October 11, 2012

Arbitration award sustained as it was rational and did not violate public policy

Arbitration award sustained as it was rational and did not violate public policy

Addressing the employer’s challenge to an arbitration award, the Appellate Division determined that the arbitrator “properly found” there was no "emergency" within the meaning of the collective bargaining agreement [CBA] that justified bypassing the contract's terms regarding assignment of personnel. 

Further, said the court, the award merely enforced the terms of the parties' CBA, which already addressed the public policy issues that the employer raised in this appeal.

The award in this case, said the court, was not "totally" irrational, nor did it violate public policy. 

The Appellate Division explained that the arbitrator did not exceed her powers in making the award as the contract language relied upon by the employer “does not address the situation at issue in this matter.”

In addition, the court noted that the employer “itself requested relief that was not specified in the relevant contract language, and therefore cannot now be heard to say that the award exceeded the scope of the arbitrator's authority.”

Accordingly, the Appellate Division denied the employer's petition to vacate the arbitration award.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

October 10, 2012

Membership in the employee organization subjects the individual to the terms and conditions set out in the relevant collective bargaining agreement

Membership in the employee organization subjects the individual to the terms and conditions set out in the relevant collective bargaining agreement

The Appellate Division, 4th Department, in a succinct decision, said that “by accepting employment as a school instructor and entering into a collective bargaining agreement as a result of his membership in the union representing him, the [school instructor] waived any right to be credited for seniority in the tenure area of teacher.”*

The court cited Dietz v Board of Educ. of Rochester City School Dist., ___ AD3d ___ [Sept. 28, 2012] and Wiener v Board of Educ. of E. Ramapo Cent. School Dist., 90 AD2d 832, appeal dismissed 58 NY2d 1115), in support of its ruling.

In Dietz the court noted that “… the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the District and the union representing petitioner provided that layoffs of ‘school instructors’ would be affected within the four separate categories of school instructors identified in the CBA rather than within tenure areas; that separate seniority lists for purposes of layoffs are maintained for school instructors; and that, ‘[i]n the event that positions are abolished, school instructors shall not have rights to displace teachers in regular school programs having less seniority, nor shall teachers have rights to displace school instructors having less seniority.’"

* See Szumigala v Hicksville Union Free School District, 148 AD2d 621. In Szumigala  the Appellate Division, citing Cheektowaga v Nyquest, 38 NY2d 137, ruled that a seniority clause in a Taylor Law agreement violated §2510 of the Education Law when it permitted seniority in different tenure areas to be combined for the purposes of determining seniority with the District for the purposes of layoff. Further, in City of Plattsburgh v Local 788, 108 AD2d 1045, a decision involving the layoff of employees in the competitive class of the Classified Service, the court held that seniority for the purposes of layoff cannot be diminished or impaired by the terms of collective bargaining agreement, explaining  §80 of the Civil Service Law [and, presumably, §80-a of such law] "reflects a legislative imperative" that the City was powerless to bargain away.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

October 09, 2012

Filing an appeal to the Commissioner of Education as a class action.

Filing an appeal to the Commissioner of Education as a class action.
Decisions of the Commissioner of Education, Decision No. 16,417

Some 90 paraprofessional employee of the school district filed an appeal to the Commissioner of Education challenging a decision of the board of education classifying them as “teacher aides” rather than “teaching assistants,” which appeal was characterized as a “class action.”

Addressing the school district’s object to the filing of the appeal as a “class action,” the Commissioner observed that “An appeal may only be maintained on behalf of a class where the class is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable and where all questions of fact and law are common to all members of the class, citing 8 NYCRR §275.2.” In so doing, said the Commissioner, the petitioner is required to [1] set out the number of individuals he or she seeks to represent and [2] must show that all questions of law and fact would be common to all members of the purported class.

The petitioners had filed the appeal “on behalf of themselves and approximately 90 paraprofessionals” designated by the school district as serving in teacher aide* positions, but who allegedly were performing the duties of a teaching assistant.** 

The Commissioner, however, ruled that while the petitioners had identified each of these individuals in the exhibits to their petition, “they fail to demonstrate that all the potential class members have the same interests or claims.” Considering “the surveys submitted on behalf of these individuals,” the Commissioner said that the surveys indicated that the individuals had “differing job duties, and allege varying amounts of instructional duties.” The Commissioner also noted that the surveys also showed that not all of these individuals held a teaching assistant certificate.

The Commissioner decided that the petitioners: had not clearly demonstrated that all questions of law and fact would be common to all members of the class.Further, the Commissioner noted that the petitioners subsequently identified additional individuals as purported class members and requested, in the alternative, that they be added as petitioners, which request, he said, precluded a finding that the class members are too numerous.

The Commissioner denied the petitioners’ request for “class certification” but granted its motion that the individuals so subsequently identified be included in the appeal as “added petitioners” pursuant to 8 NYCRR §275.1.

