May 26, 2019

Employer's actual investigation of the incident on the date of the event reported to it by the injured party obviates its claim that it lacked timely notice of the event

Plaintiff, a medical technician employed by the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation [HHC] filed motion seeking approval to file a "late notice of claim" alleging that she was assaulted by an inmate in the custody of Department of Correction [DOC] while that inmate was being treated at Bellevue Hospital. In support of her application, filed about seven months after the 90-day statutory period elapsed, Plaintiff submitted an affidavit averring that on the very same day of the alleged assault, she had two conversations with a DOC employee, a Corrections Captain [Captain], and told the Captain that she intend to pursue legal action." DOC did not submit any evidence to Supreme Court to dispute these factual allegations.

Supreme Court rejected Plaintiff's argument that the investigation provided respondent with actual notice, concluding only that her argument was "unavailing," presumably because agreed with DOC's argument that it lacked notice because Plaintiff never specified that she had told the Captain the manner in which DOC was negligent.

In considering whether to grant leave to file a late notice of claim, explained the Appellate Division, courts consider whether the public entity involved "acquired actual knowledge of the essential facts constituting the claim within [90 days] or within a reasonable time thereafter," and "all other relevant facts and circumstances," including "whether the delay in serving the notice of claim substantially prejudiced the public [entity] in maintaining its defense on the merits," the length of the delay, and whether there was a reasonable excuse for the delay.*

Although the Appellate Division held that while Supreme Court correctly found that Plaintiff failed to establish that DOC had actual knowledge of the essential facts constituting the claim based on the documentation that Plaintiff submitted to the Workers' Compensation Board, it erred in rejecting Plaintiff's argument that the investigation provided respondent with actual notice, concluding only that her argument was "unavailing."

To the extent that Plaintiff did not establish actual notice because she did not specify that her description of the assault included a recitation of who was in the room, the Appellate Division opined that "municipal authorities have an obligation to obtain the missing information if that can be done with a modicum of effort," citing Goodwin v New York City Hous. Auth., 42 AD3d 63. Here, said the court, negligence is the only theory of liability that could be implied by Plaintiff's conversations with Captain and, in any event, Captain could have determined who was in the room during the course of his investigation with "a modicum of effort." In the words of the Appellate Division, "[t]o hold otherwise would turn the statute into a sword, contrary to its remedial purpose."
The Appellate Division also found that Supreme Court erred by applying the incorrect legal standard when evaluating the issue of substantial prejudice. Supreme Court neglected to consider the decision of the Court of Appeals in Matter of Newcomb v Middle Country Cent. Sch. Dist., 28 NY3d 455.

Applying the Newcomb standard, "as we must", the Appellate Division said it was compelled to find that DOC was not substantially prejudiced by the delay.**

Noting that the burden initially rests on the Plaintiff to make a showing that the late notice will not substantially prejudice the respondent and that showing "need not be extensive," the Appellate Division ruled that "Plaintiff easily met her initial burden of providing 'some evidence or plausible argument' regarding the lack of substantial prejudice by pointing to the investigation" by Captain. This shifted the burden of going forward to DOC, which failed to rebut Plaintiff's showing with the particularized evidence  as required by Newcomb nor provided Supreme Court with any evidence to substantiate that it was prejudiced by the mere passage of time.

The bottom line, the Appellate Division said it must bear in mind that "the purpose of the statute is to give the municipality the opportunity to investigate the claim" and here the record indicated that DOC's Captain  "actually investigated [Plaintiff's] claim on the very same day that it arose, thereby fulfilling the statute's purpose."***

* See General Municipal Law §50-e[5].

** The Appellate Division pointed out that Plaintiff failed to demonstrate a reasonable excuse for service of her late notice of claim but concluded that the "lack of excuse" is not fatal here.

*** The Appellate Division also noted that it had simultaneously recalled and vacated its Decision and Order previously entered [see 168 AD3d 481] regarding this matter.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

May 24, 2019

Application for a professional license denied based on a finding that the applicant lacked "good moral character"

New York State's Education Law §8405[3][f] requires that an applicant for a New York State psychoanalyst license must "[b]e of good moral character."

