March 04, 2016

IRS Alerts Payroll and HR Professionals to Phishing Schemes

IRS Alerts Payroll and HR Professionals to Phishing Schemes
Source: IRS Newsletter #IR-2016-34 [Links to additional information are in color below.]

On March 3, 2016, the Internal Revenue Service [IRS] issued an alert to payroll and human resources professionals warning of an emerging phishing e-mail scheme that purports to be from executive officers or supervisors and requests employee personal information.

The Merriam‑Webster dictionary defines phishing as "a scam by which an e-mail user is duped into revealing personal or confidential information which the scammer can use illicitly."

The IRS reports that it has learned this scheme – part of the surge in phishing e-mails seen this year – already has claimed several victims as payroll and human resources offices mistakenly e-mailed payroll data including W-2 Forms that contain Social Security numbers and other personally identifiable information, to cyber-criminals posing as executive officers or supervisors.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said “If your CEO appears to be e-mailing you for a list of company employees, check it out before you respond. Everyone has a responsibility to remain diligent about confirming the identity of people requesting personal information about employees.”

IRS Criminal Investigation is reviewing several cases in which individuals have been tricked into sharing Social Security numbers with what turned out to be cyber-criminals. Criminals using personal information stolen elsewhere then seek to “monetize” this data, including filing fraudulent tax returns for refunds due a taxpayer. 

There is also a phishing variation is known as a “spoofing” e-mail. The e-mail will contain, for example, the actual name of an executive officer or supervisor. In this variation, the “CEO” sends an e-mail to a payroll or personnel office employee requesting a list of employees and information including employee Social Security numbers.

The following are actual examples of the information requested in these “spoof mails”:

“Kindly send me the individual 2015 W-2 (PDF) and earnings summary of all W-2 of our employees for a quick review

“Can you send me the updated list of employees with full details (Name, Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Home Address, Salary) as at 2/2/2016.

“I want you to send me the list of W-2 copy of employees wage and tax statement for 2015,

“I need them in PDF file type, you can send it as an attachment. Kindly prepare the lists and e-mail them to me ASAP.”

The IRS recently renewed and issued a consumer alert [IR-2016-28, Feb. 18, 2016] for e-mail schemes after seeing an approximate 400 percent surge in phishing and malware incidents so far this tax season and receiving other reports of scams targeting others in a wider tax community.

The e-mails are designed to trick individuals into thinking these are official communications from the IRS or others in the tax industry, including tax software companies. The phishing schemes can ask individuals to provide a wide range of personal and financial information. E-mails can seek information related to refunds, filing status, confirming personal information, ordering transcripts and verifying PIN information.

The IRS, state tax agencies and tax industry are engaged in a public awareness campaign – Taxes. Security. Together. – to encourage everyone to do more to protect personal, financial and tax data. See Publication 4524 for additional information addressing steps that can take to protect employees and individuals from spoofs, scams and phishing.  

March 03, 2016

Determining if an administrative agency's decision is arbitrary and capricious

Determining if an administrative agency's decision is arbitrary and capricious
Muhammad v Zucker, 2016 NY Slip Op 01446, Appellate Division, First Department

Dr. Rafeak Muhammad was disciplined after he was found to have falsified workers' compensation forms and treating workers' compensation patients when it was no longer medically indicated in his private practice.

Dr. Muhammad filed an Article 78 petition in which he sought to modify a consent order that limited his license to practice medicine and annul the determination of the Director of the Office of Professional Medical Conduct [the Director] with respect to certain modifications Dr. Muhammad had requested.

Supreme Court denied Dr. Muhammad's petition and dismissed the proceeding. The Appellate Division unanimously affirmed the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Citing the so-called Pell Doctrine,* the Appellate Division explained that the test used by courts to determine if an administrative agency's decision is arbitrary and capricious is whether the determination "is without sound basis in reason and is generally taken without regard to the facts." The court said that upon its review of the record, the Director’s decision not to join in Dr. Muhammad’s application seeking a modification of the underlying consent order "was rational and based on the facts.”

Dr. Muhammad had asked the Director to consider two proposed modifications of the consent order. The first modification would permit Dr. Muhammad to treat workers' compensation patients in the Jamaica Hospital Ophthalmology Clinic. The second modification Dr. Muhammad sought would permit him to treat workers' compensation patients in his private practice.

The Appellate Division noted that the Director concluded that the circumstances described in Dr. Muhammad’s letters of support from the chief financial officer of the hospital and the head of the ophthalmology department warranted only the adoption of first proposed modification.

