February 24, 2014

A showing that a pending arbitration’s award may be rendered ineffectual and there is a likelihood of success is critical to obtaining a preliminary injunction

A showing that a pending arbitration’s award may be rendered ineffectual and there is a likelihood of success is critical to obtaining a preliminary injunction
Patrolmen's Benevolent Assn. of the City of New York, Inc. v City of New York,2013 NY Slip Op 08033, Appellate Division, First Department

Three members [Petitioners] of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the City of New York, Inc. (PBA) were elected to four-year terms as the sole borough-wide PBA representatives for police officers assigned to the Bronx. At the request of the PBA, the Office of Labor Relations (OLR) issued Petitioners Release Time Certificates pursuant to Mayor's Executive Order #75 (3/22/73) (EO 75), which provided for full-time leave with pay and benefits.*

The three Petitioners, however, were subsequently suspended without pay for thirty days pursuant to Civil Service Law §75(3-a) following their indictment by a grand jury in connection with an alleged ticket-fixing scheme. Petitioners were subsequently restored to modified duty. OLR, however, rescinded their Release Time Certificates and offered to issue new Release Time Certificates to three other employees to be chosen by PBA.

PBA rejected the offer and filed a contract grievance. The grievance was denied and PBA filed a demanded for arbitration, contending that the rescission of the Certificates violated the parties' collective bargaining agreement and EO 75.  PBA also filed a petition for a preliminary injunction pursuant to CPLR 7502(c) seeking to have the Petitioner’s Certificates reinstated pending the arbitrator issuing his or her decision and award..

Supreme Court granted the petition, “enjoining respondents from implementing any termination or revocation of ‘Release Time’ leave for the three individual petitioners pending resolution of arbitration proceedings commenced by petitioner Patrolmen's Benevolent Association.”

The Appellate Division vacated the preliminary injunction on appeal in a three to two ruling.**

Noting that CPLR 7502(c) provides that the Supreme Court "may entertain an application for ... a preliminary injunction in connection with an arbitration that is pending ... the majority explained such an application may be granted “only upon the ground that the award to which the applicant may be entitled may be rendered ineffectual without such provisional relief." Further, said the court, PBA, as the party seeking the preliminary injunction, was required to “demonstrate a probability of success on the merits, danger of irreparable injury in the absence of a preliminary injunction, and a balance of the equities in their favor.”

Applying these standards, and "even assuming that [Petitioner] established that an award in their favor would be rendered ineffectual without provisional relief" as required by CPLR 7502(c), the majority held that PBA “failed to make the requisite showing of a likelihood of success on the merits, and therefore have not established their entitlement to injunctive relief.”

The majority noted that each Release Time certificate stated that it “MAY BE REVOKED, MODIFIED OR CANCELLED” and Petitioners did not suggest any purpose for such language “other than to vest the City with residual authority to rescind a Release Time [Certificate] where warranted.”

Holding that Petitioners' interpretation of EO 75 was not plausible, the majority concluded that Petitioners “have not demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits,” the Appellate Division granted the appeal.

* With respect to the State as the employer, employee organization leave has been an issue since the adoption of the Taylor Law. In response to demands that State employees elected to a leadership position of an employee organization representing state employees be provided with "paid organization leave," the State agreed to provide for “Employee Organization Leave” and enacted §46 of Chapter 283 of the Laws of 1972 to this end. This law provides that a State employee organization may obtain approval for paid full or part-time leaves of absence of its representatives provided it agrees to fully reimburse the State for the salary and other compensation paid to the individual and, in addition, for all employer contributions for fringe benefits made on behalf of the individual while he or she is on Employee Organization Leave. The individual would continue as a State employee, on the State’s payroll, during this time. Another consideration affecting State employees on Employee Organization Leave: The State Ethics Commission has advised [Advisory Opinion No. 90-1] that “State employees on Employee Organization Leave or State employees on leave without pay who serve as employee organization representatives for CSEA … who have terminated their State service and are now employed by CSEA are subject to the "revolving door" provisions of the Public Officers Law and the corresponding restrictions on post-employment activities.” Presumably this opinion would be applied with respect to State employees on employee organization leave serving with other employee organizations.”

