New York State Comptroller
Thomas P. DiNapoli announced the following local government audits were issued
on February 20, 2025
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County – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Childcare
Assistance Program (CCAP) Auditors
reviewed 50 approved and 30 denied SNAP cases and determined that Department of
Social Services officials did not always have the documentation needed to
process SNAP applications correctly and in a timely manner. Department
officials also did not have the required documentation that was needed to
process 13 approved SNAP cases (28%) nor did they process nine approved SNAP
cases (20%) in a timely manner. These cases were approved between one and 77
days after the 30-day requirement. While the 30 denied cases were accurately
denied, department officials did not process five of those cases (17%) in a
timely manner. These cases were denied between one and 23 days after the 30-day
requirement. In addition, while department officials made CCAP payments for
eligible families within required timeframes, they overpaid three childcare
providers a total of $7,104. The overpayments occurred because officials did
not properly review the payments to the providers.
Town of
Wilson – Fuel Procurement and Monitoring (Niagara County) Town
officials did not properly procure, monitor or account for fuel. Specifically,
the highway superintendent and town board did not provide adequate oversight of
fuel, including procuring fuel in compliance with competitive bidding
requirements and the town’s procurement policy, controlling fuel access,
safeguarding inventory, monitoring usage, maintaining perpetual inventory
records, performing inventory reconciliations or establishing clear written
guidance. Town officials procured diesel and gasoline fuel totaling $117,720
without competition and did not secure access to the fuel pumps or maintain
records for fuel usage or inventory. Because officials did not establish
controls to safeguard the town’s fuel, town officials cannot ensure that almost
$118,000 in fuel purchases during our audit period were used solely for town
Town of
Allen – Town Clerk Collections (Allegany County) The
town clerk did not always record fees accurately or deposit them timely, but
fees were properly deposited intact and generally remitted timely and reported
accurately to the town supervisor. The clerk accurately recorded tax
collections but did not always deposit collections timely. Specifically, the
clerk did not deposit tax collections totaling approximately $500,000 within 24
hours of the date collected or deposit fees totaling approximately $3,000
within three business days of being collected for total daily aggregate
collections exceeding $250, as required. The clerk also did not remit real
property taxes to the supervisor on a weekly basis or provide a monthly report
of amounts collected, as required. In addition, the clerk collected proceeds
from the sale of culvert pipes to residents, but the highway superintendent did
not maintain suitable records to allow auditors or the town board to determine
whether all collections for culvert pipe sales were properly recorded, reported
and remitted to the supervisor for deposit.
Town of
Allen – Claims Audit (Allegany County) The
town board did not properly audit and approve all claims prior to payment. As a
result, there was an increased risk that improper or unsupported payments could
have been made and may not have been detected and corrected, and that town
officials paid more for goods and services than necessary. Auditors determined
that 103 claims totaling approximately $108,000 were not sufficiently itemized
and should not have been approved for payment, 47 claims totaling approximately
$41,000 did not contain sufficient supporting documentation to verify that the
purchases were properly authorized by an appropriate department head and two
claims totaling approximately $160 for membership dues could not be located and
provided for our review. As a result, auditors could not confirm whether they
were for a valid and legal town purpose.
City of
Cohoes - Physical Accessibility to Programs and Services (Albany County) Of
the 293 applicable physical accessibility components reviewed, auditors
identified 49 (17%) where city officials could consider taking additional steps to increase
physical accessibility at selected city facilities.
Town of
Chili – Physical Accessibility to Programs and Services (Monroe County) Of
the 781 applicable physical accessibility components reviewed, auditors
identified 24 (3%) where town officials could consider taking additional steps to increase
physical accessibility at selected town facilities.
Village of
Floral Park – Physical Accessibility to Programs and Services (Nassau County) Of
the 575 applicable physical accessibility components reviewed, auditors
identified 83 (14%) where village officials could consider taking additional steps to
increase physical accessibility at selected village facilities.
Town of Big Flats – Physical Accessibility to Programs
and Services (Chemung County) Of
the 541 applicable physical accessibility components reviewed, auditors
identified 100 (19%) where town officials could consider taking additional steps to increase
physical accessibility at selected town facilities.