The Director’s response to Dr. Muhammad's second modification request -- that he be permitted to treat workers' compensation patients in his private practice -- was a limited second modification order that would entail a more gradual release of the license restriction. 

This, said the court, demonstrated that the facts of this matter were considered and that the Director exercised his discretion in advocating an incremental approach, concluding that that this was not a case that would require the court to "surmise or speculate as to how or why an agency reached a particular conclusion."

* Pell v Bd. of Educ. of Union Free School Dist. No. 1 of Towns of Scarsdale & Mamaroneck, Westchester County, 34 NY2d 222

The decision is posted on the Internet at:
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A Reasonable Penalty Under The Circumstances - a 618-page volume focusing on New York State court and administrative decisions addressing an appropriate disciplinary penalty to be imposed on an employee in the public service found guilty of misconduct or incompetence. For more information click on 

March 02, 2016

Recent decisions issued by the New York City Office of Administrative Tribunals and Hearings

Recent decisions issued by the New York City Office of Administrative Tribunals and Hearings
Click on text highlighted in color to access the complete text of the decision.

Failure to provide a urine sample for a drug test
Dep't of Sanitation v. E. V., OATH Index No. 805/16
A sanitation worker was charged with refusing to undergo a drug test after he could not provide sufficient urine within the requisite three hour period for the test.

The employee argued that his blood pressure medication limited his ability to produce urine. Two doctors, testifying for the appointing authority, concluded that it is unlikely that the particular medication could have had such an effect. The employee did not offer any medical documentation showing his difficulty with urinating prior to the date of the contested drug test and had no trouble producing enough urine in subsequent drug tests.

OATH Administrative Law Judge John B. Spooner sustained the charge and recommended 30-day suspension without pay.   

Physical altercation with a co-worker

OATH Administrative Law Judge Kara J. Miller recommended termination of an administrative associate at a health clinic who was alleged to have been both excessively late to work and having had a physical altercation with a co-worker.

The appointing authority alleged that the employee approached a co-worker and pushed him without provocation, using obscenities and attracting the attention of various other staff members. Multiple witnesses confirmed the co-worker's testimony. The employee argued that the incident stemmed from the co-worker sexually harassing her but provided no evidence to indicate that the alleged harassment actually took place. Moreover, the ALJ found that employee's testimony contained significant inconsistencies and implausible assertions.

Judge Miller sustained the physical altercation charge along with an uncontested charge of excessive lateness. 

Confrontation with a superior
Dep't of Sanitation v. Anonymous, OATH Index No. 056/16

The Department of Sanitation charged a sanitation worker with misconduct after he had a confrontation with a superior at work.

The worker had yelled at a Deputy Chief and pushed a car door into him, fracturing his finger. The worker also refused a drug test after being ordered to take one immediately after the incident.

OATH Administrative Law Judge Faye Lewis weighed the testimony of both parties along with medical documentation and photographs of the Deputy Chief's injury and sustained the charges, recommending termination of employment.  

Initiation of an unauthorized investigation
Dep't of Sanitation v. Serrano, OATH Index No. 813/16

OATH Administrative Law Judge Kevin F. Casey sustained charges of misconduct against a sanitation worker who completed an unauthorized investigation on behalf of a friend.

The employee was alleged to have questioned private security personnel about their procedures for issuing littering summonses while he was on duty. This inquiry following a complaint from the employee’s friend that she was being harassed by the security officers in her housing complex. The employee did not record or report his actions.

Judge Casey concluded that the employee used his position in the Department improperly to assist a friend, failed to document his activities, and acted unprofessionally. A 30-day suspension without pay was recommended.   

Failure to submit documentation justifying emergency leave and sick leave
Dep't of Sanitation v. Adkinson, OATH Index No. 2170/14

The Department of Sanitation proved that on multiple occasions a sanitation worker failed to submit documentation for emergency and sick leave, was inaccessible for home visits while on sick leave and failed to report to a clinic for examination when required.

Given the number of violations, OATH Administrative Law Judge Ingrid M. Addison recommended termination of employment but suggested that the Department consider the employee's expressed desire to retire shortly as a viable alternative to termination.    


