July 05, 2021

Government Technology Webinar update for the week of July 5, 2021

Boost Cyber Resilience and Reduce Organizational Risk: A New Approach to Application Security As government organizations quickly embraced hybrid and multi-cloud technologies at the onset of the pandemic, they also faced an unprecedented rise in malicious security threats, testing the limits of existing monitoring practices. Now that the initial stages of the emergency have passed, organizations need a better way to monitor increasingly complex applications, understand potential security impacts and strategically prioritize response. Click here to Watch Now 

Fight Fraud with Data: How States Can Confront Unemployment Insurance (UI) Abuse Unemployment claims skyrocketed over the past year, as millions of Americans lost their jobs during the pandemic. Sadly, as the number of claims rose, so did instances of unemployment insurance benefits fraud. These cases have resulted in billions of dollars lost. In California alone, officials reported more than $11 billion in improper payments in the first nine months of the pandemic. And these fraudulent claims aren’t just costly – they add complications and delays to already-overwhelmed state benefits systems that ultimately affect regular citizens who are out of work. Each state provides a critical lifeline for individuals and it's incredibly important that these systems perform well and detect fraudulent activity immediately. How can states fight fraud? With better access to data. More comprehensive information on identity and behavior will help stem the tide of fraudulent claims. Click here to Watch Now 

Migrating Government IT to the Cloud with Speed and Confidence State and local governments have always had to juggle a wide range of priorities, from supporting constituents and defending against cyber threats, to modernizing service delivery through digital initiatives. Government IT organizations are increasingly looking to the public cloud to realize their priorities while managing the expanding risk surface. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this transformation by increasing the demand for more self-serve and automated government services. But the already-stretched IT teams with limited resources and lower tolerance for risk have struggled to keep up with the increased demands. Click here to Watch Now 

Stop Fraud Before It Happens: Safeguarding Public Benefits Unemployment insurance (UI) fraud may have cost the nation nearly $40 billion last year, experts say, depriving out-of-work Americans of desperately needed help during the COVID-19 crisis. And while state unemployment programs were hardest hit, they weren’t the only targets. Emergency relief programs for rent and utility bills also came under attack. Join Government Technology on May 17 at 11am PT/2pm ET, for an important conversation on how state and local agencies can stop benefits fraud before it happens. You’ll learn how intelligent cloud-based technologies can detect and prevent efforts to create fake user accounts and takeover legitimate accounts – all without slowing down the delivery of critical payments to applicants in need of assistance. Click here to Watch Now 

To view more on-demand and upcoming webinars, visit webinars.govtech.com.

For assistance with registration, contact: Jeremy Smith, jsmith@erepublic.com (916) 932-1402.