** Judges Tom and Gische dissented in an opinion by Judge Gische.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:


February 23, 2014

Department of Civil Service - Five Year Review of Certain Existing Rules and Regulations

Department of Civil Service - Five Year Review of Certain Existing Rules and Regulations
Source: NYS Register- February 19, 2014

The following notice was published in the February 19, 2014 issue of the State Reporter pursuant to §207 of the State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA) addressing Rules and Regulations adopted by the New York State Civil Service Commission or by the President of the New York State Civil Service Commission for the calendar years 1999, 2004 and 2009.

Public Comments

There will be a forty-five (45) day public comment period following publication of this notice. Requests for information and public comments regarding the foregoing may be directed to: J . Marc Hannibal, Eaq., Special Counsel, Department of Civil Service, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12239, (518) 473-2624, E-mail address:

Below is a brief description of each rule, including the statutory authority for its promulgation; a statement of the justification for the ongoing need for each rule; and the Department of Civil Service’s recommendations for their continuation without modification.


Amendments to Chapter II of Title 4 of NYCRR (Attendance Rules for Employees in New York State Departments and Institutions)
Statutory Authority: Civil Service Law Section 6

Description of the Regulations:

The resolutions added new sections and amended existing sections of the Attendance Rules for non-managerial/confidential (Part 21 of 4NYCRR) and managerial/confidential (Part 28 of 4 NYCRR) employees in New York State Departments and Institutions.
Sections 21.16 and 28-1.18 of the Attendance Rules were adopted to permit appointing authorities to grant overtime ineligible employees who have exhausted military leave with pay provided pursuant to the New York State Military Law, further leave with pay without charge to accruals for any period[s] of less than a workweek during which such employees are ordered to temporary military duty.

Section 21.9 and 28-1.9 of the Attendance Rules were amended to permit agencies to grant overtime ineligible employees leave with pay without charge to accruals for any absence[s] of less than a workweek during which such employees are required to appear as a witness pursuant to a subpoena or other order of court, regardless of whether an
employee is a party to the action.

These rules ensure that the Attendance Rules will be applied to employees serving in overtime ineligible positions consistent with relevant provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Action: The rules have functioned consistent with the purposes underlying their adoption and the Department recommends continuation without modification.

Amendments to Chapter V of 4 NYCRR (Regulations of the Department of Civil Service [President’s Regulations])
Statutory Authority: Chapter 534 of the Laws of 1998, amending section 167(2) of the Civil Service Law.

Description of the Regulations:

Chapter 534 of the Laws of 1998 amended section 167(2) of the Civil Service Law to provide that unpaid board members of public authorities shall be eligible to participate in the New York State Employee Health Insurance Program (NYSHIP) after six months of

The regulation added a new subparagraph (iv) to section 73.1(c)(1) and a new paragraph (5) to section 73.1(e) of the President’s Regulations providing that unpaid board members of public authorities may participate in NYSHIP after six months of service and may also
continue their NYSHIP enrollment upon leaving public service with20 years or more of service in such positions.

Action: The regulations have functioned consistent with the purposes underlying their adoption and the Department recommends continuation without modification.

Amendment to Chapter V of 4 NYCRR (Regulations of the Department of Civil Service [President’s Regulations])
Statutory Authority: Civil Service Law, Article XI

Description of the Regulation:

Section 73.3(b)(1) of the President’s Regulations was amended to enable participating agencies (PAs) and participating employers (PEs) in the New York State Health Insurance Program (NYSHIP) to contribute towards health insurance premiums on behalf of employees on leave without pay, provided such benefit is accorded to all employees within a class or category. The amendment provides that upon (60) days prior notice to the Department of Civil Service, PAs and PEs may provide such benefit to an eligible employee for a period of two years. This authorization may be extended for one additional two year period by the State Civil Service Commission for good cause shown and where the interests of government would be served. The amendment further provides that where contributions have been made on behalf of an employee on leave without pay for a two year period, or a four year period where authorized by the State Civil Service Commission, no further extensions may be granted unless the employee returns to his or her position and serves continuously therein for the six month period immediately preceding a subsequent leave of absence. This regulation extends an additional potential benefit to eligible employees and forms a part of the overall “benefit package” that employers may consider when electing to adopt NYSHIP as a health insurance offering.

Action: The regulation has functioned consistent with the purposes underlying its adoption and the Department recommends continuation without modification.