A Reasonable Penalty Under The Circumstances - a 618-page volume focusing on New York State court and administrative decisions addressing an appropriate disciplinary penalty to be imposed on an employee in the public service found guilty of misconduct or incompetence. For more information click on


March 01, 2016

Tax Guide to U.S. Civil Service Retirement Benefits

Tax Guide to U.S. Civil Service Retirement Benefits

IRS has published its latest tax guide for preparing tax returns involving U.S. Civil Service Retirement benefits. It is posted on the Internet at:

Unless an administrative agency explains why it is deviating from its past decisions in making its ruling, courts take a dim view of departures from its precedent

Unless an administrative agency explains why it is deviating from its past decisions in making its ruling, courts take a dim view of departures from its precedent
Zaremski v New Visions, 2016 NY Slip Op 01220, Appellate Division, Third Department

In Zaremski, the Appellate Division reminded the Workers’ Compensation Board that a decision of the Board would be deemed arbitrary "if it departs from prior Board precedent and fails to explain the reasons for its departure".

In January 2012, James Zaremski suffered an injury to his lower back during the course of his employment as a general maintenance repairperson for the employer and did not return to that employment. At the time of his injury, claimant was also solely operating a self-owned appliance repair business and in June 2012 he resumed operating that business on a part-time basis but with physical restrictions.

Zaremski’s claim for workers' compensation benefits was established December 2012 and, following a hearing on the issue of reduced earning benefits, a Workers' Compensation Law Judge [WCLJ] found that he was entitled to tentative reduced earnings of $300 per week based upon the difference between his average weekly wage from his employment as a general maintenance repairperson and his weekly earnings subsequent to his return to work at his self-employment business.

Upon review, the Workers' Compensation Board modified the WCLJ’s decision and ruled that Zaremski had no compensable claim for reduced earnings after January 22, 2013.

The court said that the Board has previously determined that although wages from a noncovered concurrent employment cannot be included in the calculation of a claimant's average weekly wage pursuant to Workers' Compensation Law §14(6), such wages must be taken into account when computing a claimant's reduced earnings under Workers' Compensation Law §15(5-a).

Thus in Zaremski’s case the Board apparently ignored its precedent when it held that that  Zaremski's self-employment did not qualify as concurrent employment to increase his average weekly wage, the earnings from his self-employment could not be considered in determining his “reduced earnings.”

The Appellate Division held that because the Board failed to explain its departure from this precedent, the decision must be reversed and the matter remitted for further proceedings before the Board.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

February 29, 2016

Acting in self-defense when accosted by others while at work did not constitute disqualifying misconduct within the meaning of the Unemployment Insurance Law

Acting in self-defense when accosted by others while at work did not constitute disqualifying misconduct within the meaning of the Unemployment Insurance Law
Matter of Chirico (City of Syracuse--Commissioner of Labor), 2016 NY Slip Op 01027, Appellate Division, Third Department

Anthony D. Chirico worked for the City of Syracuse as a motor equipment operator for about 10 months. After parking the truck he was driving, three individuals, two of whom were carrying golf clubs, assaulted him. After being struck with a golf club, Chirico grabbed one of the golf clubs and swung the club to ward off the three attackers. A few days later the City terminated Chirico from his employment for "unsatisfactory work performance."

Chirico then applied for, and received, unemployment insurance benefits. The Department of Labor, however, subsequently determined that Chiricolost his employment with the City due to actions that constituted misconduct in connection with that employment, thus disqualifying him from receiving benefits.

Ordered to reimburse the City for the unemployment insurance benefits he had received,* Chirico appealed. Although the Administrative Law Judge [ALJ] upheld the Department's determination, the Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board reversed the ALJ’s ruling and determined that Chirico was entitled to receive unemployment insurance benefits because, in its view, his actions were in self-defense and did not constitute disqualifying misconduct.

The City appealed the Board’s determination, contending that Chirico not entitled to receive unemployment insurance benefits because he had engaged in disqualifying misconduct while at work. The Appellate Division sustained the Board’s determination, explaining "Whether a claimant has engaged in disqualifying misconduct is a factual question for the Board to resolve and its determination will not be disturbed if supported by substantial evidence."

The court also noted that not every discharge for cause is misconduct within the meaning of the Unemployment Insurance Law, which defines such disqualifying misconduct  conduct as “a willful and wanton disregard of the employer's interest.”

Although engaging in a physical altercation or exchange during the course of one's employment may be found to constitute disqualifying misconduct, here Chirico asserted that [1] he did not initiate the altercation and [2] that he acted in self-defense and appropriately under the circumstances. These assertions, said the court, “presented a credibility issue that the Board could properly choose to credit.”

