September 18, 2024

Municipal Zero-Emission Vehicle Rebate Program application filing deadline is September 27, 2024

In April 2024, DEC announced the most recent round of DEC’s Municipal Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Rebate program, which makes a total of $750,000 available to municipalities for the purchase or lease of zero-emission light- and medium-duty fleet vehicles. These zero-emission vehicles will help New York State achieve the greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements of the State’s Climate Act.

DEC is accepting applications through September 27, 2024. Rebates are available to municipalities that purchase or lease, for a minimum of 36 months, an eligible vehicle placed into municipal service at a dealership in New York State between Sept. 30, 2022, and Sept. 27, 2024. Electric, plug-in hybrid, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are eligible for rebates.

More details on municipal ZEV rebates can be found in the request for applications posted on the DEC website. 

Applications are available through the New York Statewide Financial System Grants Management System.

Testing the constitutionality of legislative enactments

Plaintiffs commenced this action seeking a judgment declaring that the New York State Legislature violated Article XIX §1 of the New York State Constitution in adopting certain legislation because it advanced a proposed amendment to the Constitution before the Attorney General rendered an opinion in writing as to the effect of the proposed amendment upon other provisions of the Constitution and before the expiration of the 20-day period proscribed for the Attorney General to issue such an opinion.

Defendants Senate of the State of New York, et al, and Assembly of the State of New York, et al, collectively "Majority Defendants",  contended that Plaintiffs' action was properly a CPLR Article 78 proceeding and that the four-month statute of limitations applicable to such a proceeding has expired.

Plaintiffs cross-moved for summary judgment on its complaint and Supreme Court converted the Majority Defendants' motion to dismiss into one seeking summary judgment. Supreme Court granted the Majority Defendants' motion to the extent it sought summary judgment dismissing the complaint against certain named respondents but otherwise denied the Majority Defendants' motion. Supreme Court, then granted Plaintiffs' cross-motion and issued a declaration in their favor.

Majority Defendants appealed Supreme Court's judgment "to the extent that it denied the Majority Defendants' motion and granted the Plaintiffs' cross-motion". The Appellate Division reversed Supreme Court's judgment "insofar as appealed from".

The Appellate Division, citing New York City Health and Hosps. Corp. v McBarnette, 84 NY2d 194, explained that in the event a proceeding or action against a state entity "has been commenced in the form of a declaratory judgment action, for which no specific Statute of Limitations is prescribed, it is necessary to examine the substance of that action to identify the relationship out of which the claim arises and the relief sought in order to resolve which Statute of Limitations is applicable". However, noted the Appellate Division, "[I]f the claim could have been made in a form other than an action for a declaratory judgment and the limitations period for an action in that form has already expired, the time for asserting the claim cannot be extended through the simple expedient of denominating the action one for declaratory relief", citing  Matter of Foley v Masiello, 38 AD3d 1201.

The Appellate Division opined that it is well settled that "proceeding under article 78 is not the proper vehicle to test the constitutionality of legislative enactments" in contrast to a judicial challenge directed at the procedures followed by the legislature rather than the substance of the enactment, which "... is maintainable in an article 78 proceeding," citing Matter of Save the Pine Bush v City of Albany, 70 NY2d 193.

While Plaintiffs characterize the complaint "as a challenge to the constitutionality of [Majority Defendants'] actions," the Appellate Division said "[it] actually alleges an erroneous application of a constitutional provision relating to the procedure by which" the proposed amendment was advanced, and therefore it would have been proper to "proceed[ ] by way of a CPLR article 78 proceeding".  Accordingly, said the Appellate Division, the "sole cause of action here is subject to the four-month statute of limitations and is time-barred."

Click HERE to access the Appellate Division's decision posted on the Internet.

September 17, 2024


State and New York City audits of departments and agencies issued

On September 15, 2024, New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced the following audits of departments and agencies of State and New York City were issued.

        Click on the text highlighted in color to access the audit report posted on the Internet. 

Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance – Controls Over the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (2022-S-34)  The Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative’s (ESSHI) goal is to develop 20,000 units of supportive housing over the 15-year period ending in 2031. The Office of Mental Health serves as the lead procurement agency for ESSHI, which provides up to $25,000 annually per individual or unit toward supportive housing for vulnerable populations experiencing homelessness. Auditors found significant deficiencies in OTDA’s oversight of the ESSHI program, including insufficient monitoring of contract requirements, inadequate conditions at some housing units, and inadequate case management for support services.

New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board – Complaint Processing (Follow-Up) (2024-F-8)  The New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) receives, investigates, prosecutes, mediates, hears, makes findings, and recommends action on civilian complaints filed against members of the New York City Police Department. A prior audit, issued in October 2022, found that CCRB did not complete investigations in a timely manner and did not have performance measures in place to effectively monitor lengthy investigations, weaknesses that could jeopardize CCRB’s ability to hold officers accountable for misconduct. CCRB made some progress in addressing the issues identified in the initial audit report, partially implementing two of the four recommendations and not implementing two.  

State Education Department (Preschool Special Education Audit Initiative) – Small Wonder Preschool, Inc. – Compliance With the Reimbursable Cost Manual (2023-S-36)  Small Wonder Preschool, Inc. (Small Wonder), a not-for-profit special education provider in New York City, is approved by the State Education Department (SED) to provide education services to children with disabilities who are between the ages of 3 and 5. For the three fiscal years ended June 30, 2021, Small Wonder reported approximately $5.9 million in reimbursable costs for the SED preschool cost-based program. Auditors identified $264,701 in reported costs that did not comply with requirements.

Office of Children and Family Services – Oversight of Child Protective Services (Follow-Up) (2024-F-6) The Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) is responsible for overseeing the locally administered child welfare system, including 58 local departments of social services (LDSSs). To improve practices within LDSSs, OCFS implemented a Program Quality Improvement (PQI) process in January 2020. A prior audit, issued in January 2023, found that OCFS could make improvements to child fatality and PQI reviews. OCFS made some progress in addressing the problems identified in the initial audit, fully implementing one of the three recommendations and partially implementing the other two.

Office of General Services – Monitoring of Construction Management (Follow-Up) (2023-F-44) GS) operates the Design & Construction Group, which provides State agency clients a full range of architectural, engineering, contracting, and construction management services. If OGS determines that a construction management consultant is needed, it solicits bids through a Request for Proposals (RFP), and for each proposal, completes a Cost and a Technical Review, including an assessment of the bidder and minority-and-women-owned business enterprise (MWBE), small business, and subcontracting goals. A prior audit, issued in December 2021, found that several areas of OGS monitoring of construction management contracts needed improvement. Auditors found $207,316 paid to a State-certified women-owned business enterprise should not have been claimed as credits toward the MWBE goals and one construction management consultant’s bid proposal, for a contract valued at approximately $1.8 million, did not meet the criteria outlined in the RFP, yet this was not reflected in OGS’ evaluation and scoring. OGS officials made significant progress in addressing the issues identified in the initial audit report, implementing three of the four recommendations and partially implementing the final one. 

Department of Health – Management of Indoor Air Quality for Individuals With Asthma (Follow-Up) (2024-F-4) Asthma is a significant public health problem in the United States. Reducing asthma triggers is one objective of the Department of Health’s (DOH) Healthy Neighborhoods Program, designed to provide environmental health services to targeted high-risk neighborhoods. The program contracts with Local Health Departments (LHDs) to perform in-home visits and assessments to raise awareness of and help families manage asthma in order to reduce hospitalizations. A prior audit, issued in August 2022, found that DOH needed to improve its oversight and monitoring of LHDs to ensure that individuals identified with asthma in targeted areas continued to receive appropriate assistance. DOH officials made some progress in addressing the problems identified in the initial audit report, partially implementing four of the initial report’s six recommendations and not implementing two.



September 16, 2024

New York State's Workers Compensation Board to initiate "Case Indexing" on September 26, 2024

To promote efficient resolution of workers’ compensation claims, the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board will begin indexing every complete case on Sept. 26, 2024, for cases assembled on or after this date. Relevant Internet links to information concerning "Case Indexing" are highlighted in color below.

