September 12, 2018

A finding of probable cause of unlawful discrimination after an administrative investigation requires some evidence of unlawful acts based on the complainant's version of the event[s]

A finding of probable cause of unlawful discrimination after an administrative investigation requires some evidence of unlawful acts based on the complainant's version of the event[s]
Sullivan v New York State Div. of Human Rights, 2018 NY Slip Op 02947, Appellate Division, Fourth Department

Citing Matter of Mambretti v New York State Div. of Human Rights, 129 AD3d 1696, the Appellate Division addressed the issue of "probable cause" raised in this appeal. The court said the "[P]robable cause exists only when, after giving full credence to complainant's version of the events, there is some evidence of unlawful discrimination."

Following her involuntary transfer from a high school to an elementary school, Margaret Sullivan filed a complaint alleging unlawful discrimination with New York State Division of Human Rights [SDHR] the  pursuant to Executive Law §298, New York State's Human Rights Law.  SDHR, based on it investigation of Sullivan's complaint,  found that there was no probable cause to believe Sullivan's transfer was the result of unlawful discrimination on the part of Orchard Park Central School District [School District] based upon Sullivan's age, disability or gender in effecting the transfer of her work site. 

In additions Sullivan contended that the School District retaliated against her when she complained of those alleged unlawful discriminatory practices, but again SDHR, based on its investigation, found that there was no probable cause to support that allegation.

Sullivan's challenge to SDHR's determination by bringing an action in Supreme Court. The court sustained SDHR's determination and Sullivan appealed that ruling to the Appellate Division.

The Appellate Division affirmed the lower court's ruling, explaining that where, as here, SDHR renders a determination of no probable cause without holding an administrative hearing and relies only on the finding of investigation, the appropriate standard of review is whether the probable cause determination was arbitrary and capricious or lacked a rational basis."

Further, explained the court, "probable cause" is demonstrated only when, after giving full credence to a complainant's version of the events, "there is some evidence of unlawful discrimination."

Accepting Sullivan's version of the events underlying her complaint as true, the Appellate Division said that it concluded that "there is no evidence of unlawful discrimination based upon age or gender arising from the District's involuntary transfer of petitioner from the high school to an elementary school."   

Although the court noted that the transfer was "personally objectionable" to Sullivan, the Appellate Division held that the transfer did not constitute an adverse employment action.

Further, said the Appellate Division, "even if transfer was an adverse employment action," it found that "a rational basis supports SDHR's conclusion that the transfer did not occur under circumstances giving rise to an inference of discrimination based on age or gender."

In addition, the Appellate Division noted that SDHR's determination that there was no probable cause to believe that the District failed to provide assistance or reasonable accommodations for Sullivan's alleged disabilities as Sullivan failed to allege that she requested assistance that the District refused to provide, or proposed reasonable accommodations that the School District refused to provide.

In short, the court held that Sullivan "failed to identify any adverse employment action taken by the [School District]" and thus a rational basis supports SDHR's conclusion that there was no probable cause to believe that the District engaged in unlawful discrimination or in unlawful acts of retaliation. 

The decision is posted on the Internet at: 

September 11, 2018

Discrimination claims not supported by a memorandum of law or oral argument in Supreme Court deemed abandoned

Discrimination claims not supported by a memorandum of law or oral argument in Supreme Court deemed abandoned
Schwertfager v New York State Div. of Human Rights, 2018 NY Slip Op 03289, Appellate Division, Fourth Department

Sharon Schwertfager, commenced a proceeding pursuant to Executive Law §298, New York State's Human Rights Law, in Supreme Court seeking to annul the determination of New York State Division of Human Rights [SDHR] that there was no probable cause to believe that Schwertfager 's employer, State University of New York at Fredonia, unlawfully discriminated and retaliated against her.

Supreme Court dismissed dismissing Schwertfager's petition and she appealed the court's decision.

In the course of considering her appeal, the Appellate Division noted that Schwertfager failed to address her discrimination claims in her memorandum of law or at oral argument in the motion court, nor did she address them in her brief on appeal.

Accordingly, said the court, any issues with respect to those claims advanced by Schwertfager were deemed to have been abandoned.

Addressing the merits of Schwertfager's arguments, the Appellate Division found that "the determination of SDHR is supported by a rational basis and is not arbitrary and capricious." Further, said the court, contrary to Schwertfager 's contentions regarding the nature and extent of SDHR's investigation of her complaint, the Appellate Division concluded that SDHR " properly investigated [Schwertfager's} complaint . . . and provided [Schwertfager] with a full and fair opportunity to present evidence on [her] behalf and to rebut the evidence presented by [Fredonia]."