After discussing a number of significant personnel issues that could affect the status of the petitioners in their respective positions and issues related to the collective bargaining agreement between the parties, the Commissioner remanded the matter to the school district to make its determination as to whether each of the petitioners was appropriately designated as a teacher aide or should be designated as a teaching assistant. The school district's determination was to be based on an assessment of the nature and extent of the duties performed by each petitioner, consistent with the criteria set out in the Commissioner’s decision.

In effect the district is to perform a “desk audit” of the duties of each individual to determine if he or she was performing the duties of a teacher aide or a teaching assistant.

For those individuals serving in a teacher aide position performing the duties of that title and those individuals serving in a teaching assistant position performing the duties of that title, and assuming that they are qualified to serve in that capacity, no further action would be required.

As to those individuals that the school district determines are serving in a teacher aide position but are  performing the duties of a teaching assistant, assuming, but not deciding, that each such individual is qualified for appointment to that title, the Commissioner directed that “any petitioner ... who spends a substantial portion of time engaged in carrying out such duties, [is to] be appointed to a teaching assistant position and provided with all seniority, tenure and retirement rights.”

The decision is silent with respect to those individuals the school district determines are serving in a teaching assistant position but are actually performing the duties of a teacher aide. Presumably such persons are to be appointed to the title of teacher aide, subject to the approval of the civil service commission having jurisdiction.

* Teacher aide positions are in the classified service in the civil service of the State and the incumbents of such positions are subject to the State’s Civil Service Law and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. Such positions are typically positions placed in the noncompetitive class of the classified service.

** Teaching assistant positions are among those certified by the Commissioner of Education to the New York State Civil Service Commission pursuant to Civil Service Law §35(g) as being in the teaching and supervisory staff of a school district and such positions are in the unclassified service of the civil service of the State.

The decisions is posted on the Internet at:

October 07, 2012

Selected reports and information published by New York State's Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli

Selected reports and information published by New York State's Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli
Issued during the week of October 1 - 7, 2012 [Click on the caption to access the full report]

MTA Financial Outlook Slowly Improving But Risks Remain

The financial condition of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority has strengthened over the past two years, but the Authority faces continued challenges according to a reportreleased Wednesday by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

DiNapoli: LIPA Customers Pay More For Less

Long Island Power Authority ratepayers paid an average of $463 more per year for electricity in 2011 than they did in 2001, according to a reportreleased Wednesday by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The report is the latest in a series by DiNapoli on public authorities.

DiNapoli Releases Bond Calendar For Fourth Quarter

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Tuesday announced a tentative schedule for the planned public sale of obligations for the state, its major public authorities, the City of New York, and the city’s major public authorities during the fourth quarter of 2012.

Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Tuesday announced his office completed the following audits:

  1. Town of Carmel;
  2. Town of Lysander; and,
  3. Town of New Paltz.

Comptroller DiNapoli Releases School Audit

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Tuesday announced his office completed and audit of the Hartford Central School District.

October 05, 2012

Vacating a finding of being guilty of two of five disciplinary charges requires remanding the matter for reconsideration of the disciplinary penalty to be imposed

Vacating a finding of being guilty of two of five disciplinary charges requires remanding the matter for reconsideration of the appropriate penalty to be imposed

The appointing authority adopted the findings and recommendation of a hearing officer that the employee was guilty of five charges of misconduct and terminated the individual’s employment.

Supreme Court dismissed the former employee’s petition challenging the appointing authority’s action.

The Appellate Division disagreed with this result, explaining that upon its review of the record it found that  the hearing officer's finding the individual guilty of two of the five charges had to be annulled and those two charges dismissed. In the opinion of the court, there was a lack of substantial evidence to support a finding that the employee was guilty of these two charges.

As the appointing authority had imposed a penalty based on the hearing officer’s finding that the individual was guilty of all five charges, the court said that the penalty imposed had to be vacated and the matter remit to the appointing authority to permit it to consider the appropriate penalty to be imposed upon the individual based on the individual having been found guilty of the three surviving charges

The decision is posted on the Internet at:


Subsequent court and administrative rulings, or changes to laws, rules and regulations may have modified or clarified or vacated or reversed the information and, or, decisions summarized in NYPPL. For example, New York State Department of Civil Service's Advisory Memorandum 24-08 reflects changes required as the result of certain amendments to §72 of the New York State Civil Service Law to take effect January 1, 2025 [See Chapter 306 of the Laws of 2024]. Advisory Memorandum 24-08 in PDF format is posted on the Internet at Accordingly, the information and case summaries should be Shepardized® or otherwise checked to make certain that the most recent information is being considered by the reader.
NYPPL Publisher Harvey Randall served as Principal Attorney, New York State Department of Civil Service; Director of Personnel, SUNY Central Administration; Director of Research, Governor’s Office of Employee Relations; and Staff Judge Advocate General, New York Guard [See also]. Consistent with the Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations, the material posted to this blog is presented with the understanding that neither the publisher nor NYPPL and, or, its staff and contributors are providing legal advice to the reader and in the event legal or other expert assistance is needed, the reader is urged to seek such advice from a knowledgeable professional.
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