Amendment to Chapter IV of 4 NYCRR (Regulations of the Regulations of the State Civil Service Commission [Commission’s Regulations])
Statutory Authority: Civil Service Law Section 6

Description of the Regulation:

The resolution amended Part 55.2 to provide that a committee on appeals of the State Civil Service Commission shall not consider an examination appeal from a candidate whose score at time of establishment of the eligible list is immediately reachable for appointment as provided in section 61 of the Civil Service Law. However, a committee on appeals will consider timely appeals where a candidate’s reachability for appointment is affected by the committee’s determination of another appeal.

This resolution eliminates the need to consider examination appeals from candidates who are already eligible for immediate appointment pursuant to the Civil Service Law “rule of three.” Based upon public comments received before adoption of the resolution, the rule provides for continued consideration of timely appeals if candidates’ reachability could be impacted by other pending examination appeals.

Action: The regulation has functioned consistent with the purposes underlying its adoption and the Department recommends continuation without modification.


No current amendments to 4 NYCRR were adopted during 2009.

Various amendments to the Appendices to the Rules for the Classified Service (1999 and 2004)

Appendix 1 (Exempt Class)
Appendix 2 (Non-Competitive Class)

Statutory Authority:
Appendix 1: Civil Service Law, Sections 6 and 41; 4 NYCRR 2.1
Appendix 2: Civil Service Law, Sections 6 and 42; 4 NYCRR 2.2

Description of the regulations:

Civil Service Commission rules relating to the jurisdictional classification of positions were specifically exempted from review under Executive Order 20 by the former Governor’s Office for Regulatory Reform (GORR), upon a finding by GORR that review of such rules lacked substantial benefit.

Based upon this determination, and pursuant to SAPA section 207(5), a recitation of amendments to Appendices 1 and 2 to Title 4 of NYCRR adopted during calendar years 1999, 2004 and 2009 is hereby omitted.

February 22, 2014

Selected reports and information published by New York State's Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli during the week ending February 22, 2014

Selected reports and information published by New York State's Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli during the week ending February 22, 2014
Click on text highlighted in color  to access the full report

Comptroller DiNapoli Releases State Audits

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced Tuesday, February 18, 2014, the following audits have been issued:

the New York State Health Insurance Program.

DiNapoli: DOT Improperly Paid Employees Working on Tappan Zee Bridge $320,000 for Commuting Expenses

The state Department of Transportation improperly paid nearly $321,000 to eight employees working on the Tappan Zee Bridge project for their commute to work in Tarrytown, even after an internal audit identified it as inappropriate, according to an auditreleased Tuesday, February 18, 2014, by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

DiNapoli: Investment in Rochester Company Returns $6.7 Million to State Pension Fund

5LINX, a telecommunications company located in Rochester, has generated an estimated $6.7 million return, nearly four times the initial investment, and achieved an approximated 21 percent internal rate of return for the New York State Common Retirement Fund (Fund), New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced Thursday, February 20, 2014. The Fund invested in 5LINX through its In–State Private Equity Program, which seeks profitable investments in New York State–based companies.

DiNapoli: Audit Finds Misuse of Funds in Town of Fishkill

The former recreation director in the town of Fishkill allegedly misused as much as $50,000 generated by the town’s senior center, according to an audit released Friday, February 21, 2014, by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The findings of the Comptroller’s audit and investigation have been referred to Dutchess County District Attorney William V. Grady.

DiNapoli Releases January State Cash Report

State tax collections through the first 10 months of the state’s fiscal year increased 4.2 percent from last year, but were below projections largely due to the timing of Personal Income Tax (PIT) payments, according to the January 2014 cash report released Friday, February 21, 2014, by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The Division of the Budget is expected to issue a revised Financial Plan with updated revenue projections next week.

February 21, 2014

Hearsay evidence alone may constitute substantial evidence in an administrative hearing

Hearsay evidence alone may constitute substantial evidence in an administrative hearing
2013 NY Slip Op 08169, Appellate Division, Third Department

The arbitrator dismissed disciplinary charges filed against the employee. While the arbitration was pending, the employee’s supervision lodged a complaint against employee alleging violations of certain canons of ethics relevant to the employee maintaining required credentials.

Following a hearing, Hearing Officer recommended that employee’s credentials be revoked, which recommendation the responsible Commissioner accepted and revoked the employee’s credentials. This resulted in the employee’s termination because he now lacked the required certification to be employed in the position. The employee filed an Article 78 petition challenging the Commission’s action.