For information on the announcement, see Subject Number 046-1704.

As a result, the majority of claims assembled that contain a medical report of treatment and either an Employee Claim (Form C-3) or First Report of Injury (FROI) will be indexed by the Board. The only exceptions will be:

  • Claims already controverted (by the filing of a FROI-04 or SROI-04) at the time they became eligible for indexing.
  • Claims already accepted without liability (under the provisions of WCL-§21-a) at the time they became eligible for indexing.
  • Claims without any lost time from work, that have been identified as “Medical Only” claims, where the Agreement to Compensate Code (ATC) has been left blank. Currently, a payer filing a FROI in a medical-only claim is required to include an ATC code of L-With Liability unless the claim is controverted. As part of this initiative, beginning Sept. 26, 2024, payers filing an initial FROI in a medical-only case will not be required to select an ATC code and may leave it blank.
  • Note: If a medical-only claim becomes lost time, it will be indexed. Payers must update their filings if the worker starts losing time related to the previously medical-only claim, including making a decision on accepting liability.

All other standards regarding the provision of notice and the first payment of benefits by payers remain in place.

Therefore, within 25 days of the date when the Board indexes a claim, the payer should:

  • Accept liability for the claim, or
  • Controvert the claim, or
  • Provide notice that it is initiating payment of lost wage benefits or prescribed medicine without accepting liability for the claim under the provisions of WCL §21-a.

Denials of indexed claims must be filed with the Board within 25 days of the indexing date or defenses listed in Workers’ Compensation Law Section 25(2)(b)) may be barred. The Board provided advance notice of this on Dec. 15, 2023, to allow stakeholders sufficient time to facilitate compliance.

Questions? Click HERE to E-mail the Office of General Counsel.

A New York state or municipal public employee's vested right to administrative due process in a disciplinary action may survive the individual's retirement

A complaint was filed against two tenured employees in the Classified Service employed by the New York City Fire Department [Department] with the New York City's Department Equal Employment Opportunity [EEO], alleging that two individuals employed by the Department had engaged in unlawful retaliatory conduct against another of the Department's employee because that other employee's spouse had filed a charge of unlawful discrimination with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Following an investigation, EEO had issued determinations finding that there was sufficient credible evidence that the employees named in the complaint had engaged in unlawful retaliatory conduct and referring the matter to the Department's Bureau of Investigations and Trials. These determinations were placed in the files of the EEO Office.

Local 621, S.E.I.U. [SEIU] commenced this hybrid CPLR Article 78 proceeding seeking [1] review of the Department's determinations and [2] an action to recover damages alleging the Department had denied its two members administrative due process "because they were not afforded hearings prior to [these] determinations being placed in the files". The Department, pursuant to CPLR §3211(a), moved to dismiss the "second amended petition/complaint".

Supreme Court granted the Department's motion, denied the second amended petition/complaint, and dismissed the proceeding/action. SEIU appealed the Supreme Court's ruling.

Citing Matter of Taylor v Justice Ctr. for the Protection of People with Special Needs, 182 AD3d 815 and Matter of Ortiz v Simmons, 67 AD3d 1208, the Appellate Division, noting that one of SEIU's members involved in the instant litigation had retired from the Fire Department, explained "so much of the second amended petition/complaint as was asserted by him is not academic, as the determination that there was sufficient credible evidence that he had engaged in retaliatory conduct still remains, and its existence may affect him, such as in his attempt to secure future employment."

Observing that Civil Service Law §75 typically provides that permanent civil service employees may not be subjected to a disciplinary penalty without a hearing and afforded other due process safeguards, the Appellate Division noted that "Disciplinary penalties include a reprimand." 

Here, opined the Appellate Division, by failing to hold a hearing, the Department failed to provide the SEIU's members in this action the procedural protections set out in §75 of the Civil Service Law. The court then ruled that Supreme Court should not have denied the relevant branch of the SEIU's motion and granted that relevant part of SEIU's second amended petition, annulling EEO's the determinations and directed that the relevant EEO determinations "be expunged from the Department's files".

