January 26, 2023

Amending the New York State Assembly maps

The Appellate Division, First Department, affirming an order entered by Supreme Court Justice Laurence L. Love which, to the extent appealed from, ordered New York State's Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC):

1. Initiate the constitutional process for amending the New York State Assembly maps;

2. Conduct public hearings consistent with Article III, §4(c) of the New York State Constitution; 

3. Make plans, data and information available for the public to view at least 30 days prior to the first public meeting; and

4. Submit to the legislature an Assembly redistricting plan or plans and implementing legislation by April 28, 2023.

This plan would be voted upon by the legislature in a single bill.

Justice Love further ordered that should either house of the legislature failed to approve the implementing legislation, or if the Governor vetoed such legislation," the IRC would, within 15 days and in no case later than June 16, 2023, prepare a second redistricting plan and implementing legislation.

In the event either the legislature failed to approve the second plan and implementing legislation, or if the Governor vetoed it, then the legislature would introduce such implementing legislation with any amendments deemed necessary.

Click HERE to access the Appellate Division's decision posted on the Internet.