The Appellate Division annulled the Commissioner’s decision, explaining that there was “serious doubt” concerning the credibility of the employee's accusers and, for that reason, the court did not find that the hearsay evidence presented at the hearing to be sufficiently reliable to support the Commissioner’s determination revoking the employee’s credentials.

Characterizing the primary issue in the appeal as the employee’s complaint that the Commission’s action was not supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole and “specifically, that the hearsay evidence adduced at the hearing was insufficient to establish the alleged ethical violations,” the Appellate Division explored the terms “substantial evidence” and “hearsay evidence.”

Substantial evidence, said the court, has long been defined as “such relevant proof as a reasonable mind may accept as adequate to support a conclusion or ultimate fact”, citing Matter of Berenhaus v Ward, 70 NY2d 436, and other decisions.

The Appellate Division then noted that an administrative determination may be based entirely upon hearsay evidence “provided such evidence is ‘sufficiently relevant and probative’ or ‘sufficiently reliable’ and is not otherwise ‘seriously controverted.’"

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

February 20, 2014

A "stand alone agreement” outside a collective bargaining contract containing a sunset provision is excluded from “maintenance of the status quo” within the meaning of Civil Service Law §209-a(1)(e)

A "stand alone agreement” outside a collective bargaining contract containing a sunset provision is excluded from “maintenance of the status quo” within the meaning of Civil Service Law §209-a(1)(e)
Matter of Uniformed Firefighters Assn. of Greater N.Y. v City of New York, 2014 NY Slip Op 01108, Appellate Division, First Department

The New York City Board of Collective Bargaining (BCB dismissed Uniformed Firefighters Association’s improper practice charges, holding that the City was not required to negotiate its decision to reduce fire engine staffing levels. Supreme Court dismissed the Association’s challenge to the BCB’s decision and the Appellate Division affirmed the lower court’s ruling.

The City had earlier implemented a roster staffing program and ultimately entered into a “Roster Staffing Agreement (RSA) setting of the staffing requirements. The RSA was to be effective for a 10-year term, expiring on January 31, 2006 and in October 2005, the Association and the City agreed to extend the term of the RSA by five years to January 31, 2011. The RSA included the following provision:

"ELEVENTH: By entering into this Stipulation of Settlement, the Union agrees to waive its right to file any litigation or grievance regarding the Department Roster Staffing program as set forth in the case docketed with the Office of Collective Bargaining as BCB-1265-90, or with regard to the practical impact of this RSA until January 31, 2006. Should a court of competent jurisdiction or any other administrative entity, except for enforcement purposes, grant the right to initiate any such litigation or grievance within that time, this RSA will be terminated immediately. Should litigation or a grievance commence, this RSA or any portion thereof shall not be admissible in any court proceeding or other administrative forum. After the expiration of this RSA, January 31, 2006, the City in view of factors including, but not limited to changes in technology, structural and non-structural fires, and response times, may wish to change staffing levels. In the event the City plans to make such changes, the parties will negotiate to the extent required by the New York City Collective Bargaining Law. Should differences between the parties arise, it is the intent of the parties to work expeditiously to resolve them."

In October 2010, the City notified petitioner that in consideration of the RSA's impending January 31, 2011 expiration date, it planned to the staff assigned to engines in certain companies with a minimum of four firefighters per engine at the beginning of each tour and others with five firefighter crews, effective February 1, 2011.

The City noted that, while it was not obligated to bargain with the union over the changes, it was "willing to meet with the UFA to discuss any concerns the union may have." The City gave petitioner a publication containing the FDNY's guidelines and procedures for implementing the new staffing policy.

On January 31, 2011, the Association, with the Uniformed Fire Officers Association** (UFOA), brought a combined Improper Practice and Scope of Bargaining petition to challenge the City's decision to reduce the engine staffing levels at certain companies from five firefighter crews to four commencing February 1, 2011, contending that the City's unilateral action was violative of both the RSA and the New York City Collective Bargaining Law (NYCCBL).

The BCB, by a four-to-two vote, dismissed all challenges except the allegations concerning the practical impact of the City's decision to reduce the engine staffing levels. BCB also directed a hearing before a trial examiner to determine whether the reduction would have a safety impact that would require negotiations between the parties concerning implementation of the changes.