In this CPLR Article 78 action, an applicant [Petitioner] for "licensure as a psychoanalyst" challenged the rejection of his application based on the New York State Department of Education's [SDE] determination that Petitioner "lacked good moral character." Supreme Court transferred the Article 78 action to the Appellate Division.*

The Appellate Division's decision indicates that Petitioner had been licensed as a social worker by SDE in 1984 and subsequently was a licensed clinical social worker [LCSW] in several other states. At the time Petitioner applied for a New York State psychoanalyst license he was living in another state and held a LCSW a license issued by the state in which he then resided.

The reasons advanced by SDE in support of its decision to deny Petitioner "licensure as a psychoanalyst" included the following:

[a]  In 2003 Petitioner pleaded guilty in Rockland County Court to grand larceny in the third degree in full satisfaction of multiple charges pertaining to false billings submitted to a private insurance company during the period June 1999 to August 2001 and his New York license was suspended for one year;

[b] In 2005 Petitioner pleaded guilty, again in Rockland County Court, to two counts of grand larceny in the second degree, admitting that he filed false claims with the state and federal Medicaid programs and was allowed to surrender his New York license;** and

[c] Following testimony from Petitioner and several witnesses on his behalf, the SDE Hearing Panel determined that Petitioner did not meet the moral character requirement and that the application should be denied, which decision was sustained by SDE's Committee on the Professions.

 The Appellate Division observed that:

[1] "[W]hether an applicant seeking professional licensure has demonstrated "good moral character" is to be determined by the appropriate body and if "made after an evidentiary hearing", the determination will be upheld if supported by substantial evidence;"*** and

[2]  §752 of the Correction Law provides that a license application shall not "be denied or acted upon adversely by reason of the individual's having been previously convicted of one or more criminal offenses, or by reason of a finding of lack of 'good moral character' when such finding is based upon [the prior convictions], unless: (1) there is a direct relationship between one or more of the previous criminal offenses and the specific license ... sought ...; or (2) the issuance ... of the license ... would involve an unreasonable ... to the safety or welfare of specific individuals or the general public."

Noting that the parties agreed that the above cited standard applied here, at issue was SDE's determination that both exceptions have been established, i.e., that [1] there is a direct relationship between Petitioner's convictions and the work of a psychoanalyst and [2] that the issuance of a license to Petitioner would present an unreasonable risk to the safety and welfare of the public. 

Although Petitioner contended that SDE failed to consider the specific factors outlined in Correction Law §753 in making this determination, the Appellate Division said that its review of the record "shows otherwise" in that SDE "reasonably determined that Petitioner's improper billing practices as an LCSW were directly relevant to the same responsibilities that he would have to his clients and the involved insurers as a licensed psychoanalyst."

The decision also notes that Petitioner receive a certificate of relief from disabilities for his first conviction as provided by Correction Law §753[2]) but Petitioner's other convictions came two years later.

In consideration of the records before it, the Appellate Division found that the determination denying Petitioner's license application was supported by substantial evidence.

* CPLR §7804[g], in relevant part, provides that Supreme Court shall transfer an Article 78 action to the Appellate Division in the event an administrative determination required by law was after a hearing at which evidence was taken.

.** The decision notes that Petitioner retained his LCSW license issued by another state "under supervision".  

*** Substantial evidence is defined as "such relevant proof as a reasonable mind may accept as adequate to support a conclusion or ultimate fact."

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

May 23, 2019

Declining a particular fringe benefit does not convert the value of the employer's contribution for such benefit into additional salary or other compensation

The appointing authority [Town] employed two town justices. Both justices have the same job functions and receive an identical annual salary. The Town also offers both town justices the opportunity to participate in its employee health insurance plan. While the Justice A elected to participate in this plan, Justice B elected not to do so and, in lieu of receiving health benefits, made several unsuccessful requests seeking additional compensation equal to the cost of the "employer contribution" to the Town to provide Justice A with health insurance coverage.