The City also argued that Chirico had made a “willful false statement” in his application for unemployment insurance benefits. The Appellate Division rejected the City’s contention that Board should have found that such a willful false statement or representation warranted a reduction or forfeiture of Chirico’s unemployment insurance benefits.

The court said that the details of the incident that Chirico provided in his application for unemployment benefits were consistent with his testimony at the hearing, “which the Board credited.” Accordingly, the Appellate Division found no reason to disturb the Board's decision.

* See Labor Law §594

The decision is posted on the Internet at:
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February 27, 2016

Selected Reports issued by the Office of the State Comptroller during the week ending February 28, 2016

Selected Reports issued by the Office of the State Comptroller during the week ending February 28, 2016
Click on text highlighted in color to access the full report

Former Director of the Putnam County Department of Consumer Affairs enters guilty plea for stealing money she accepted to satisfy county-issued fines
Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced the guilty plea of Jean Noel, the former Director of the Putnam County Department of Consumer Affairs, for stealing money from Putnam County. Ms. Noel was arrested after a joint investigation by the State Police, the Office of the New York State Comptroller, and the Attorney General’s Office revealed Ms. Noel’s theft of cash that she accepted from local contractors to satisfy county-issued fines. Ms. Noel entered a guilty plea before the Honorable Joseph J. Spofford, Jr. in Carmel Town Court to the class “A” misdemeanor charge of petit larceny under Penal Law § 155.25. As part of a plea agreement, Ms. Noel agreed to terminate her employment with Putnam County, pay restitution, and was sentenced to a one-year conditional discharge.

Former Tupper Lake Volunteer Fire Department Treasurer pleaded guilty to grand larceny
Former Tupper LakeVolunteer Fire Department Treasurer Timothy J. Brown pleaded guilty to grand larceny and agreed to repay the $30,000 he stole for private vacations revealed in an auditand investigation by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

School District Audits Released

Alexander Central School District - Financial Condition

Cazenovia Central School District - Financial Condition

Silver Creek Central School District – Financial Condition

Wallkill Central School District – Financial Management

Comptroller rejected contracts valued at $2.64 billion and 4,200 payments valued at $2.7 million due to fraud, waste or other improprieties in January
State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced his office approved 1,436 contracts valued at $4.53 billion and approved 1.9 million payments worth $10.2 billion in January. His office also rejected 170 contracts and related transactions valued at $2.64 billion and 4,200 payments valued at $2.7 million due to fraud, waste or other improprieties.

Department of Health (DOH) needs to fix problems and delays with how it is assessing fines to nursing homes after violations are found
The state Department of Health (DOH) needs to fix problems and delays with how it is assessing fines to nursing homes after violations are found, according to an auditreleased by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. While DOH is frequently inspecting nursing homes and acting quickly on serious complaints, auditors found that some facilities had repeated violations that escalated into more serious problems with limited consequences.

State may face increasing budgetary challenges in coming years as revenue growth
is expected to slow
New York state’s fiscal position has improved, but the state may face increasing budgetary challenges in coming years as revenue growth is expected to slow and billions of dollars in settlement money are spent, according to an analysisof the $154.6 billion Executive Budget released by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. This report, prepared each year following the release of the Executive Budget, provides information to assist in the evaluation of the 2016-17 proposal.

Fiscal Stress Monitoring System – Reports concerning selected villages
State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli’s Fiscal Stress Monitoring System has identified 18 villages in New Yorkin some level of fiscal stress. For 2015, three villages have been classified as in “significant fiscal stress,” four in “moderate fiscal stress,” and 11 as “susceptible to fiscal stress.” Last year, a total of 22 villages were listed in fiscal stress.

Audit finds non-profit provider of supportive housing for
New York City’s Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) overbilled the agency
A non-profit provider of supportive housing for New York City’s Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) overbilled the agency by $1 million according to an auditreleased by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. DOHMH’s weak oversight of the Center for Urban and Community Services made the overpayments possible and raises concerns about potential overpayments to other vendors. 

State Comptroller and the Church of England’s investment fund challenge Exxon’s attempt to silence questions on climate change
Investors, led by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and the Church of England’s investment fund, the Church Commissioners, asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to reject ExxonMobil’s plan to block a shareholder proposal for information on how the company will be impacted by public policies seeking to rein in climate change.

State’s January receipts $4.8 billion higher than initially projected
New York state collected $126.6 billion in receipts from April through January, which was $582.3 million higher than the Division of the Budget’s latest projections and $4.8 billion higher than initial projections, according to the monthly state cash report issued by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

February 26, 2016

Governor announces recent administration appointments

Governor announces recent administration appointments
Source: Office of the Governor

On February 26, 2016, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the appointment of the individuals listed below to his administration.

