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SusquehannaValley Central School District – Information Technology (Broome County)- School district officials did not establish adequate information technology (IT) controls to protect against unauthorized use, access and loss. District officials did not properly manage user accounts including periodically reviewing and disabling unneeded network user accounts. Auditors also determined district officials did not maintain accurate, complete and up-to-date hardware and software inventory. Officials did not ensure that computers were free from malicious software. In fact, two malicious software applications were installed on district computers. Sensitive IT control weaknesses were communicated confidentially to officials.
White Plains City School District – Financial Management (Westchester County) - The school board and district officials did not adopt realistic budgets or maintain reasonable levels of fund balance. However, reserves were generally funded at reasonable levels and within legal limits. The district’s fund balance over the past five years grew to $97.9 million, the equivalent of 43 percent of the district’s annual budget. Some appropriations were overestimated in previous budgets and continued to be overestimated. District officials made year-end transfers totaling about $29 million to reserves. The transfers were made to stay within the statutory surplus fund balance limit and resulted in a lack of transparency because the taxpayers were not informed of the amounts that would be added to the reserves during the fiscal year.