The Appellate Division, however, also ruled that "Supreme Court properly granted those branches of the [Department's] motion which were pursuant to CPLR 3211(a) to dismiss the causes of action to recover damages for unlawful retaliation in violation of NYSHRL and NYCHRL, as the second amended petition/complaint failed to sufficiently allege potentially actionable retaliatory conduct."

Click HERE to access the Appellate Division's decision posted on the Internet.

September 14, 2024

Selected links to items focusing on government operations posted on the Internet during the week ending September 13, 2024.

Click on the text highlighted in COLOR to access the item posted on the Internet.


AI -  Legal Ethics in the AI Era: The NYC Bar Weighs In: Posted on the Internet by Nicole Black a Rochester, New York attorney  READ MORE

Alabama Commute Times into Major Cities Grow The percentage growth in daily commuters from outside Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery and Mobile far exceed internal growth. Alabama’s average commute time of 23.5 minutes is average among U.S. states. READ MORE

Another scam: Foreign companies, pretending to be publishers - Angela Hoy, publisher of, is seeing increasing numbers of reports about foreign companies, pretending to be publishers to extort more and more money out of authors. And, they know there's is nothing the authors can do about it.... Click HERE to read more.

Another School Shooting. Another Failure of Gun Policy.
We know what works to prevent tragedies like the recent one at a
Georgia high school. Effective gun policies could save thousands of lives. READ MORE

Artificial Intelligence Cohort Takes Shape in New York The New York State Forum has established a new AI-focused workgroup to provide resources and understanding on AI use. It will be led by the state’s Director of Data and AI Governance Gail Galusha. READ MORE

As AI Gains Ground, Security Leaders Need to Embrace Saying Yes Cybersecurity chiefs are often viewed as inhibitors of innovation who are likely to veto new ideas in the interest of keeping systems safe. But as agencies increasingly lean on AI, CISOs must find a way to get to "yes." READ MORE

Autonomous Vehicle Manufacturing Coming to Jacksonville, Fla. A cross-sector partnership has helped pave the way for electric AV shuttles to start rolling off the assembly line in Florida by the middle of 2026, meeting Buy America requirements. READ MORE

California Democrats Seeking Crackdown on Retail Theft A year ago, state Democrats blocked efforts to combat and prevent retail theft, but now the Legislature has created a select committee to study its cause. Last month, lawmakers sent 10 retail-theft-related bills to Gov. Newsom’s desk. READ MORE

California Looks to GenAI for Solutions to Larger Challenges From housing to homelessness, state officials want to hear from vendors of generative artificial intelligence for ideas on confronting some significant issues. A large language model showcase is set for later this month. READ MORE

California's High-Tech Approach to Preventing Wildfires AI-trained cameras are putting eyes — hundreds of them — on land across the state. They're spotting fires before the 911 calls come in. READ MORE

Can Georgia Really Deliver Election Integrity in November? Members of the state’s Election Board need to be referees, not cheerleaders, but Donald Trump has made clear he considers some of them on his team. READ MORE

Charlotte’s Transportation Plan Faces Tough Political Obstacles Charlotte’s City Council has approved a sales tax increase to fund transportation. It faces long odds gaining approval from the state Legislature, not to mention spiraling construction costs. READ MORE

Collaboration Empowers Long Beach, Calif., IT, Digital Equity Work Partnering is a critical piece of the California city’s strategy for digital transformation, informing its approach to digital equity and civic technology projects. A new digital inclusion plan builds on this approach. READ MORE

Cybersecurity Spending Is Slowing With the Economy A new report from IANS Research and Artico Search suggests that cybersecurity budgets are growing at a much slower pace than they were previously. Here are the details. READ MORE

Dallas Police Hope New System Can Address Random Gunfire The City Council approved a three-year, $336,362 contract with a gunshot detection program, which alerts police when it picks up the sound of a potential gunshot. Gunshot detection systems have long sparked questions of accuracy, expense and efficacy. READ MORE

Devices Designed for State and Local government personnel State and local government employees need the right devices to effectively serve the public, whether in the office or in the field. The Microsoft Surface portfolio is designed to meet those needs. Empower Your Organization with Surface Devices »

