July 06, 2011

Public policy and arbitration awards

Public policy and arbitration awards
Correctional Officers PBA v State, 94 NY2d 321

Edward Kuhnel, a State correctional officer, was suspended from duty and served with disciplinary charges after the Department of Correctional Services learned that he flew a Nazi flag from the front porch of his home on December 10, 1996 -- the 55th anniversary of Hitler's declaration of war on the United States.

Kuhnel was charged with violating two department rules:

[1] “No employee, whether on or off duty, shall so comport himself as to reflect discredit upon the Department or its personnel;” and 

[2] “An employee shall not join or otherwise affiliate himself with any organization, body, or group of persons when such association or affiliation will place his personal interest or interest as a member of such group in conflict with or otherwise interfere with the impartial and effective performance of his duties as an employee.”

The Department also charged that Kuhnel's conduct “endangered the safety and security of all facilities in the New York State Department of Correctional Services.”

The disciplinary arbitrator found that the department failed to prove Kuhnel was guilty of the charges filed against him and ordered him reinstated to his position.

The arbitrator concluded that there was no linkage between the off-duty misconduct and Kuhnel's employment because, he said, the department failed to show that Kuhnel's conduct harmed “the department's business, adversely affected his ability to perform his job, or caused co-workers not to work with him.”

According to the arbitrator, the expectation or projection of possible harm, in contrast with evidence of actual harm, was not enough to permit restriction of the employee's symbolic free speech or regulation of his off-duty conduct. As to the charge that Kuhnel had joined or affiliated himself with an organization, that would “conflict with or otherwise interfere with the impartial and effective performance of his duties as an employee,” the arbitrator said that the department “provided no evidence of Kuhnel's affiliation with the Neo-Nazi party's objectives or activities.”

PBA filed a petition pursuant to Article 75 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules to confirm the award. The department filed a “cross-petition” in an effort to vacate the arbitration award on the grounds that “it was irrational and violated public policy.” Supreme Court granted the PBA's petition confirming the award.*

The Appellate Division, in a 3 to 5 decision affirmed the Supreme Court's action, holding that the award was rational and did not violate a strong public policy of this State. The department appealed the ruling to the Court of Appeals, which held that “our jurisprudence has carefully limited the invocation of public policy concerns as a basis for usurping the role of an arbitrator and determining a dispute on the merits.” It then affirmed the Appellate Division's determination.

The court's rational:

Collective bargaining agreements commonly provide for binding arbitration to settle contractual disputes between employees and management and the courts generally play a limited role. Courts are bound by an arbitrator's factual findings, interpretation of the contract and judgment concerning remedies and cannot examine the merits of an arbitration award and substitute its judgment for that of the arbitrator simply because it believes its interpretation would be the better one.

Addressing the public policy argument advanced by the department, the Court said that:

The public policy exception has its roots in common law, where it is well settled that a court will not enforce a contract that violates public policy. A court, however, may not vacate an award on public policy grounds when vague or attenuated considerations of a general public interest are at stake. Courts shed their cloak of noninterference [only] where specific terms of the arbitration agreement violate a defined and discernible public policy.
The Court of Appeals said that “looking at the only prong of the public policy exception argued before this Court, we conclude that the award does not violate a well-defined constitutional, statutory or common law of this State.”

* Petitions to confirm an arbitration award must be filed within one year of the determination; petitions to vacate an arbitration award must be filed within three months of the date of the award.

July 05, 2011

Statutory residency requirement to serve in elective office held constitutional

Statutory residency requirement to serve in elective office held constitutional
Matter of Walsh v Katz, 2011 NY Slip Op 04545, Court of Appeals

The relevant statute providing for the election of a town justice for Fisher's Island, Suffolk County, provides, in relevant part, for "… one town justice who shall reside upon Fisher's island in said townsuch town justice residing upon Fisher's island shall, in addition to his duties as town justice, serve as a member of the Southold town board."

In July 2009, Daniel C. Ross, a resident of Southold but not a resident of Fisher's Island, filed a petition designating himself a candidate in the September 2009 primary election for the nomination of the Democratic Party as its candidate for the Fisher's Island town justice/town board member seat.

Arthur J. Walsh and Nina J. Schmid — residents of Fisher's Island — filed objections to Ross’s designating petition, alleging that it was invalid because Ross did not meet the residency requirement.

