELE publications without charge. The main menu is at:

4. Law Enforcement Liability Reporter
This issue has cases on assault and battery: physical, defenses: qualified immunity, domestic violence and child abuse, Federal Tort Claims Act, firearms related: intentional use, firearms relations: Second Amendment issues, First Amendment, and search and seizure: home and business.
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5. Fire, Police & Corrections Personnel Reporter
This issue has cases on Family and Medical Leave Act, First Amendment related, pensions, privacy rights, political discrimination, retaliatory personnel action, retirement rights and benefits, sexual harssment, whistleblower protection, and U.S. Supreme Court employment decisions.
View at

6. Jail and Prisoner Law Bulletin

This issue has cases on access to courts/legal info, DNA testing, false imprisonment, filing fees, immigration detainees, medical care, medical cost recovery, prison and jail conditions: general, prisoner assault: by officers, and religion.
View at

7. The current issues, back issues since 2000, and case digests since 1975 are FREE
Everyone is welcome to read, print or download AELE publications without charge. The main menu is at: