April 05, 2021

Recent postings on Kevin Sheerin's Law Blog "New York Civil Service Attorney"

Denial of Correction Officer’s Performance of Duty Retirement Benefits Annulled Due to Factual Errors - Matter of Paul Mazzotte v Thomas DiNapoli, as State Comptroller Petitioner was a correction officer for over 20 years. In 2001, he applied for performance of duty disability retirement benefits alleging he was permanently disabled by coronary artery disease (CAD) after having coronary artery bypass surgery. According to petitioner, the disease was caused by the...click to  Continue Reading…

Correction Officer Receives 60 Days Suspension for Excessive Use of Force -
In the Matter of Department of Correction v Stanley Saint-Phard… In this disciplinary proceeding, pursuant to Article 75 of the Civil Service Law, Respondent, a Correction Officer, allegedly used impermissible force against an inmate by dispersing a chemical agent in the inmate’s face and also placed the inmate in a chokehold. On
October 16, 2008,...
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NYPD Disqualification for Loud Exhaust or Tinted Windows-
Sometimes younger people (often men), accumulate summonses or moving violations for “loud exhaust” or “tinted windows”. These violations accumulate over time and may grow to 5, 10, 15 or even 20 summonses. As the years pass these young people look to get a job with the NYPD or another law enforcement agency. After the application...
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Off-Duty NYPD Detectives Use of Force found Not Actionable
"Use of force", NYPD, deadly force, Firearms discharge
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Disqualification for High Blood Pressure Overturned -
A Nassau County Police Officer candidate failed to meet the Municipal Police Training Council standard for blood pressure and was disqualified in August 2013.  The candidate suffered from “White Coats Syndrome” which is an elevated blood pressure in a clinical setting.  The candidate had no history of hypertension with his primary physician.  The
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