In its decision, BCB found that the RSA contained a "sunset" provision because paragraph Eleventh and the subsequent extension indicated an expiration date. Thus, any provision in the RSA to maintain the engine staffing levels had "sunset" which had the practical effect of terminating a benefit at a specific time or on a specific condition. 

In so ruling BCB rejected a reading of paragraph Eleventh as requiring the parties to negotiate post-expiration should the City decide to reduce engine staffing levels. This construction, BCB held, would render the RSA's expiration meaningless and would impose an absolute obligation on the City to bargain, where the language indicated only that the parties would bargain "to the extent required by the NYCCBL."

In addition, BCB found that the RSA allowed the Association to file grievances after the expiration date, but that its proposed reading would not similarly permit the City to act; thus the Association’s reading of the RSA would evince a lack of mutuality that could not have been the parties' intent.

Significantly, BCB held that that, based on its determination that paragraph Eleventh "on its face, constitutes a sunset provision," and thus neither maintenance of the status quo under Civil Service Law §209-a(1)(e),* nor the conversion theory of negotiability, applied.

Based on its own precedent, BCB determined that the RSA was not incorporated into the parties' Collective Bargaining Agreement and, consistent with its previous decisions and NYCCBL 12-307, fire engine staffing levels are a nonmandatory bargaining subject. Accordingly, it ruled that the City was not required to bargain such staffing levels unless, following a hearing, BCB found a practical safety impact.

Supreme Court found no reason to disturb the board's determination and held that once BCB determined that the RSA expired on January 31, 2011, it rationally applied its own precedent to find that this "sunset provision" rendered inapplicable the theory that nonmandatory subjects could be converted into mandatory subjects by way of incorporation into a collective bargaining agreement. Accordingly, any provision in the RSA that required the Association and the City to negotiate the reduction of engine staffing levels expired with the RSA. Noting that there was no post-expiration obligation to negotiate the matter unless the reduction had an impact on safety, the court ruled that BCB had properly directed a hearing to establish a record concerning that issue.

The Appellate Division agreed, finding that Supreme Court properly denied the petition and dismissed the proceeding and that BCB’s determination was rational and did not render any provision in paragraph Eleventh meaningless. The Appellate Division then explained that if BCB’s determination has a rational basis, it must affirm, “even if this Court would have interpreted the provision differently.”

Finding that BCB rationally concluded that paragraph Eleventh's reference to the "expiration of this RSA, January 31, 2006" was a sunset provision, it properly concluded that, after the RSA's expiration, if the City intended to reduce engine staffing levels, it would negotiate "to the extent required by the New York City Collective Bargaining Law."

However, said the court, under the current Collective Bargaining Law, staffing levels are a nonmandatory subject of collective bargaining and “[c]ontrary to [the Association’s] contention, [BCB’s] decision does not render meaningless the last sentence of paragraph Eleventh—‘[s]hould differences between the parties arise, it is the intent of the parties to work expeditiously to resolve them’—because the safety impact of any staffing level reduction remains negotiable.”

* The so-called Triboro Amendment

** The UFOA is not a party to the RSA and, thus, is not a party to this appeal.

The decision is posted on the Internet at: 


Subsequent court and administrative rulings, or changes to laws, rules and regulations may have modified or clarified or vacated or reversed the information and, or, decisions summarized in NYPPL. For example, New York State Department of Civil Service's Advisory Memorandum 24-08 reflects changes required as the result of certain amendments to §72 of the New York State Civil Service Law to take effect January 1, 2025 [See Chapter 306 of the Laws of 2024]. Advisory Memorandum 24-08 in PDF format is posted on the Internet at Accordingly, the information and case summaries should be Shepardized® or otherwise checked to make certain that the most recent information is being considered by the reader.
NYPPL Publisher Harvey Randall served as Principal Attorney, New York State Department of Civil Service; Director of Personnel, SUNY Central Administration; Director of Research, Governor’s Office of Employee Relations; and Staff Judge Advocate General, New York Guard [See also]. Consistent with the Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations, the material posted to this blog is presented with the understanding that neither the publisher nor NYPPL and, or, its staff and contributors are providing legal advice to the reader and in the event legal or other expert assistance is needed, the reader is urged to seek such advice from a knowledgeable professional.
New York Public Personnel Law. Email: