April 18, 2011

Out of title work and position classification determinations

Out of title work and position classification determinations
Curtiss v Angello, 269 AD2d 675

The Appellate Division recently considered a number of issues involving the classification and allocation of positions in the public service.

In Curtiss, the Appellate Division, Third Department addressed a rather unusual situation: an administrator’s reliance on new, but not yet official, job specifications rather than official but obsolete job descriptions in resolving an “out-of-title” work grievance.

John F. Curtiss, a Fish and Wildlife Technician II employed by the State Department of Environmental Conservation, filed a grievance claiming that he was working “out of title.”

Although Environmental Conservation sustained the grievance, the then State Director of the Governor’s Office Employee Relations [OER], Linda Angello, reversed the agency’s determination and denied Curtiss’ grievance. Curtiss sued, challenging Angello’s decision on the grounds that it was arbitrary and capricious.

Essentially, Curtiss wanted to be reclassified to Fish and Wildlife Technician III. Angello, in rejecting the grievance, determined that the duties of a Fish and Wildlife Technician III included region-wide coordination of programs and direct supervision of subordinate staff, duties that Curtiss did not perform.” Angello’s findings, however, were based on new, “tentative specifications” for the two positions rather than the then current “official” job descriptions for the two titles.

The Appellate Division sustained Angello’s determination, noting that the “relevant standard of review is whether the record as a whole provides a rational basis for the determination denying [Curtiss’] grievance.

Curtiss argued that Angello’s determination was arbitrary because it was not based exclusively on the “official” job classification specifications promulgated by the State’s Division of Classification and Compensation in effect when his grievance was actually filed.

Classification and Compensation’s “official” specifications referred to by Curtiss had been issued in 1970. Angello unquestionably had considered new and “tentative” job descriptions for the Fish and Wildlife Technician II and Fish and Wildlife Technician III titles in making her determination.

These “tentative” job descriptions for the two titles had been prepared by the State Department of Civil Service following its review of the duties being performed by incumbents of a number of positions in Environmental Conservation.

Civil Service found that the duties of the incumbents of the various titles in Environmental Conservation that it had reviewed “had changed over time, rendering the 1970 specifications obsolete.” In March 1998, after Curtiss had filed his grievance, new job descriptions for the Fish and Wildlife Technician II and III titles were promulgated and the positions were reallocated to higher salary grades.

The court held that it was neither arbitrary nor irrational for Angello to consider the results of the job audits prepared by Civil Service as they “disclosed the actual duties being performed by incumbents.”

As to title held by Curtiss in particular, the Appellate Division said that “in the 1970 specifications the principal distinction between the two titles was the greater supervisory and administrative responsibility of the higher grade title.” The audits, said the court, revealed that “although the duties of the incumbents had changed, the principal distinction continued to be the greater supervisory and administrative responsibility of the higher grade title.”

Curtiss had cited Rausch v Pellegrini, 237 AD2d 771, in support of his “out of title” work argument. The Appellate Division said that Rausch was not relevant in this case, noting that unlike Rausch, Curtiss “was not obligated to perform the duties of his supervisor.”

Further, said the court, the fact that there is some overlap of the duties performed by Curtiss and those performed by a Fish and Wildlife Technician III does not justify sustaining his grievance.

Finding that the record as a whole provides a rational basis for Angello’s conclusion that Curtiss was not performing out-of-title work, the Appellate Division sustained the lower courts dismissal of his petition.

Readers may have noted another interesting aspect of this case -- Curtiss had “won” his grievance at the departmental level. As the “employer” makes the determination in pre-arbitration steps of the grievance procedure, typically any appeal is filed by the grievant or his or her representative.
May the employer, in effect, “appeal” a grievance determination by an official at an earlier step in the grievance procedure and then reverse the earlier “lower level” grievance ruling favorable to the employee made by management?

This was the significant issue addressed in Weed v Orange County, a case decided by the Appellate Division in the early 1990’s.

Weed was injured on the job. The Orange County Commissioner of Personnel rejected Weed’s application for a one-year leave of absence with full pay. Weed claimed he was entitled to such leave under the terms of “Article 20” of the then controlling Taylor Law agreement.

After the Commissioner disapproved his application, Weed filed a “Step One” grievance with his immediate supervisor in accordance with the terms of the grievance procedure set out in the collective bargaining agreement. The supervisor sustained the grievance. The Commissioner of Personnel, however, refused to implement the supervisor’s ruling.

Weed sued, only to have the Appellate Division dismiss his complaint. The court said that under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, “the Commissioner of Personnel is given sole discretion in granting paid leave.” According to the opinion, there was no evidence that the parties to the agreement “intended to limit the discretion of the Commissioner of Personnel.”

The Appellate Division said that in the absence of any such evidence, there was no rational basis for the supervisor’s “construing Article 20 as a mandatory requirement [to grant paid leave to Weed] on the part of the County.”

The bottom line: the County was not required to comply with the determination by Weed’s supervisor, who had initially sustained Weed’s grievance.

Finally, the decision reports that the two titles in question were “reallocated to a higher grade and, presumably, the incumbents were entitled to have their salaries adjusted accordingly. What happens if the titles are reallocated to a lower grade?

Typically, the permanent incumbents serving in the positions reallocated to a lower salary grade would be “grand fathered” to protect their salaries.* Any future salary increases would be subject to the maximum of the lower salary grade to which the titles were reallocated. The grand fathering of salaries to protect the income of incumbents of positions that have been reallocated to a lower salary grade is illustrated by the decision in the New York State Court Clerks Association case.

The Office of Court Administration [OCA] had decided that the salary grade of existing trial court clerk titles should remain unchanged, based upon “an extensive review of the trial and appellate-level court clerk titles for the purpose of establishing joint salary scales.” OCA also decided that some court clerk positions should be reallocated to a lower salary grade.

OCA protected the salaries of the permanent employees serving in appellate court clerk titles whose positions had been reallocated to a lower salary grade by “grand fathering” their salaries. The Appellate Division said that “grand fathering permanent incumbents in the context of a downward reclassification of their titles is an accepted practice that effectuates the mandate of Civil Service Law Section 121(2)(a)....”

Section 121(2)(a) provides that “the annual salary of any position ..., which is classified or reclassified, or which is allocated or reallocated to a salary grade pursuant to the provisions of this article shall not be reduced for the then permanent incumbent by reason of any provision of this article so long as such position is held by the then permanent incumbent”

The court said that “contrary to petitioner’s contention,” although grand fathering, results in some “transitional salary inequities,” it constitutes “a rationally justifiable means of facilitating the orderly implementation of [OCA’s] Classification Plan”. Accordingly, the Appellate Division, citing the Court of Appeals ruling in Tolub v Evans, 58 NY2d 1, held that OCA’s action “does not offend due process,” because in matters concerning the State’s budget, “equal protection does not require that all classifications be made with mathematical precision.”

Finally, the court said that “[a]dministrative determinations concerning position classifications ... will not be disturbed in the absence of a showing that they are wholly arbitrary or without any rational basis”, citing Cove v Sise, 71 NY2d 910, 912.

* In such cases the position is typically “red-lined” or “earmarked” for allocation upon its becoming vacant.

E-mails between government workers are public documents

E-mails between government workers are public documents
Cowles Publishing Co. v Kootenai County Board of Supervisors, 2007 Opinion No. 74

The Idaho Supreme Court ruled that e-mail correspondence between government employees is public record. The e-mail correspondence at issue was between a supervisor and a subordinate, both of whom were employees of the county.

Essentially, the court held that “The emails exchanged by public employees are public records and are not exempt from disclosure under either [Idaho] statutory exemptions or constitutional law.”

The full text of the ruling is posted at:

Early intervention counseling

Early intervention counseling
Tatum v Horn, 37 AD3d 285

Wayne Tatum appealed his dismissal from his position as a New York City correction office after being found guilty of a number of allegations of misconduct.

The Appellate Division ruled that the New York City Department of Correction presented ample evidence at Tatum’s disciplinary hearing proving allegations that he had violated numerous departmental rules.