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

September 10, 2018

A workers' compensation carrier's unexcused error in submitting a pre-conference statement constitutes a waiver to any defenses to the employee's claim

A workers' compensation carrier's unexcused error in submitting a pre-conference statement constitutes a waiver to any defenses to the employee's claim
Love v Village of Pleasantville, 2018 NY Slip Op 03794, Appellate Division, Third Department

The genesis of the appeal was the Workers' Compensation Board's [Board] ruling, among other things, that the employer and its workers' compensation carrier [jointly "Carrier"] waived their defenses to the injured Town employee's [Claimant] workers' compensation claim.

Carrier had controverted the claim by filing a prehearing conference statement, which it served on Claimant and a law firm that did not represent Claimant. On the same day Claimant's counsel filed with the Board, and served on Carrier, an attorney/representative certification indicating that he had been retained by Claimant to represent him in the matter.

Subsequently a notice of a scheduled prehearing conference date was sent to the parties by the Board, a copy of which sent to Claimant's counsel and which notice included Claimant's counsel's address.

Carrier next filed an amended prehearing conference statement the day before the conference hearing, again serving Claimant and a law firm that did not represent Claimant.

Ultimately, the Board ruled, among other things, that Carrier waived its defenses to the claim because it did not serve a prehearing conference statement on Claimant's counsel.

In response to Carrier's appeal, the Appellate Division sustained the Board's determination noting that §25(2-a)(d) of the Workers' Compensation Law requires that a prehearing conference statement be filed 10 days prior to the conference. This directive is also set forth in 12 NYCRR 300.38(f)(1) and in the notice of prehearing conference sent to the parties by the Board. Further, 12 NYCRR 300.38 states that a "Failure by the insurance carrier to timely serve upon all other parties . . . the [prehearing] conference statement . . . shall result in a waiver of defenses to the claim."

Observing that [1] the pre-conference statement was not filed within the requisite statutory time period; [2] Carrier failed to serve Claimant's counsel with a prehearing conference statement; nor [3] did Carrier attempt to correct its erroneous service upon the wrong law firm, the Appellate Division said it found Carrier's argument that because "no prejudice to Claimant resulted from these omissions," its failure to properly serve Claimant's counsel should be excused.

Such conduct, said the court, can only be excused where the legal representative of the insurance carrier submits an affidavit that the error was due to good cause and that the insurance carrier exercised good faith and due diligence. In this instance the Carrier did not submit such an affidavit.

Accordingly, the Appellate Division said it found no reason to disturb the Board's finding that Carrier waived its defenses to the claim by failing to properly serve Claimant's counsel.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

September 07, 2018

Summaries of recent New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings decisions

Summaries of recent New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings decisions
Source: New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings 

Excessive absences
Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings , OATH Index No. 108/18

OATH Administrative Law Judge Kara J. Miller sustained a charge of excessive absence for a New York City  eligibility specialist [Respondent] who was absent 149 days during a 15-month period.

ALJ Miller noted that even if Respondent's absences were authorized or documented, they still counted towards her total number of absences because she was charged with excessive absenteeism, not unauthorized absences.

Although the agency’s rules do not define what constitutes excessive absence, relevant factors such as the Respondent’s absentee rate was 61 percent, that many of her absences were unplanned, that she exhausted her leave balances, that she received warnings about her attendance, and that her absences had a negative impact on her unit, established the charge of excessive absenteeism.

As Respondent was previously disciplined for similar misconduct, termination of her employment was recommended.

Employee's testimony concerning routes taken and time worked corroborated by GPS evidence
Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings , OATH Index No. 1417/18

Respondent, a New York City traffic device maintainer, was found to have failed to secure his tools and failed to keep his truck clean.

OATH Administrative Law Judge Joycelyn McGeachy-Kuls dismissed a charge that Respondent failed to timely report to his field work assignment.

Further, Judge McGeachy-Kuls found Respondent's testimony regarding routes taken and time worked, corroborated by GPS evidence, was credible. A three-day suspension was imposed for the proven misconduct.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

Termination recommended worker who refused to submit to a drug test following an accident at work and was found guilty of other charges
Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings , OATH Index No. 1566/

A New York City sanitation worker [Respondent] was charged with refusing an order to take a drug test following an accident, under Department rules which require a test after an accident causing “significant equipment or property damage.”

The evidence showed that the Respondent drove a front-end loader which hit a salt spreader. The spreader had to be taken out of service and was repaired by two metal repair technicians.

Four supervisors examined the damage and all concluded it was significant. ALJ Spooner found the Department had a sufficient basis to order the drug test. He also credited a supervisor’s testimony that after he ordered the Respondent to take the test, the Respondent left the garage.

The Respondent also failed to submit documentation for emergency leave, used an ethnic slur in a report, and failed to report to the clinic as directed.

