March 22, 2022

Agricultural Chemical and Pest Risks

NYPPL has received a number of emails reporting that litigation involving medications such as Zantac and agricultural chemicals such as Paraquat are being filed in courts.

Listed below are selectedAgricultural Chemical and Pest Risks Articles and reports by Dr. Robert A. Michaels, NYPPL's science consultant. These items may be downloaded without charge from the Internet via

Dr. Michaels has advised clients on greenhouse chemical risks and permitting. He advised the State of Maine Dept. of Health Services and Dept. of Environmental Protection on pesticide registrations, and was appointed to the Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) Medical Advisory Committee of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources. He co-authored a book on EDB, and participated in interviews and technical presentations, for example as an invited TV panelist in the Maine Public Broadcasting Network documentary on Pesticide Spray Drift and Chemical Trespass. Dr. Michaels has assessed exposure and health risks potentially posed by numerous agricultural chemicals, including herbicides and pesticides. He serves on the National Fire Protection Association Committee on Classification and Properties of Hazardous Chemicals, establishing industry consensus standards for storage of substances including pesticides.


Dr. Robert A. Michaels; PhD, CEP, President, RAM TRAC Corporation

 Schenectady, New York

(518) 785-0976    Email    URL =   


Michaels, RA.  Environmental Moisture, Molds, and Asthma - Emerging Fungal Risks in the Context of Climate Change.  Environmental Claims Journal, 29(3):171-93, 2017; online:, 26 July 2017;

Human Health Work Group, including RA Michaels. Final Report of the Human Health Work Group of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Comparative Risk Project. Albany, New York; NYS DEC, 308 pages, May 2001;

Michaels, RA. Mass poisoning. Nature (London):346:505 (letter), 9 August 1990;

Michaels, RA; DW Crawford, BA Campbell, FH Lawrence. Exposure and risk assessment, health monitoring, and risk management for herbicide applicators. National Academy of Sciences/ National Research Council, Transportation Research Record, 1016:21-7, 1985a;

Lawrence, Frank H.; and RA Michaels. Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) – A Guide for Decision Makers. Portland, Maine, EnviroLogic Data, 122 pages, March 1984;

Michaels, Robert Alan. Effect of DDT On Growth Rate and Photosynthesis in Pediastrum boryanum (Chlorococcales). Athens, Georgia, USA; University of Georgia, Institute of Ecology, Department of Zoology; Master of Science (MS) Degree, James E. Schindler, Major Professor; Donald C. Scott, Reading Committee Chairperson; 89 pages plus Appendices, August 1971.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Technical Committee Reports

NFPA Technical Committee, including RA Michaels, et al. Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response; NFPA 704, 2022 Edition. Quincy, Massachusetts; National Fire Protection Association, Technical Committee on Classification and Properties of Hazardous Chemicals Data, 38 pages, 2020;

NFPA Technical Committee, including RA Michaels, et al. Code for the Storage of Pesticides; NFPA 434, 2002 Edition. Quincy, Massachusetts; National Fire Protection Association, Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals, doi 10.13140/RG.2.2.25647.12964, 14 pages, 19 July 2002;

NFPA Technical Committee, including RA Michaels, et al. Code for the Storage of Ammonium Nitrate; NFPA 490, 2002 Edition. Quincy, Massachusetts; National Fire Protection Association, Technical Committee on Hazardous Chemicals, doi 10.13140/RG.2.2.18936.24328, 11 pages, 19 July 2002;

NFPA Technical Committee, including RA Michaels, et al. Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids; NFPA 325, 1994 Edition. Quincy, Massachusetts; National Fire Protection Association, Technical Committee on Classification and Properties of Hazardous Chemicals Data, doi 10.13140/RG.2.2.17258.52169, 94 pages, 14 July 1994.