Tatum had been charged with being AWOL on multiple occasions, failing to sign-out of the correctional facility to which he was assigned, failing to contact his superiors when required, and insubordination by failing to obey a supervisor’s order. 

In response to Tatum’s argument that the Department had not sent him to an “early intervention counseling program”, the court said that “Correction was not obliged to send him to its early intervention counseling program, a program that is discretionary, not mandatory.” In addition, the Appellate Division commented that “the value of such counseling would have been questionable in light of [Tatum’s] long disciplinary history."

In a similar case, Carroll v Perkle, 296 AD2d 755,  Leave to appeal denied 98 NY2d 764, one of the issues considered by the court concerned “intervention counseling programs.” 

The Appellate Division ruled that Carroll had been denied administrative due process because the Education Law Section 3020-a Hearing Panel failed to consider “mitigating circumstances” in determining the penalty. 

The Appellate Division said that the Hearing Panel failed to honor Carroll’s request that the Board of Education’s “lack of effort to correct his behavior,” be considered by the panel in determining the appropriate penalty to be imposed. §3020-a(4) of the Education Law provides that “At the request of the employee, in determining what, if any, penalty or other action shall be imposed, the hearing officer shall consider the extent to which the employing board made efforts towards correcting the behavior of the employee which resulted in charges being brought under this section through means including, but not limited to, remediation, peer intervention or an employee assistance plan.”

The decision is posted on the Internet at: 

April 16, 2011

State Comptroller report concluded that the use of local development corporations out of control Source: Office of the State Comptroller

State Comptroller report concluded that the use of local development corporations out of control
Source: Office of the State Comptroller

Citing an on-going pattern of abuse, State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today proposed a package of reform proposals that would limit local governments’ use of local development corporations (LDCs) and other private entities such as limited liability companies (LLCs).

The suggested reforms would also give the State Comptroller direct audit authority over LDCs, LLCs and similar entities controlled by local governments.

LDCs were originally intended to allow New York's counties, cities, towns, and villages to utilize these entities for economic development purposes and to promote employment opportunities.  Because many activities undertaken by LDCs are exempt from taxation, they are used to construct or rehabilitate industrial or manufacturing plants or to    encourage such businesses to relocate or remain in a particular region.

However, said the Comptroller, current law includes loopholes that allow LDCs to be used for purposes beyond the original intention.

DiNapoli cited several instances in which the use of LDCs and LLCs unnecessarily drove up taxpayer costs, including the use of an LLC by the city of Rochester to purchase a ferry that ended up costing taxpayers nearly $20 million.

The Comptroller’s report, Municipal Use of Local Development Corporations and Other Private Entities is posted on the Internet at:

Other items from the Comptroller's press office available on the Internet include:

DiNapoli: 101 School Districts Request Surplus Certifications to Use Funds to Make Up State Aid Cuts

State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli’s office today certified the amounts of excess Employee Benefits Accrued Liability Reserve funds (EBALR) held by 95 school districts across the state that can be used by the districts in the 2011-12 school year to make up for $190.6 million in state aid cuts. DiNapoli’s review found the districts’ excess EBALR funds total $148.2 million.

DiNapoli's Office Releases School Audits

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli this week announced his office completed the following audits: the Auburn Enlarged City School District; the Malone Central School District; the Schalmont Central School District; and, the Waterloo Central School District.

DiNapoli's Office Releases Municipal Audits

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli this week announced his office completed the following audits: Village of Akron; the Town of Malta; the Village of Endicott; the Town of Trenton; the Smithtown Special Library District; the Village of Lancaster; the Village of Irvington; the Village of Centre Island; the Bellona Fire District; and an audit on Saving Money on Nursing Home Drug Purchases for various counties.

DiNapoli's Office Releases State Audits

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli this week announced his office completed the following audits: the Beacon City School District; Department of Health, Medicaid Payments for Diabetic Testing Supplies (Follow-Up) (2010-F-42) and, Department of Health, Inappropriate Payments for Vision Care Services Claimed by Dr. Horowitz (Follow-Up) (2010-F-47).