Jamie Malanowski has been appointed Senior Speechwriter for the Executive Chamber. He brings with him 30 years of experience in writing and editing. Most recently, Mr. Malanowski was the Lead Writer for the award-winning Disunion series in The New York Times, and the author of the biography Commander Will Cushing, Daredevil Hero of the Civil War. He has served as the National Editor of Spy and was a member of the founding staff; Senior Editor at Esquire; and Senior Editor at Time, among other positions. He also published two novels and more than 500 articles in more than thirty magazines, newspapers and websites in the
United States and Great Britain. In 2012, he was the recipient of the Folio Award (the ‘Eddie’) for Magazine Feature Writing. He holds an M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. from LaSalle College.

Matthew Pennello has been appointed Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs. Mr. Pennello has worked in public service since 2010, most recently as the Governor’s Regional Representative for the
Mohawk Valley. Prior to working at the Executive Chamber, he was the Assistant for Central New York Intergovernmental Affairs and Federal Policy for the NYS Department of Labor. He has also worked in the Department of Law of the Syracuse Corporation Counsel. A Central New York native, Mr. Pennello  received his B.A. in Political Science from SUNY Cortland, where he earned a Research Fellowship studying the effect of terrorism on modern constitutional theory.

Melissa R. Quesada has been appointed Director of Latino Affairs, after having served earlier as Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Worker Protection at the Department of Labor where she was responsible for coordinating the planning and implementation of multi-agency statewide enforcement and outreach efforts. While at the Department Ms. Quesada also served as the Director of Outreach for the Governor’s Unemployment Strike Force, cultivating relationships with local businesses, targeted constituencies, elected officials and community organizations. Prior to that, Ms. Quesada served as a Special Associate for the New York City Law Department. She holds a J.D. from Hofstra University School of Law and a B.A. from
Binghamton University.

Mary Beth Woods has been appointed Executive Director of the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board, after serving as the Acting Director. Ms. Woods has worked at the Workers’ Compensation Board for over 15 years, and held titles including Deputy Executive Director, Director of Financial Administration and Director of Licensing. From 1990-1998, Ms. Woods worked at the NYS Division of the Budget, where she was an Associate Budget Examiner. She was also a Supervising Senior Accountant at KPMG Peat Marwick. Ms. Woods is currently a Board Member of the Compensation Insurance Rating Board and has previously served as the Chair of the Governor’s Task Force on Group Self Insurance. She earned a B.S. in Business Administration from
Siena College and is a Certified Public Accountant in New York State.

Justin Bernbach has been appointed Chief Government Affairs & Community Relations Officer at the MTA. Most recently, Mr. Bernbach was Northeast Director of Government Relations at HNTB, a national transportation design and program management company. Previously he was the Managing Director of State and Community Affairs for American Airlines. In this role, he managed state and local government relations for American Airlines in
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts. Prior to his role there, he was the Deputy Director of Communications at the Phoenix House Foundation, the nation’s largest nonprofit substance abuse treatment organization. Mr. Bernbach also served as the New York City-based Press Officer for the New York State Assembly from 2002-2004. He holds an M.P.P. from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and a B.A. in Government and Economics from Cornell.​

John Lockwood has been appointed Special Counsel to the Commissioner for Ethics, Risk and Compliance for the Office of Children and Family Services. Most recently he served as the First Deputy County Attorney for the Family Court Unit at the Schenectady County Attorney’s Office. He also recently served as a Village Trustee for the Village of Scotia, N.Y. Prior to joining the Schenectady County Attorney’s Office, Mr. Lockwood was an Assistant Public Defender in the Schenectady County Public Defender’s Office. He will be replacing Barbara Kruzansky who will become Director of the Office of Agency Performance. He holds a J.D. from Roger Williams University School of Law and a B.S. from
Salve Regina University.

Peggy Rodriguez has been appointed Regional Representative for the
Mohawk Valley. Previously she served as a Special Assistant for Labor Regional Affairs at the New York State Department of Labor. She has held numerous positions at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, including Victim Advocate for the Jean Nidetch Women’s Center at UNLV, and Research Assistant at the University’s Boyd Law School. Ms. Rodriguez holds a B.A in Political Science from UNLV.