Ultimately Justice B sent a letter to the Town's supervisor formally requesting this additional compensation, contending that health insurance coverage was a component of a town justice's salary and that, because her fellow town justice was receiving this benefit and she was not, she was being compensated less than the other justice in violation of Town Law §27.1. After Justice B's request was denied by the Town, she initiated an Article 78 action seeking, among other things, a declaration that the Town's denial of her request for additional compensation violated Town Law §27.1. The Town answered the petition and, following oral argument, Supreme Court found Justice B's claim to be without merit and dismissed her petition and complaint. Justice B appealed the ruling to the Appellate Division.

The Appellate Division affirmed the lower court's ruling, explaining that Town Law §27.1  provides, in relevant part, that "[t]he town board of each town shall fix . . . the salaries of all officers and employees of said town" and that "the salaries of all town justices shall be equal," unless otherwise agreed upon by a majority vote of the town board."

Although §27 does not define the term "salary," the Appellate Division noted that in Bransten v State of New York, 30 NY3d 434 the Court of Appeals, considering the State Constitution's Judicial Compensation Clause, Article VI, §25[a], and held that the state's employer contributions toward a justice's health insurance coverage "is not part of [his or her] judicial salary" nor considered "a permanent remuneration for expenses necessarily incurred in fulfillment of judicial obligations."

Finding that both Town Justice A and Town Justice B have received identical salary and benefits, "including eligibility to participate in the Town's health insurance plan," the Appellate Division opined that the fact that Justice B had chosen to forgo participating in the Town's health insurance plan did not transform the Town's employer contribution towards the plan it made on behalf of Justice A, who did elect to participate in the Town's health insurance plan, into some form of salary differential forbidden under Town Law §27.1.

According, the Appellate Division said it agreed with Supreme Court that the Town's denial of Town Justice B's request for additional compensation did not violate Town Law §27.1.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

May 22, 2019

Seeking a writ of mandamus to compel a public entity to perform a certain action

For many years, Binghamton City Court [City Court] used docket books maintained in hard copy used by the plaintiff to personally compile lists of adjudicated summary eviction proceedings. However, at some point, City Court discontinued their use of hard copy docket books and began maintaining court records electronically. Beginning in 2015, Plaintiffs made several written requests to City Court for all summary eviction proceedings that had been adjudicated since January 1, 2014.

Plaintiff was advised that City Court did not maintain its records in the specific manner that he was requesting and that he could access the electronically-stored court records by providing a case name or index number. In addition, the Town of Union Court [Town Court] similarly notified Plaintiff that it did not maintain a running list of summary eviction proceedings in a form that he had requested.

Ultimately Plaintiff commenced a CPLR Article 78 proceeding in the nature of mandamus seeking to compel City Court and Town Court to, among other things, "maintain all court records in a written form . . . [l]ike the old docket books" and, since the records were maintained electronically, to provide the requested information "on a disk in a form that could be easily used by the public."

City Court answered Plaintiff's petition and alleged that Plaintiff had failed to state a claim. Town Court submitted an affidavit in opposition to Plaintiff's petition, requesting that the petition be dismissed, indicating that, although under no obligation to do so, it had employed an outside information technology company to create the list sought by Plaintiff. Supreme Court ultimately dismissed the petition and Plaintiff appealed.

The Appellate Division, citing Matter of County of Chemung v Shah, 28 NY3d 244, affirm the lower court's ruling, explaining that a "writ of mandamus"* is an extraordinary remedy that lies only to compel the performance of "an administrative act positively required to be done by a provision of law." In the words of the Appellate Division, "[s]uch a writ will not be awarded to compel the performance of an act involving the exercise of judgment or discretion or to direct the manner in which a public official carries out his or her legal duty to complete a ministerial act."

Finding that the records demonstrated that both City Court and Town Court were satisfying their duties under Judiciary Law §§255 and 255-b by maintaining an electronic docketing systems that was available for search and examination by members of the public with the assistance of court staff, the Appellate Division ruled that neither City Court nor Town Court were statutorily required to maintain their respective court dockets "in the particular manner requested by Plaintiff or create the list that Plaintiff desires."