Do You Trust Your Mass Notification Capabilities? When It Counts the Most, Be Confident in Your Emergency Notifications GET THE eBOOK

Eliminate Paperwork and Cultivate Trust in Corrections Agencies Administrative burdens in corrections agencies -- including bureaucracy, confusing paperwork and complex compliance requirements -- can burn out staff and erode public trust. A modern document management platform eases the strains on corrections agencies by digitizing documents, reducing paperwork and automating processes. Download the full report to learn more about the features and opportunities available with a document management platform. DOWNLOAD

Empty Downtowns Are Still Depleting Local Coffers In much of the country, downtowns remain relatively empty. The implications for property values, mortgage debt and property tax collections have not yet fully played out, says a Columbia University economist. READ MORE

Essential Communication Solutions for Local Governments This white paper from CivicPlus provides local government communicators with strategies to manage resident communications effectively. It outlines the importance of using various systems and channels to address diverse resident needs, from routine inquiries to emergency notifications. By leveraging technology, public communicators can automate responses, triage impact, and ensure timely, personalized interactions, ultimately enhancing community trust and satisfaction. DOWNLOAD

Establishing a Sustainable Infrastructure Guide for Local Governments Explore the projects that can bring additional federal funds to the table to upgrade public buildings, ensure operational resiliency, and create new revenue streams. DOWNLOAD IT NOW

FCC to Open Funding for Cybersecurity in K-12, Libraries The three-year $200 million Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program opens its application window this fall. The near-term goal is to secure schools most in need, but long-term it will help nationwide. READ MORE

Florida Drivers Enjoy Faster, Better Identity Verification Modern identity technology strengthens fraud protection for the state’s online motor vehicle portal and saves residents a projected 157,000 hours of friction annually. READ MORE

Georgia Shooting Raises Concerns About Cellphone Bans in Schools Across California there have been concerted efforts to ban or restrict cellphone use in schools to limit distractions from learning. But given the most recent school shooting, some are questioning the safety risk of such bans. READ MORE

Global Cybersecurity Threats Matter in Local, Rural Communities Statewide cybersecurity initiatives, like whole-of-state programs, are offering essential support to smaller communities and agencies. Backed by federal funding, they aim to bridge resource gaps and strengthen defenses against cyber threats. READ MORE

Global Study Finds Organizations Facing Cybersecurity Gaps Specifically, organizations worldwide are dealing with gaps in cybersecurity skills and staffing gaps, fueled in part by limited hiring budgets. A new study, however, offers potential solutions. READ MORE

Groundbreaking Resilience Plan Wins Project of the Year Jersey City's landmark plan for climate resilience, in collaboration with Schneider Electric, earns top honors in the Environment + Energy Leader Awards program. LEARN MORE

How Huge Commercial Spaces in the Bay Area Are Being Repurposed The Bayfair Center mall in San Leandro, Calif., was once a major shopping hub. But after the mall officially closed last month, developers will reimagine the 400,000-square-foot space into a research and development space for tech companies. READ MORE

How the Cloud Rescued California’s Health Exchange Covered California delivers health insurance to state residents via the exchange it created in 2012. In 2020, the agency’s consumer-facing platform, CalHEERS, struggled to keep up with a historic spike in enrollments during COVID-19. This forced agency CIO Kevin Cornish to act quickly and decisively. In this Q&A, Cornish explains how the cloud has made his agency’s IT system more responsive and resilient. READ MORE

How the Cloud Transformed Covered California’s Healthcare Platform Covered California's shift to the cloud eliminated outages and boosted scalability during the pandemic, ensuring seamless service for over 1.75 million residents. Learn how AWS and Deloitte played a crucial role in this transformation. READ MORE

How Wilmington uses data to drive positive community outcomes The case study details how the City of Wilmington, Delaware, uses data to enhance community collaboration and drive positive outcomes in crime prevention. DOWNLOAD