The Board of Elections denied the objections and upheld the designating petition whereupon Walsh and Schmid initiated a lawsuit seeking to prohibit the BOE from placing Ross's name on the ballot. Ross counterclaimed and, in effect, cross-petitioned to validate the designating petition, challenging, among other things, the constitutionality of the residency requirement.

Subsequently the Appellate Division upheld the constitutionality of the statute on equal protection grounds (66 AD3d 1052) holding that a rational basis standard was applicable, and that a rational basis exists to support the Legislature's determination that the fifth town justice/town board member for Southold should be a resident of Fisher's Island.*

Although Ross lost the November 2009 general election, the Court of Appeals said that this action presents a live controversy. Supreme Court converted and continued Ross's constitutional claims as a declaratory judgment action, and the Appellate Division decided the constitutional issues. Though no longer a candidate, Ross is a voter who claims that his right to vote is being unconstitutionally burdened.

The Court of Appeals affirmed the Appellate Division’s ruling, holding that the Fisher's Island residency requirement satisfies the rational basis test, explaining that in considering an equal protection challenge to a state election law a court must weigh "the character and magnitude of the asserted injury to the rights protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments that the plaintiff seeks to vindicate" against "the precise interests put forward by the State as justifications for the burden imposed by its rule," taking into consideration "the extent to which those interests make it necessary to burden the plaintiff's rights."

The direct impact of the Fisher's Island residency requirement is not on one's right to vote, but on an individual's right to be a candidate for public office. The residency requirement here challenged did not require a candidate to be a resident of Fisher's Island prior to commencement of his or her term of office. In other words, said the court, “the winner of the town justice/town board position does not need to establish residency on Fisher's Island until the beginning of his/her term, and must only retain that residency for the duration of the term.”

Accordingly, any Town of Southold, Suffolk County resident who would otherwise be eligible to run for political office may run for the Fisher's Island seat. 

The Court of Appeals also noted that the United States Supreme Court stated a “basic teaching of representative government … that elected officials represent all of those who elect them, and not merely those who are their neighbors," citing Dusch (387 US 112, Dallas County, Alabama v Reese (421 US 477) and Fortson v Dorsey, 379 US 433.

As the Fisher's Island seat is subject to a town-wide vote, the individual elected to fill the seat represents the entire town, not just the residents of Fishers Island. Accordingly, said the court, “Ross's contention that the residency requirement gives the people of Fishers Island a permanent advantage of greater representation is unavailing.”

* With respect to Supreme Court's ruling that the prevailing candidate need not abide by the residency requirement until 30 days after beginning his or her term of office, the Appellate Division modified Supreme Court's order by holding that, in this instance January 1, 2010, was the appropriate date by which a candidate had to meet the residency requirement.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

Sexual harassment complaints

Considering complaints alleging sexual harassment
Rider v Rondout Valley CSD, Comm. Ed. Decision 14238

The decision of the Commissioner of Education in the appeal filed by Carolyn Rider concerns the Rondout Valley Central School District’s investigation of Rider’s complaint of sexual harassment by a co-worker and the remedy provided by the district.

Rider, a secretary in the district’s middle school’s guidance office, filed charges that middle school guidance counselor, Carol Arnone-Ippolitti, had engaged in actions against her that constituted sexual harassment.

The superintendent of schools, David S. Giles, conducted an investigation of Rider’s allegations. In the course of the investigation, which lasted several months, Giles conducted more than 70 interviews, meeting with Rider, Arnone-Ippolitti, and other members of the staff.

Giles verified that a number of Rider’s allegations were true and as to those, he found that “Arnone-Ippolitti’s actions were offensive, insensitive, created a hostile work environment and rose to the level of sexual harassment.”

In his report to the board, Giles recommended that Arnone-Ippolitti:

1. Be given a “counseling letter,” a copy of which was to be placed in her personnel file;

2. Undergo counseling and sensitivity training;

3. Be assigned to another work location and her “behavior closely monitored by the building principal.”

In addition, Giles said that a copy of his report to the board should also be placed in Arnone-Ippolitti’s personnel file.

Rider appealed some of the superintendent’s findings to the board. After reviewing the entire record in executive session, the board concluded only three of the 21 incidents alleged by Rider “could be characterized as sexual in nature.” The board also determined that these three incidents were not sufficient to “form a basis for hostile work environment sexual harassment.”