Finding that City Court and Town Court cannot be compelled to perform their ministerial duties in the specific manner sought by Plaintiff, the Appellate Division ruled that Supreme Court had properly dismissed the Plaintiff's Article 78 petition.

* A writ of mandamus is one of a number of the ancient “common law” writs and is granted by a court to compel an official to perform acts that such an official is duty-bound to perform. Other such ancients writs include the writ of prohibition, issued by a higher tribunal to a lower tribunal to "prohibit" the adjudication of a matter then pending before the lower tribunal on the grounds that the lower tribunal "lacked jurisdiction"; the writ of "certiorari," compelling a lower court to send its record of a case to the higher tribunal for review by the higher tribunal; and the writ of “quo warranto,” which requires a person or body to show by what warrant, office or franchise, held, claimed, or exercised, with respect to that individual or entity performing a particular act or omission. The Civil Practice Law and Rules sets out the modern equivalents of the surviving ancient writs.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

May 21, 2019

Under certain circumstances a court may order the New York State Public Employment Relations Board to issue determinations on pending improper practice charges

Petitioner in the Article 78 action had filed two improper practice charges with the Public Employment Relations Board [PERB] in 2014. Contending that PERB had yet to issues its determinations concerning these charges, in 2018 Petitioner initiated a CPLR Article 78 proceeding, seeking a court order compelling PERB to issue determinations on these two improper practice charges then pending before it, naming PERB and the State of New York [State] as respondents,.

In lieu of filing an answer to Petitioner's complaint, PERB moved to dismiss the petition for, among other reasons, Petitioner's alleged failure to exhaust administrative remedies. State, in lieu of filing an answer to Petitioner's complaint, separately moved to dismiss the petition with respect to it, alleging that it "was not a proper party to the proceeding."

The Supreme Court [1] granted the State's motion to dismiss it from the proceedings on the ground that it was not a proper party to the proceeding; [2] denied PERB's motion to dismiss the action on the grounds that petitioner "had failed to exhaust" administrative remedies; and [3] granted Petitioner's petition on the merits, directing PERB to issue determinations on Petitioner's improper practice charges within 60 days of the serving of the court's order, with notice of entry, on PERB.

PERB appealed the Supreme Court's ruling to the Appellate Division, thereby "invoking an automatic stay of Supreme Court's judgment."*

While the appeal was pending in the Appellate Division, however, PERB issued it's decisions on Petitioner's improper practice charges, thus providing Petitioner with all of the relief that he requested in his CPLR petition. 

The Appellate Division, observing that "the rights of the parties would not be affected by a determination" of PERB's appeal"on the merits," rejected PERB's contention that exceptions** to the mootness doctrine applied in this action. The court explained that the controversy presented by this case "evaded its review solely because PERB issued the requested determination during the pendency of the appeal."

Holding that the controversy between Petitioner and PERB had been resolved as the result of PERB's issuing the determinations demanded by Petitioner, the Appellate Division dismissed PERB's appeal as moot.

* See CPLR §5519[a][1], which, in pertinent part, provides for a stay of the enforcement of a court decision without a court order upon the filing of a notice of appeal or an affidavit of intention to move for permission to appeal where "the appellant or moving party is the state or any political subdivision of the state or any officer or agency of the state or of any political subdivision of the state."

** Claims of exception to the mootness doctrine typically require the court to consider three issues: [a] is the question presented of a substantial public nature; [b] is there is a need for an authoritative determination for the future guidance of public officers; and [3] is there a likelihood of future recurrence of the question [see Hearst Corp. v Clyne, 50 NY2d 707].

The decision is posted on the Internet at:


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NYPPL Blogger Harvey Randall served as Principal Attorney, New York State Department of Civil Service; Director of Personnel, SUNY Central Administration; Director of Research, Governor’s Office of Employee Relations; and Staff Judge Advocate General, New York Guard. Consistent with the Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations, the material posted to this blog is presented with the understanding that neither the publisher nor NYPPL and, or, its staff and contributors are providing legal advice to the reader and in the event legal or other expert assistance is needed, the reader is urged to seek such advice from a knowledgeable professional.
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