May 14, 2014

Dishonesty ruled incompatible with individual’s employment as a peace officer

Dishonesty ruled incompatible with individual’s employment as a peace officer
OATH Index No. 1186/14

Disciplinary charges were filed against an enforcement agent [Employee] alleging that he failed to report a missing chemical spray canister and other agency equipment, and making false statements about what happened to them.

The agency’s attorney contended that in view of Employee’s status with the agency as a peace officer, the appropriate penalty was termination because of Employee’s admitted dishonesty is incompatible with his law enforcement position.

Noting that Employee persistently refused to provide a truthful explanation for the loss of the equipment, Oath Administrative Law Judge John B. Spooner recommended termination of employment as "integrity is vital" to Employee's job duties as a peace officer, which include providing truthful and accurate testimony at hearings.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

May 13, 2014

The 2014 Anderson Series Seminar’s Education Reform and The Common Core session is scheduled for May 20, 2014

The 2014 Anderson Series Seminar’s Education Reform and The Common Core session is scheduled for May 20, 2014
Source: Government Law Center, Albany Law School

The Albany Law School’s Government Law Center will host the next 2014 Annual Warren M. Anderson Breakfast Seminar Series, a nonpartisan hour-long breakfast program, on May 20, 2014 from 8-9 a.m. in the Assembly Parlor, at the State Capitol, 3rd FL. The program continues to be offered free of charge, but space is limited.

The speaker will discuss Education Reform and The Common Core.

For those interested, each seminar is accredited for one hour of transitional and non-transitional CLE credit in the area of “Professional Practice.”

To register or to obtain more information, contact Ms. Amy Gunnells at agunn@albanylaw.eduor telephone 518-445-2329. 

The Comptroller has the authority to review and report on the billing practices of a medical provider not a participating physician within the NYSHIP Empire Plan network

The Comptroller has the authority to review and report on the billing practices of a medical provider not a participating physician within the NYSHIP Empire Plan network
Martin H. Handler, M.D., P.C. v DiNapoli, 2014 NY Slip Op 03191, Court of Appeals

Among the patients treated by a physician and a medical group [Providers] were individuals insured by the Empire Plan, New York State's primary health benefit plan. The Empire Plan pays about 80% of the charges billed for the medical services provided to individuals covered by the Empire Plan. Providers challenged the authority of the State Comptroller to review their records as part of an audit of billing practices in the health care industry for claims paid by the Empire Plan

The Comptroller contended that he had the authority to review and otherwise report on medical provider’s billing practices as part of its audit of State expenditures. The Court of Appeals agreed.

Among the issues considered by the court were “co-payments” incorporated in the fee structure.

Participating providers have an agreement with United that specifies the fees they may charge. These providers bill claims, less a patient “co-pay,” to United Healthcare Insurance of New York [United] which processes and pays claims made by Empire Plan beneficiaries. In contrast, non-participating providers charge market rates for their services and bill the patient directly. United then reimburses the patient 80% of either the actual fee charged or the "customary and reasonable charge" for the service, whichever is lower. The patient is responsible for paying the provider’s bill, including the 20% that is not paid by United, from his or her personal funds.

Non-participating providers have a legal duty to collect patients' co-payments and failure to collect these fees can result in civil and criminal penalties for insurance fraud.*  

According to the decision, the non-participating provider's failure to collect a co-payment from an Empire Plan member inflates a claim's cost and adversely impacts the State's fisc. A provider that charges $100 for a service, and who collects $80 in State money, must collect $20 from the Empire Plan member. In the event that the provider does not collect the co-payment, it has provided a medical service for $80, not $100, and the State should have paid only $64 of that cost.

After the Comptroller had examined Providers billing records for certain periods of time, the auditors found Providers routinely waived the co-pay that was to be paid by Empire patients and that this resulted in more than $1.500,000 in overpayments by United during this period. The Comptroller recommended that United recover the overpaid sums of money, advise Providers of the advantages of participating in the Empire Plan, and contact the Department of Civil Service to develop a plan for preventing future waiver of required co-payments. The Comptroller took no independent enforcement action.

Providers then filed separate combined Article 78 and declaratory judgment actions against the Comptroller and United, challenging the Comptroller's authority to audit their books and sought judicial relief that included enjoining publication of the results of the audit and enjoining United from collecting any alleged overpayments.

Supreme Court granted the petitions in part and enjoined United from taking action based on the Comptroller’s audit results. In separate decisions, Supreme Court concluded that the Comptroller lacked constitutional authority to audit Providers because Providers are "not a political subdivision of the State."

The Appellate Division found the Comptroller has a constitutional duty to audit payments made by the State, and, as a part of that duty, the Comptroller has the authority to conduct post-audit reviews of payments made to Providers. The Appellate Division explained that were the Comptroller to lack authority to audit health care providers' payment records, "no other entity . . . would retain oversight" to prevent overpayments that result from waived co-insurance fees. The Appellate Division remitted the cases to Supreme Court for further proceedings to address Providers’ claims that the audit findings were arbitrary and capricious and lacked a rational basis. Supreme Court dismissed Providers’ petitions and they appealed to the Court of Appeals ”as of right under CPLR 5601(d), bringing up the prior orders of the Appellate Division, which involved a substantial constitutional question.” 

Providers contended that the Comptroller's audits exceeded the constitutional limitations on its powers because, as non-participants in the Empire Plan, they neither have a contract with the State nor receive State funds, and the Comptroller cannot audit them. 

Under the current provisions of law, the Comptroller is to audit State payments and receipts and the Legislature is prohibited from assigning administrative tasks to the office in order to protect "the independent character of the Comptroller's audit function."

Further, Civil Service Law §167 (7), provides that the Comptroller is to audit payments to the State's health insurance vendors whereby "The amounts required to be paid to any contracting corporation under any contract [with NYSHIP] shall be payable from such health insurance fund as audited by and upon the warrant of the comptroller[.]"

Thus, said the court, both the Constitution and statutes require the Comptroller to ensure proper billing and payment for the Empire Plan. In order to accomplish its legally mandated duties to prevent unauthorized payments and overpayments, the Comptroller must perform both pre- and post-audit review of Empire Plan payments.

The Court of Appeals rejected Providers’ theory that United’s role as a conduit severs any connection between the State funds and the their billing practices, putting the records beyond the Comptroller's reach, explaining that the Constitution does not limit the Comptroller's authority in this way and the fact that the State relies on a third-party conduit, United, does not change the character of the funds.

Holding that the Comptroller's limited examination of Providers' billing records amounted to a post-audit of State payments and was permitted by the Constitution, the Court of Appeals ruled that the judgments of Supreme Court and the prior orders of the Appellate Division reviewed should be affirmed, with costs.

* (see Insurance Law §403 [c]; Penal Law § 176.05 [2]).

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

May 12, 2014

Disciplinary arbitrator’s treating one individual differently or less favorably than another similarly situated individual is not a reason to vacate the arbitration award.

Disciplinary arbitrator’s treating one individual differently or less favorably than another similarly situated individual is not a reason to vacate the arbitration award.
2014 NY Slip Op 03265, Appellate Division, Second Department

MTA Bus Co. had a policy banning cell-phone use while operating a bus. After the bus driver allegedly violated the MTA’s cell-phone policy three separate occasions and, in accordance with that policy, he had been suspended from employment for a period of 10 days.

Following the bus driver's fourth violation MTA terminated his employment. 

The bus driver’s union filed a grievance challenging the termination, and an arbitration hearing was conducted. After the hearing, the arbitrator concluded that the bus driver had committed a "cell phone violation," and that MTA's decision to terminate his employment was proper. The bus driver filed and Article 75 petition seeking a court order vacating the arbitration award.

Supreme Court denied the petition, in effect confirming the award and the bus driver appealed, contending that the arbitration award was irrational.

The Appellate Division, noting that "Judicial review of an arbitrator's award is extremely limited" said a court may vacate an arbitration award pursuant to CPLR 7511(b)(1)(iii) "only if it violates a strong public policy, is irrational, or clearly exceeds a specifically enumerated limitation on the arbitrator's power." Further said the court, "Courts are bound by an arbitrator's . . . judgment concerning remedies [and] cannot examine the merits of an arbitration award and substitute its judgment for that of the arbitrator simply because it believes its interpretation would be the better one." In addition the court commented that the fact “That the arbitrator may have treated the petitioner differently or less favorably than another similarly situated bus driver is not a ground to vacate the arbitration award.”

The Appellate Division held that the arbitrator's award was justified and, hence, rational as the record showed that the bus driver was aware of MTA’s cell-phone policy and had been previously suspended for 10 days for violating that policy. The court explained that violation of the MTA's cell-phone policy, which also violates New York law, constitutes appropriate grounds for termination of employment.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:


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NYPPL Blogger Harvey Randall served as Principal Attorney, New York State Department of Civil Service; Director of Personnel, SUNY Central Administration; Director of Research, Governor’s Office of Employee Relations; and Staff Judge Advocate General, New York Guard. Consistent with the Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations, the material posted to this blog is presented with the understanding that neither the publisher nor NYPPL and, or, its staff and contributors are providing legal advice to the reader and in the event legal or other expert assistance is needed, the reader is urged to seek such advice from a knowledgeable professional.
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