However, the board also said that Arnone-Ippolitti “had engaged in distasteful, unprofessional, and unacceptable conduct.” Although the board initially directed that Arnone-Ippolitti “be returned” to her middle school position, it reversed itself after Rider asked it to “reconsider its decision.”*

Rider appealed, complaining that there were deficiencies in Giles’ investigation such as the individuals interviewed were not sworn to tell the truth. She also objected to Giles findings that did not support her allegations of misconduct on the part of Arnone-Ippolitti and to a number of elements in the board’s resolution of the matter.

Before reaching the merits of Rider’s appeal, the Commissioner pointed out that a necessary party, Arnone-Ippolitti, had neither been named in the appeal nor served with copies of Rider’s “notice and petition.” This was a fatal omission on Rider’s part and the Commissioner dismissed her appeal. The decision notes that if the Commissioner were “to decide any aspect of this appeal in [Rider’s] favor, Ms. Arnone-Ippolitti’s rights would unquestionably be affected.”

However, the Commissioner did take the opportunity to note that even if Rider’s appeal had not been dismissed on procedural grounds, it would have been dismissed on the merits.

The Commissioner noted the “extensive investigation” conducted by Giles, which resulted in Arnone-Ippolitti being given a counseling memorandum, sensitivity training and that her activities at work were being monitored in support of this conclusion.

The Commissioner noted that while the board disagreed with some of the superintendent’s findings -- i.e., the presence of a hostile work environment, it did not change his recommendations as to the personnel actions to be taken against Arnone-Ippolitti.

The rule a case such as this is that the Commissioner will not substitute his judgment for that of a school board unless it is demonstrated that board’s actions were arbitrary or capricious, constituted an abuse of discretion or failed to comply with law.

In contrast to finding any of these elements present in this case, the Commissioner said that after reviewing the record concerning the procedures following in investigating Rider’s complaints and the action taken by the board, there was “no basis for substituting” his judgment for that of the superintendent or the board.

* The board apparently adopted the recommendations of the superintendent concerning counseling and other remedial personnel actions resulting from his investigation of Arnone-Ippolitti’s conduct.

Sick leave and workers’ compensation

Sick leave and workers’ compensation
Robinson v NYC Department of Social Services, 266 A.D.2d 613

Ada Robinson, a stenographer/secretary, filed a claim for workers’ compensation benefits based upon work-related carpal tunnel syndrome. Although she “failed to file her claim” within the two-year period as required by Section 28 of the Workers’ Compensation Law, the Workers’ Compensation Board awarded her workers’ compensation benefits. The department appealed.

The department had continued Robinson on the payroll following her surgery to relieve her condition. The Board decided that this constituted an advance payment of wages within the meaning of Section 28, and held that the “limitations period” did not apply in her case.*

As Robinson “could have used sick leave” even if her condition had not been work-related, the department argued that she would have been paid regardless of the cause of injury and thus it had not made an advance payment.

The department’s personnel records, however, showed that Robinson had checked the disability box, not one of the sick leave boxes, on the “request for leave form” approved and signed by her supervisor. Also, her request for additional absence, also approved by her supervisor, included the notation “Workers’ Comp.”

Thus, said the court, the record supported the Board’s ruling that the department continued to pay Robinson in recognition of its workers’ compensation liability.

* Remuneration in the form of wages can constitute an advance payment where the payment is provided in recognition of workers compensation liability. In contrast, payments made regardless of the cause of injury do not constitute an advance payment.

Determining General Municipal Law Section 207-a benefits to be paid the individual after he or she retires

Determining General Municipal Law Section 207-a benefits to be paid the individual after he or she retires
Gresis v Fairview Fire District, Supreme Court, Justice Loehr, 15 Misc.3d 209

James J. Gresis is a retired Fire Captain receiving a performance of duty disability retirement allowance from the New York State Employees’ Retirement System plus a supplemental benefit pursuant to General Municipal Law Section 207-a(2) paid by Fairview. The Section 207-a supplemental benefit to be paid by Fairview is the difference between the amount of Gresis’ disability retirement allowance and the amount of “his regular salary and wages” until he reaches mandatory service retirement age, age 70.*

When Gresis commenced receiving his retirement allowance, the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) then in effect between the Fairview Fire Department and the Fire Fighters Association provided for a graduated salary structure for firefighters based on years of service. Further, Gresis’ “regular salary and wages” as a Captain was determined by applying a mathematical formula that provided Fairview Fire Captains with an annual salary that was 35% higher than the salary of a first-grade Firefighter.

