Summaries of selected Freedom of Information Law [FOIL] court and administrative rulings posted on New York Public Personnel Law
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A FOIL request seeking the names of a public retirement system’s retirees may be denied by the custodian of the records as exempt from disclosure
A Freedom of Information demand may trump an agreement to keep some or all of the terms of a disciplinary action settlement "confidential"
A Freedom of Information request for records concerning law enforcement operations may be denied
Access to documents under FOIL limited
Action for alleged defamation follows disclosure of document pursuant to a FOIL request
An attorney’s advice sent by one layperson to another layperson not an attorney-client communication subject to a FOIL exception
An autopsy of a Freedom of Information request
Another FOIL Lesson: Be mindful of your audience
Applying the exemption from releasing documents and records to the public pursuant to a FOIL request
Attorney-Client privilege and e-mail communications
Certain information contained in personnel records may be redacted in complying with a Freedom of Information request
Certain personnel records are exempt from disclosure pursuant to Public Officers Law §87(2)(a) and Civil Rights Law §50-a even in a redacted form
Commissioner of Education does not have jurisdiction to resolve FOIL or Title IX appeals
Confidentiality of disciplinary records based on an agreement not to disclose their contents
Confidentiality of police records
Correspondence exchanged between public officers and agencies and private consultants are within the ambit of the Freedom of Information Law
Decision highlights some essentials of the Freedom of Information Law
Disclosing the unlisted telephone numbers called by public officials pursuant to a FOIL request
Disclosure of public information or records to one is disclosure to all Disclosure of the terms of settlement agreements pursuant to a FOIL demand
Disclosure of public records pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law
Employee disciplined for alleged acts of misconduct that took place 20 years earlier
Employee organization may not rely of a FOIL request to obtain the names of charter school employees
Entities subject to the Open Meetings Law and the Freedom of Information Law
Expanding exemptions from FOIL to protect "technology assets used to maintain public information"
FOIL amended
Filing a FOIL request for personnel records
Footage at issue captured by a body-worn-camera held not a "personnel record" within the meaning of §50-a of the Civil Rights Law
Freedom of information [FOIL] requests for information concerning health insurance plans
Freedom of information and speech
Freedom of Information in cases involving the termination of an employee – an advisory opinion
Freedom of Information requests
Freedom of Law only applies to public entities
Names of retired New York City police officers not available pursuant to a FOIL request
New York State's E-mail management and preservation policy
Objecting to producing certain documents demanded pursuant to a non-judicial subpoena duces tecum
Obtaining police personnel records pursuant to a Freedom of Information Law [FOIL] demand
Only a governmental not-for-profit corporation’s records is subject to FOIL
Processing a Freedom of Information request
Public benefit corporations are subject to the Open Meetings Law and the Freedom of Information Law as long as they remain public benefit corporations
Public employees personal E-mails exempt from disclosure from FOIL Source: Adjunct Law Prof Blog;
Redacting certain content in a public record when responding to a Freedom of Information request
Redacting the name of the accused employee from the decision following a disciplinary hearing
Releasing the body camera footage recorded by equipment worn by a police officer
Sanctions ordered after lawsuit filed pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law ruled frivolous
Seeking documents that the custodian of the records contends may be denied pursuant to one or more Freedom of Information Law “exemptions from disclosure”
Seeking information pursuant to a Freedom of Information [FOIL] request
Seeking public documents and records pursuant to New York State's Freedom of Information Law
Some limitations to obtaining information pursuant to New York State's Freedom of Information Law
State Senate required to provide employee payroll records in response to a Freedom of Information Law request
The “law enforcement exemption” in POL §87(2) (e) (iv) is not applicable to FOIL requests for documents that might result in administrative disciplinary action
Writ of mandamus to compel disclosure of records pursuant to FOIL