Louisiana Governor Targets Alleged Voter Fraud from Noncitizens Gov. Jeff Landry signed an executive order that will require the state Office of Motor Vehicles to compile a list of people who have been issued a temporary license or ID card, which will then be used to cross-check state voter rolls. READ MORE

Managing Resident Requests: A Playbook for Local Governments This eBook provides a comprehensive guide for local governments to improve resident request management and reshape public perception. It addresses the challenges of managing resident complaints, the importance of trust and technology in service delivery, and the critical features of 311 CRM solutions that aid in streamlining operations. DOWNLOAD

Map: Which States Implement "Foundational" Gun Control Policies? And how does that overlap with reported deaths from firearms? READ MORE

Miami’s Tourism Bureau Supports Black-Owned Hospitality Businesses The Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau’s Tourism Business Enhancement Program lasts 15 to 16 weeks and includes workshops on marketing, legal and financial help. READ MORE

NASCIO Survey Exposes the Hard Data Truths of AI Adoption Responses from 46 states show a big challenge for government in the AI era: many focus on data analysis and business intelligence while neglecting elements such as metadata management, master data and data stewardship. READ MORE

New Mexico Appoints Manny Barreras as Next CIO Barreras, who was previously with Motorola Solutions, helped secure a contract with the state IT department for a major radio system upgrade project. He replaces acting CIO Raja Sambandam. READ MORE

New Resource Examines Data Governance in the Age of AI A guide from the Data Foundation is intended to be a comprehensive resource for policymakers, with guidance to support improved data governance amid the rise of artificial intelligence technology. READ MORE

New York City May Soon Publicize Approved AI Tools New York City Councilmember Jennifer Gutiérrez is introducing new legislation this week that would require the creation of a public list of the city’s approved artificial intelligence tools. READ MORE

No, American West, You Can’t Have Our Great Lakes Water The idea that the lakes’ bounty will solve the thirst of the western United States is an obstacle delaying the West’s inevitable reckoning with the unsustainable status quo. READ MORE

North Carolina DMV Says Lack of Staff Is Root of Many Problems The state has grown by about 2.4 million people since 2003 and yet the DMV says it’s only been authorized to open three new driver’s license offices. The Legislature sets the number of staff for the DMV, which is capped at 568. READ MORE

Oil and Gas Towns Don’t Need Help Now, but They Will They face a unique long-term threat from global efforts to address climate change, strategies that will sharply reduce demand for fossil fuels. The best time to build a more resilient economy is before a crisis arrives. READ MORE

Opinion: EMS Is an Essential Service — States Should Make It Official Designating emergency medical services by law would go a long way toward addressing the many issues they face, including workforce shortages and funding deficits that make it difficult to help in critical situations. READ MORE

Pennsylvania’s Townships Are Shifting to the Left Suburbs of the state’s small cities, like Harrisburg, are slightly moving away from the solidly red voting trends of previous years. Trump won Lower Allen, Pa., by 1,000 votes in 2016 but by only 129 in 2020. READ MORE

PG&E Surveys NorCal Equipment to Reduce Wildfire Risk Pacific Gas and Electric used low-flying helicopters equipped with hi-res imagery technology and light detection sensors to build 3D models that will show where fire risk may be highest. The data will also inform AI risk models. READ MORE

Planning for a Daunting New Normal of Flood Risk Rainfall patterns are changing. What can local leaders do to curb the growing risks? READ MORE

Reinventing Constituent Experiences with AI Generative AI and smart chatbots are transforming how state and local agencies interact with constituents. This paper offers a roadmap for using these technologies to deliver great self-service experiences. DOWNLOAD

Rural Communities at Risk as Cyber Threats Become More Granular Statewide cybersecurity initiatives, like Whole-of-State programs, are offering essential support to smaller communities and agencies. These programs, backed by federal funding, aim to bridge resource gaps and strengthen defenses against cyber threats. READ MORE

Salesforce’s New AI Tools Include Public-Sector Use Cases The software giant has launched an effort to create a library of AI tools tailored to specific industries, including government, where the first release aims to help administer benefits programs and other tasks. READ MORE