The ALJ recommended that the appointing authority terminate the Respondent.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

September 06, 2018

Selected Links to featured Employment Law News items from WK Workday

Selected Links to featured Employment Law News items from WK Workday
Posted September 6, 2018

Click on text highlighted in color to access the full report

The shifting burdens of going forward in cases alleging unlawful discrimination

The shifting burdens of going forward in cases alleging unlawful discrimination
Haughton v Town of Cromwell, Cromwell Police Department, USCA, Second Circuit, Docket 17-2412-cv [2018]

Robert Haughton, a Town of Cromwell, Connecticut, police officer, alleged that the Town refused to assign to the position of Detective because of racial or ethnic discrimination in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

While it is unlawful for an employer “to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin," the Circuit Court explained that an aggrieved employee is required to demonstrate a prima facie case of disparate treatment, at which point the burden shifts to the employer to demonstrate that the employment decision was made for 'legitimate, nondiscriminatory' reasons."

Further, said the court, if the employer meets this burden, the plaintiff must then “offer evidence sufficient to support a reasonable inference that . . . the defendant intentionally discriminated against the plaintiff.”

In this instance the court assumed, without deciding, that Haughton met his prima facie burden. However, the Circuit Court held that the Town met its burden in demonstrating a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for its assignment decision and Haughton failed to demonstrate that reasons offered by the Town in support of its decision "was merely pretext."

Haughton failed to identify admissible evidence that would permit a jury to find that the Town acted with discriminatory intent when it chose to promote another officer instead of Haughton to Detective and employers are entitled to set their own legitimate, nondiscriminatory requirements for open positions.

The decision is posted on the Internet at:

September 05, 2018

Duty of fair representation

Duty of fair representation
Staten v Patrolmen’s Benevolent Ass’n.,  et al, USCA, Second Circuit, Docket 17-3764

In this action Claude A. Staten, pro se, sued his union, the Patrolmens’ Benevolent Association [PBA] for breach of contract, violation of the duty of fair representation, and discrimination and retaliation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The district court dismissed Staten’s complaint for failure to state a claim. The Circuit Court, sustaining the lower court's ruling, said the district court had correctly dismissed Staten’s breach of contract claim.

The Circuit Court explained that:

1. A union member may sue his union for breach of a collective bargaining agreement, citing United Steelworkers of Am., AFL-CIO-CLC v. Rawson , 495 U.S. 362;

2. The union member “must be able to point to language in the collective-bargaining agreement specifically indicating an intent to create obligations enforceable against the union by the individual employees; and

3. Staten failed to cite any language from the CBA that obligated the PBA to provide legal representation to him in his discrimination lawsuits against the police department.

The Circuit Court noted that Staten alleged that the PBA’s website listed "the legal benefits the PBA offered active-duty police officers" for his or her legal representation. However, as the district court observed, however, those benefits "do not include representation in affirmative discrimination suits against the police department."

Further, the district court had dismissed Staten’s duty of fair representation claim as untimely, noting that there is a six-month statute of limitations for duty of fair representation claims and the PBA had denied Staten's request for representation eleven months before he filed his initial complaint in federal district court.
Although Staten argued that the PBA’s actions "were part of a continuous violation and that his lawsuit was therefore timely," the Circuit Court pointed out that "the continuous violation doctrine, which permits a plaintiff to raise challenges to otherwise time-barred events because they are a part of a pattern of illegal activity, does not apply to duty of fair representation claims," citing Buttry v. Gen. Signal Corp., 68 F.3d 1488.

Another element noted in the decision was that Staten’s Title VII claims ran afoul of a failure to exhaust administrative remedies as "[b]efore a plaintiff can file a federal court complaint under Title VII, he [or she] must exhaust his [or her] administrative remedies by filing a charge with the EEOC and receiving a right-to-sue letter.  Apparently Staten failed to obtain a right-to-sue letter before filing his original and amended complaints.


Subsequent court and administrative rulings, or changes to laws, rules and regulations may have modified or clarified or vacated or reversed the decisions summarized here. Accordingly, these summaries should be Shepardized® or otherwise checked to make certain that the most recent information is being considered by the reader.
NYPPL Blogger Harvey Randall served as Principal Attorney, New York State Department of Civil Service; Director of Personnel, SUNY Central Administration; Director of Research, Governor’s Office of Employee Relations; and Staff Judge Advocate General, New York Guard. Consistent with the Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations, the material posted to this blog is presented with the understanding that neither the publisher nor NYPPL and, or, its staff and contributors are providing legal advice to the reader and in the event legal or other expert assistance is needed, the reader is urged to seek such advice from a knowledgeable professional.
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