Procedural requirements with which a resident of a school district must comply when seeking to remove a school officer from his or her position

Procedural requirements with which a resident of a school district must comply when seeking to remove a school officer from his or her position
Decisions of the Commissioner of Education, Decision #16,874

A resident [Resident] of the school district [District] asked the Commissioner of Education to remove the Superintendent of Schools [Superintendent] from the position. Resident alleged certain conduct that occurred while Superintendent was superintendent at another school district and alleged certain conduct while Superintendent of the District in support of the request for Superintendent’s removal from the position.

The Commissioner explained that a member of the board of education or a school officer may be removed from his or her office pursuant to Education Law §306 when it is proven to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the individual who is targeted for such removal “has engaged in a willful violation or neglect of duty under the Education Law or has willfully disobeyed a decision, order, rule or regulation of the Board of Regents or Commissioner of Education.”

The Commissioner ruled that Resident’s petition must be dismissed for procedural reasons. The Commissioner explained that Resident failed to include the notice requirements set out in  8 NYCRR 277.1(b) of the Commissioner’s regulations.

This provision requires that the notice of petition specifically advise a respondent that an application is being made for respondent’s removal from office.  Resident failed to comply with the notice requirements of  §277.1(b), but instead used the notice prescribed in §275.11(a).* The Commissioner pointed out that a notice of petition seeking the removal of an officer which fails to contain the language required by §277.1(b) of the Commissioner’s regulations is fatally defective and does not secure jurisdiction over the intended individual or individuals.

Notwithstanding the dismissal of Resident’s petition as a result of its procedural defect, the Commissioner addressed the Superintendent’s request that she issue a certificate of good faith pursuant to Education Law §3811(1)* for the purpose of authorizing the school board to indemnify the Superintendent for legal fees and expenses incurred in defending this proceeding.

The Commissioner said that it is appropriate to issue such a certification unless it was established on the record that the individual seeking such a certification acted in bad faith.

As Resident’s application was dismissed on procedural grounds and there had been no finding that Superintendent acted in bad faith, the Commissioner approved the request “solely for the purpose of Education Law §3811” as Superintendent “appears to have acted in good faith.”

* 8 NYCCR §275.11(c) requires that in the event the petitioner is seeking removal of a school officer, in addition to the notice required by 8 NYCRR §275.11(a) “the notice provisions of section 277.1 of this Title shall also apply.”

** §3811(1) sets out the procedures for seeking such indemnification but provides that an individual is not eligible for indemnification for legal fees and expenses incurred as a result of a criminal prosecution or an action or proceeding brought against him or her by a school district or board of cooperative educational services.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

February 25, 2016

The employment history of an employee found guilty of one or more disciplinary charges may be considered in setting the disciplinary penalty to be imposed

The employment history of an employee found guilty of one or more disciplinary charges may be considered in setting the disciplinary penalty to be imposed
OATH Index #2743/15

A sergeant who worked the overnight tour at a juvenile detention center employed by ACS was charged with multiple employment infractions spanning nine months. Two supervisors testified at trial that the sergeant failed to complete work duties, including completing reports, attending meetings, properly signing out equipment, wearing his uniform, and responding to supervisors’ requests.

OATH Administrative Law Judge John B. Spooner found the proof sufficient to sustain most of these charges. Based on the sergeant’s three prior disciplinary incidents, generally poor work evaluations, and recent egregious conduct, ALJ Spooner recommended that he be terminated from his position.

In Scott v Wetzler, 195 AD2d 905, the court rejected Scott’s argument that he was denied due process because the Section 75 hearing officer allowed evidence concerning his performance evaluations to be introduced during the disciplinary hearing. The court said that “such evidence was relevant to the determination of an appropriate penalty,” noting that Scott was allowed an opportunity to rebut these records and to submit favorable material contained in his personnel file. Another decision frequently cited as authority for this proposition is Bigelow v Trustees of the Village of Gouverneur, 63 NY2d 470.

The general rule applied by the courts when asked to determine if the employee’s personnel record was lawfully considered in setting the disciplinary penalty is that the employee’s personnel records may be considered in setting a disciplinary penalty, provided the employee is advised that this will be done and is given an opportunity to comment on the contents of his or her personnel file. Although the employee’s consent is not required in order for the hearing officer or arbitrator to consider the employee’s personnel record in determining an appropriate penalty to recommend or determine, it is essential that he or she be notified of that provide the opportunity to review and comment on his or her personnel record.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:


A Reasonable Penalty Under The Circumstances - a 618-page volume focusing on New York State court and administrative decisions addressing an appropriate disciplinary penalty to be imposed on an employee in the public service found guilty of misconduct or incompetence. For more information click on

February 24, 2016

In a lawsuit brought by a public official alleging defamation, the official must show actual malice on the part of the alleged defamer in order to prevail

In a lawsuit brought by a public official alleging defamation, the official must show actual malice on the part of the alleged defamer in order to prevail
Eastwood v Hoefer, 2016 NY Slip Op 00674, Appellate Division, Second Department

Kenneth W. Eastwood, the former Superintendent of the Oswego City School District, sued Francis E. Hoefer, then a member of the Board of Education, to recover damages for defamation. Eastwood alleged the Hoefer had defamed him when he published three statements on an Internet website.