In September 2002, all Captains, with the exception of Gresis, were reclassified Deputy Chiefs. Any Captain seeking to be appointed to this new title had to take and pass the Deputy Chief's examination. It appears that all Captains, with the exception of Gresis, took the Deputy Chief's examination and were appointed Deputy Chiefs.

Initially Fairport provided a Section 207-a supplement to Gresis based on a Captain's salary. However, commencing in mid-2006, Fairview reduced the supplement it had been paying Gresis to a lesser amount.

Gresis claimed that his supplement should be based on the compensation rate paid to Deputy Chiefs. The impact of this change in compensation, according to Gresis, was as though Fairport had demoted him from two grade levels above the Firefighter's grade to one grade above Firefighter’s grade. Fairview’s reduction of his supplementation to his retirement allowance, Gresis argued, violated General Municipal Law Section 207-a.

Fairport, on the other hand, maintained that it had continued to pay Gresis at the grade he retired at: Captain. It argued that any reduction in the amount of the supplement was the result of the reclassification and the new CBA, In effect, Fairport said that the pay rate for its Fire Captains at the time Gresis retired was now equal to the pay rate for its Fire Lieutenants. Thus, Fairport contended, it had not demoted Gresis but merely provided him with the supplement reflecting the change in the classification and allocation of his former position.

The court, citing Pease v Colucci, 59 AD2d 233,** rejected Fairview’s theory. It ruled that Section 207-a guarantees that any firefighter who suffers an employment-connected disability will receive his or her full annual wage “which shall not be interrupted or reduced in any respect except as based on the employee's own misconduct.”

The court decided that Fairport’s reduction of Gresis’ supplemental benefit from two grades above a Firefighter's to one grade above a Firefighter's was arbitrary and capricious and in violation of General Municipal Law Section 207-a(2).

* In Drahos v Village of Johnston City, 80 AD2d 100, the Court held that a firefighter injured in the line of duty and unable to return to work is entitled to the full amount of his regular salary until he returns, citing Section 207-a of the General Municipal Law. This, said the Drahos court, includes increases and adjustments received by firefighters in active status during the period of absence.

**  In Pease the Appellate Division ruled that once an individual became qualified for a Section 207-a benefit, the benefit continues until the individual recovers or reaches the mandatory age of retirement. The Pease case involved a Buffalo fire lieutenant who was "laid off" from his position while on Section 207-a leave. Lieutenant Pease’s position was abolished due to the City of Buffalo's financial difficulties. Buffalo then "reinstated" Pease to a firefighter position; reducing his Section 207-a supplement by calculating it on basis of a "firefighter's salary" rather than his previous salary as a lieutenant. This change, said the court, violated mandates set out in Section 207-a with respect to supplements to the retirement allowance to be paid to by the employer.


General Municipal Law§§ 207-a and 207-c - a 1098 page e-book focusing on administering General Municipal Law Sections 207-a/207-c and providing benefits thereunder is available from the Public Employment Law Press. Click on for additional information about this electronic reference manual.



Subsequent court and administrative rulings, or changes to laws, rules and regulations may have modified or clarified or vacated or reversed the information and, or, decisions summarized in NYPPL. For example, New York State Department of Civil Service's Advisory Memorandum 24-08 reflects changes required as the result of certain amendments to §72 of the New York State Civil Service Law to take effect January 1, 2025 [See Chapter 306 of the Laws of 2024]. Advisory Memorandum 24-08 in PDF format is posted on the Internet at Accordingly, the information and case summaries should be Shepardized® or otherwise checked to make certain that the most recent information is being considered by the reader.
NYPPL Publisher Harvey Randall served as Principal Attorney, New York State Department of Civil Service; Director of Personnel, SUNY Central Administration; Director of Research, Governor’s Office of Employee Relations; and Staff Judge Advocate General, New York Guard [See also]. Consistent with the Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations, the material posted to this blog is presented with the understanding that neither the publisher nor NYPPL and, or, its staff and contributors are providing legal advice to the reader and in the event legal or other expert assistance is needed, the reader is urged to seek such advice from a knowledgeable professional.
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