Unfair labor practices - protected activities

Unfair labor practices - protected activities

CSEA Local 1000 v PERB, 267 AD2d 935

CSEA appealed a determination by the New York State Public Employment Relations Board [PERB] that the Holbrook Fire District did not commit an improper employer practice when it disciplined one of its employees, Jason Feinberg.

The district had filed eight charges against Feinberg, a firehouse attendant, alleging misconduct and, or, incompetence pursuant to Section 75 of the Civil Service Law.

Feinberg was alleged to have “permitted unauthorized personnel in his work area, participated in inappropriate activities during work hours, failed to timely complete certain work assignments and follow standard operating procedures in performing certain work-related activities.”

CSEA filed an improper employer practice charge against the district pursuant to Civil Service Law Section 209-a with PERB on behalf of Feinberg. CSEA contended that the district had filed disciplinary charges against Feinberg “in retaliation for his efforts at organizing a union.”

While CSEA’s charges were pending before PERB, the disciplinary hearing officer issued a report and recommendation finding Feinberg guilty of six of the charges. The penalty recommended by the hearing officer: Feinberg should be terminated from his employment. The District accepted the hearing officer’s findings and recommendations and dismissed Feinberg.

CSEA and the district stipulated that rather than holding a separate hearing, the record of the proceedings conducted in connection with the disciplinary charges would be used by PERB’s Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in resolving the improper practice charge. Finding that other employees who had engaged in similar misconduct had not been disciplined by the district, the ALJ ruled that the district “had committed an improper practice by discharging Feinberg in retaliation for protected union activities.” PERB reversed its ALJ’s ruling.

PERB said that “the ALJ should have deferred to the findings of the hearing officer that the charges against Feinberg were brought by the District for proper business reasons and not to retaliate against him for his organizing activities”.

The Appellate Division initiated its review of CSEA’s appeal from PERB’s ruling by noting that “the relevant inquiry in a proceeding pursuant to Civil Service Law Section 75 is very different than that in an improper practice proceeding under Civil Service Law Section 209-a.” The court, citing City of Albany v Public Employment Relations Board, 43 NY2d 954, said:

1. In considering an appeal involving Section 75, the focus is upon whether there was cause for the employee’s dismissal.

2. In considering an appeal involving Section 209-a, the focus it is whether the employer‘s action was motivated by anti-union animus and “it is irrelevant ... whether or not cause for the employer’s action in terminating [the employee] actually existed.”

The Appellate Division said that PERB relied upon its policy of deference and the disciplinary hearing officer’s determination when it reversed ALJ’s determination.

However, said the court, its review of the decision in the Section 75 proceeding indicates that the disciplinary hearing officer “did not fully consider the dispositive issue in the improper practice proceeding, i.e., whether Feinberg’s firing was improperly motivated.” Accordingly, the Appellate Division said that “PERB’s deference to the [Section 75] Hearing Officer’s findings as the sole basis in resolving the improper practice charge was inappropriate.”

The Appellate Division annulled PERB’s determination and remanded the case to PERB “for an independent review of the ALJ’s decision of [CSEA’s] improper practice charge in light of all the evidence contained in the record of the Civil Service Section 75 proceeding.”


Subsequent court and administrative rulings, or changes to laws, rules and regulations may have modified or clarified or vacated or reversed the information and, or, decisions summarized in NYPPL. For example, New York State Department of Civil Service's Advisory Memorandum 24-08 reflects changes required as the result of certain amendments to §72 of the New York State Civil Service Law to take effect January 1, 2025 [See Chapter 306 of the Laws of 2024]. Advisory Memorandum 24-08 in PDF format is posted on the Internet at Accordingly, the information and case summaries should be Shepardized® or otherwise checked to make certain that the most recent information is being considered by the reader.
NYPPL Publisher Harvey Randall served as Principal Attorney, New York State Department of Civil Service; Director of Personnel, SUNY Central Administration; Director of Research, Governor’s Office of Employee Relations; and Staff Judge Advocate General, New York Guard [See also]. Consistent with the Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations, the material posted to this blog is presented with the understanding that neither the publisher nor NYPPL and, or, its staff and contributors are providing legal advice to the reader and in the event legal or other expert assistance is needed, the reader is urged to seek such advice from a knowledgeable professional.
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