The first alleged defamatory statement was that "[i]t wasn't until [Eastwood] packed his bags for Middletownthat the Oswego School District discovered that our reserve accounts had been depleted." The second allegedly defamatory statement was that there had been "allegations of [Eastwood’s] abuse of a young honor student and [a] subsequent cover up." The third allegedly defamatory statement was that the Eastwood "use[d] . . . his position to acquire enhanced grades for his daughter."

Following a jury trial, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Eastwood, finding that all three of the statements were defamatory and that Hoefer had published the three statements with actual malice.

In the appeal that followed the Appellate Division, noted that Eastwood did not dispute the characterization that he was a public figure. Accordingly, said the court, this case was governed by the rule of New York Times Co. v Sullivan, 376 US 254, in which the Supreme Court of the United States interpreted the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as embodying "the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open, and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials."

The Times decision, said the court, bars a plaintiff "from recovering damages for a defamatory falsehood relating to his official conduct unless he proves that the statement was made with actual malice -- that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not" and "[T]he appellate court must make a de novo review of the entire record and determine whether the proof before the trial court supports the finding of actual malice with convincing clarity."*

Contrary to Hoefer’s contention, the Appellate Division found that “record demonstrates, by clear and convincing evidence, that the third statement he made was made with actual malice.” However, the court, upon its independent review of the record, concluded that the evidence does not establish, with "convincing clarity," that Hoefer published the first and second statements with actual malice.

Accordingly, the court ruled that Supreme Court properly granted Hoefer’s motions,  which were made pursuant to CPLR 4404(a),** to set aside so much of the verdict as was in favor of the Eastwood with respect to Hoefer’s first and second statements.

As to the third statement, the Appellate Division said that the Supreme Court properly denied that branch of Eastwood’s CPLR 4404(a) motion to set aside so much of the verdict as was in favor of Eastwood with respect to the third statement.

* See Sweeney v Prisoners' Legal Servs. of N.Y., 84 NY2d 786

** As relevant here, a motion by a party after a trial by jury to set aside all or part of the jury's verdict. 

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

February 23, 2016

A hearing officer is entitled to weigh the parties' conflicting evidence and to assess the credibility of witnesses where room for choice exists

A hearing officer is entitled to weigh the parties' conflicting evidence and to assess the credibility of witnesses where room for choice exists
Tamsen v Village of Kenmore, 2016 NY Slip Op 00785, Appellate Division, Fourth Department

The Appellate Division rejected Jeffrey Tamsen’s challenge to his being terminated from his position as a firefighter after the Hearing Officer found him guilty of the disciplinary charges filed against him.

Concluding that the Hearing Officer’s determination was supported by substantial evidence, i.e, “… relevant proof as a reasonable mind may accept as adequate to support a conclusion or ultimate fact," the court rejected Tamsen’s claim that the Hearing Officer erred in determining that he misrepresented certain facts in the course of the disciplinary hearing.

Conceding that Tamsen presented “evidence to the contrary,” the court explained that a hearing officer is entitled to weigh the parties' conflicting evidence and to assess the credibility of witnesses and courts may not weigh the evidence or reject a hearing officer’s decision in that regard “where the evidence is conflicting and room for a choice exists.”

Citing Kelly v Safir, 96 NY2d 32, rearg denied 96 NY2d 854, the Appellate Division concluded that the penalty imposed, termination, was not "so disproportionate to the offense[s] as to be shocking to one's sense of fairness" and thus did not constitute an abuse of discretion and dismissed Tamsen’s appeal.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

The Discipline Book - A 458 page guide focusing on New York State laws, rules, regulations, disciplinary grievances procedures set out in collective bargaining agreements and selected court and administrative decisions concerning disciplinary actions involving state and municipal public officers and employees. For more information click on


February 22, 2016

The term “race” for purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1981 is to be defined the same as the term “race” is defined for the purposes of Title VII

The term “race” for purposes of 42 U.S.C. 1981 is to be defined the same as the term “race” is defined for the purposes of Title VII
Village of Freeport v Barrella. USCA 2nd Circuit, Docket 14-2270

A disappointed candidate for appointment to the position Chief of Police sued the Village of Freeport for alleged unlawful discrimination.

The individual, a “white Italian-American.” alleged that a “less-qualified Hispanic candidate” was appointed to the position in violation of 42 USC 1983 because he scored highest on the examination and of the three names on the list certified for the appointment, the Hispanic candidate was ranked "third."* The Village argued that an employer who promotes a “white Hispanic” candidate over a “white non-Hispanic” candidate cannot have engaged in unlawful discrimination based on race.

The Second Circuit reject the Village’s argument, explaining that the term “race” includes ethnicity for the purposes of 42 USC 1983 and race should be defined in the same manner as “race” is defined for the purposes of Title VII. In so doing the court said “The Parties and the District Court experienced some confusion in unraveling the legal definitions of “race” and “Hispanic,” thanks partly to  the federal government’s less-than-straightforward use of those terms,” citing McCleskey v Kemp, 481 US 279.

The court also noted that even to the extent that one eligible was more qualified than another eligible for appointment, federal anti-discrimination law “does not require that the candidate whom a court considers most qualified for a particular position be awarded that position; it requires only that the decision among candidates not be discriminatory.” Further, said the Circuit Court, “an employer’s stated desire for diversity in the workplace does not, without more, establish a discriminatory intent with respect to any particular employment decision.”

* It appears that the appointment was otherwise consistent with the so-called "rule of three" set out in §61 of the Civil Service Law.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

Commissioner of Education has primary jurisdiction to consider allegations that a school district failed to implement adequate policies and procedures

Commissioner of Education has primary jurisdiction to consider allegations that a school district failed to implement adequate policies and procedures
SC v Monroe Woodbury Cent. Sch. Dist., 2016 NY Slip Op 00669, Appellate Division, Second Department  

In this action to recover damages for negligence, SC alleged that the Monroe-Woodbury Central School District failed to adopt and implement adequate policies and procedures to prevent bullying and harassment.

The Appellate Division sustained Supreme Court dismissal of the action, explaining the matter “should be addressed, in the first instance, to the Commissioner of Education.”  

Contrary to SC’s contention, Supreme Court correctly determined that SC failed to exhaust available administrative remedies before commencing its action. Further, said the Appellate Division, SC also failed to establish the applicability of any exception to the exhaustion of administrative remedies doctrine.

One exception to the exhaustion doctrine: futility. For example, as a general rule, an employee covered by a collective bargaining agreement that provides for a grievance procedure must exhaust the administrative remedies available prior to seeking judicial remedies. However where the individual can prove that the union breached its duty of fair representation in the handling of the employee's grievance he or she would be excused from exhausting his or her administrative remedy. 

In Civil Service Bar Assn., Local 237, Intl. Bhd. of Teamsters v City of New York, 64 NY2d 188, the court opined that a union’s breach of its duty of fair representation occurs only when a union's conduct toward a member of the collective bargaining unit is arbitrary, discriminatory, or its decision was made in bad faith.

In Garvin v. NYS Pub. Employment Relations Bd., 168 AD2d 446, the court held that "a union is not required to carry every grievance to the highest level, and the mere failure on the part of a union to proceed to arbitration with a grievance is not, per se, a breach of its duty of fair representation.” As the Appellate Division explained in Matter of Hoffman [Board of Education of the City of New York], 84 AD2d 840, a Union is not required to seek arbitration after having processed the employee's grievance through the initial stages of the grievance procedure and received unfavorable results.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:


Subsequent court and administrative rulings, or changes to laws, rules and regulations may have modified or clarified or vacated or reversed the decisions summarized here. Accordingly, these summaries should be Shepardized® or otherwise checked to make certain that the most recent information is being considered by the reader.
New York Public Personnel Law Blog Editor Harvey Randall served as Principal Attorney, New York State Department of Civil Service; Director of Personnel, SUNY Central Administration; Director of Research, Governor’s Office of Employee Relations; and Staff Judge Advocate General, New York Guard. Consistent with the Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations, the material posted to this blog is presented with the understanding that neither the publisher nor NYPPL and, or, its staff and contributors are providing legal advice to the reader and in the event legal or other expert assistance is needed, the reader is urged to seek such advice from a knowledgeable professional.
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