July 01, 2016

Guide to regulatory enforcement published by McGraw-Hill Education

Guide to regulatory enforcement published by McGraw-Hill Education
Source: Marissa Madill, Smith Publicity, Inc.

In their recently published book, The New Era of Regulatory Enforcement: A Comprehensive Guide for Raising the Bar to Manage Risk, authors Richard H. Girgenti, J.D., [National and Americas Leader for KPMG LLP’s Forensic Advisory Services], and Dr. Timothy P. Hedley, [KPMG’s Global Lead for Fraud Risk Management Services], provide insights into challenges organizations may face in conducting business in a rapidly changing regulatory environment. 

Noting that "In today’s global and digital world, the increasingly complex regulatory and business landscape has created unprecedented challenges and risks for businesses in all industries,” Girgenti and Hedley, supported by KPMG professionals with varied areas of regulatory and enforcement knowledge, explore government policies, strategies and tactics driving enforcement activity, and the most effective approaches for identifying, detecting, avoiding and responding to enterprise and industry risks. 

The New Era of Regulatory Enforcement provides clear guidance on what organizations need to do to mitigate risks, as well as insight into:

Public policies driving increased enforcement activity;

Government expectations for organizational compliance and integrity;

Tools and techniques deployed by the government to identify, investigate and ensure organizational compliance; and

Steps prudent organizations must take to prevent, detect and, as necessary, respond to regulatory enforcement risks.

Girgenti and Hedley also co-authored Managing the Risk of Fraud and Misconduct: Meeting the Challenges of a Global, Regulated, and Digital Environment [McGraw-Hill, 2011]. 

The New Era of Regulatory Enforcement is available in both hardcover and Kindle versions at  bookstores and through the Internet.