Should State Governments Ban Ransomware Payments? Given the surge of ransomware attacks and increasing costs of payments to unlock stolen data in 2024, some states have banned public ransomware payments. But experts are divided on whether it's the right move. READ MORE

Should State Governments Ban Ransomware Payments?
Given the surge of ransomware attacks and increasing costs of payments to unlock stolen data in 2024, some states have banned public ransomware payments. But experts are divided on whether it's the right move. READ MORE

Some Solutions for State and Local Tax Deductibility When the 2017 tax law expires next year, Congress will revisit the limits on SALT deductions on federal returns. With elections approaching, it’s time for governors and mayors to offer some viable new policy options — and ways to pay for them. READ MORE

State CIOs Weigh In on Securing the 2024 Election As Nov. 5 approaches, we asked state CIOs what role they play in keeping elections fair, valid and cyber-safe. READ MORE

States Crack Down on License Plate Flippers Used to Avoid Police, Fees License plate flippers are commonly used at auto shows to allow drivers to switch between custom or decorative plates. But now drivers are using them to evade detection and cities and states across the nation are enacting laws to prohibit their use. READ MORE

Texas County Rejects Voting Machine Upgrade for Fear of Tampering Following the Montgomery County commissioners’ unanimous decision, election officials will now have to generate manual ballots for residents outside of Texas and retrofit the more than 1,000 machines with an older version of the software. READ MORE

Texas Leads Push for Faster Certification of Mental Health Professionals Other states look to Texas as the state psychology board pushes against the new national licensing requirements. READ MORE

Texas Proposes First New Rules for Oil Field Waste in 40 Years hile environmentalists say the new rules don’t do enough to protect groundwater, oil and gas operators are contesting stricter requirements for waste pits near wells. READ MORE

Transform Public Safety: Join Vision 2024 FirstNet Summit Explore the latest in emergency communication at Vision 2024. Engage with industry leaders, experience hands-on demos, and enhance your response capabilities. REGISTER NOW

Two Dallas-Fort Worth Data Center Projects Get Underway One, in Red Oak, is a 480-megawatt data center campus on 292 acres. Construction is underway. A second, roughly $1 billion data center project on 60 acres near the Bush Turnpike got city economic incentives last week. READ MORE

Tyler, Envisio Partner on Priority-Based Budgeting Software The two government technology companies are working together to help agencies adopt a new way of budgeting, and to make the process more transparent for both public servants and their constituents. READ MORE

University of Texas Now Offers Education in Media Influencing This fall is the first semester that the University of Texas at San Antonio began offering a digital media influencing degree, which helps students develop professional skills to become successful in the online sphere. READ MORE

Utility Partnership to Expand Chicago Broadband Service The utility ComEd is working with Illinois nonprofit QUILT to improve middle-mile broadband infrastructure across Chicago’s South and West sides while reducing costs. The initiative is enabled by a federal grant. READ MORE

Want to Make the Most of Federal Infrastructure Funding? There’s a Hub for That. Through boot camps and training sessions, a group is helping smaller cities and towns with limited resources put together competitive grant applications. More mayors should take advantage of it. READ MORE

What Did States Do With Their Budget Surpluses? State revenue collections are returning to earth after several years of high budget surpluses. In many cases, they used the unexpected funds for one-time investments and to shore up reserve funds. READ MORE

 What Do California Latinos Think About AI? A poll found that 56 percent of California Latinos see artificial intelligence as “just a new tool,” while the remaining 44 percent said the tech was a bad idea and would cost people jobs. READ MORE

What Do Cities and Counties Get from Whole-of-State Cyber? With help from whole-of-state efforts and federal funding support, small and rural communities are getting a boost for their cyber defenses. Is it enough? READ MORE

What's Worrying Gov Tech Players as 2025 Approaches? At the State of GovTech conference, vendors, public officials and others discussed the industry's future, and what startups need for success. AI was a big topic, with public agency cooperation becoming more of a factor. READ MORE

White House Releases Plans for Safer Internet Routing This newly issued federal cybersecurity advice for network operators aims to help defend Internet traffic from foreign spying, data theft, outages and a list of other risks. READ MORE